Pleasant start to the day having breakfast with Anne

back from Harrogate

Pleasant start to the day having breakfast with Anne. We had a reasonably nice suite at the Holiday Inn. She has now popped off to the shops and to “do” Betty’s Tea Room again and I am at Convergence Summit Nowf, again. It’s a quiet second day – not really worth having two days of it and apparently this is the last one that they are doing. Next year it will be just the one show in Birmingham.

Had lunch at an Italian Restaurant near the hotel with Colin, Hayley and Alex Kinch. Colin very kindly picked up the tab. I had a spicy pizza (as usual). Not particularly ring burning but hey…

Then skived off, picked Anne up and we were off by 2.30, home by 4.30. John was having his saxophone lesson with Colin (Dudman). The house needs heating up a bit.

John and Joe both off to Jazz Vehicle tonight. Tomorrow I have Rich from LONAP coming up for a pre board meeting, out for dinner in the evening and then the board meeting on Friday.

Initial feedback on the mods to my left boot are favourable btw. Will only really find out after the walk on Sunday whether it has worked.


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