where art collides philosoperontap

February 7, 2025

snug moments

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:45 am

Taking a moment or two to sit down in the snug with a cup of tea before starting the day. The next steps do include the cleansing process discussed yesterday. I have also taken to shaving on a daily basis, fwiw. I realise this doesn’t make me look as rugged as usual but you do have to look after yourself innit. Can’t let standards fall. You won’t be seeing me in a tie anytime soon though. I do possess a boxful that havent seen a neck in decades.

This morning I finished lifting all the tithe data from Llanfihangel Ar Arth (the 1841ish record). Quite interested to see who owned how much land in the area and how many acres were farmed by which tenant. There are quite a few tenant farmers in the Davies history. You can follow the progress of Davies offspring marrying people living on adjacent or nearby farms. They were pretty much all Davieses, Evanses or Joneses with a Phillips or two thrown in for good measure.

I came across a Colonel  John Thomas Weymiss owning lands in the area. No  relation and I wonder whether he ever visited the place. He had 273 acres, give or take a gnat’s eyebrow, including a pub. If it was me I would at least have visited once just to check out the pub. I found a Thomas James Weymiss who was Colonel of the Leicestershire Regiment and became a Lt General with Order of the Bath. Might have been him. These guys typically had a lot of first names. If it was him it seems unlikely he would ever have visited. Just inherited it as part of an estate. Ended his days in Bath. V nice. Probably quite a crusty old geezer, young feller me lad.

Anyway you’ll be able to read all about it in the book someday 🙂 Maybe not the Colonel. Dunno.

Now on hold to the health insurance company. They called to say my claim had not been approved yet so I quoted them from the letter saying it had been approved and giving me details of the treatment that was covered. This has now totally confused them and having passed on this info I have been listening to music on hold for at least ten minutes.

The upshot is that the insurance company has dropped a bollock on this and I’m now scrabbling around to get it sorted. Not helped by the fact that the surgeon only works at this particular hospital on a Tuesday and his secretary doesn’t work Fridays!!!

Packed in early. It is Friday after all. TGI eh? Now watching a documentary about Confucious. Seen it before but don’t mind watching again. Improving the mind innit. Plus there’s bugger all else on I want to watch.

Quiet night in for Tref and THG. We will find something to do. Talk to each other 🙂 Fairly busy weekend ahead what with the rugby and then off round to the vicar’s for Sunday lunch. The one time we had a new vicar round here for lunch, maybe 20 years ago, I dropped the leg of lamb in his lap. Made a bit of an impact. No idea what lies in store food wise on Sunday. Doubt the fatted calf has been killed. Who nose?

Anyway gotta get through the rugby first. Somewhat worried about the Italy v Wales game. Everyone else in the room will be there for the England v France match. England fans one and all. I’ll sit there quietly nursing a beer, or two. I don’t particularly want France to win although if, as is fairly likely, they could do so by a margin greater than the thrashing the gave Wales that would be appreciated.

Now watching a bit of Deep Purple on YouTube. Got a bit bored with Confucious even though it was Bethany wotsername doing the talkie bits. Saw her at the Hay on Wye Literary Festival last year. Didn’t buy her book. She wanted twenty five quid for it! 

Not bought any tickets yet this year. The early bird announcements didn’t really jump out of the page, shake me by the lapel and say pick me, me, me. It is perfectly acceptable in my mind to sit around all day drinking coffee (or beer) discussing matters literary, pronounced lit er rary. Gilbert and Sullivan almost certainly wrote a song about the experience. 

Got a good one for you. THG came back from LIDL. Said she noticed a trail of cream on the floor going all round the store. Turns out it was from a carton of cream in her trolley. The carton was by now empty. It had split open  and dripped all around the shop.

February 6, 2025

Hard frost

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:45 am

Hard frost out there. I know you like to know about these things. Saves you looking. Nice warm pair of socks needed. Even if you aren’t going out. Wear what you like. I’m not your dad. Probs – certain exclusions apply.

So I’m tuned in to Radio Cymru to hear an exciting announcement by the National Library of Wales on the programme that starts at nine ey em. No idea what it’s going to be about but I’m sure it will be exciting. Saw it trailed on Facebook. Far more interesting than socks.

More as I write it…

Just had a call from the hospital and it is all systems go for the hip hop next Tuesday. They are letting me in the afternoon before so  we don’t have to get up before dawn to get there for 7am. In the meantime I’ve started the “decontamination process”. Been given anti bug shower gel and some nasal gel to kill off MRSA n simlar.

In other news, and I can’t specifically remember how i came across it but I was lying in bed using my device when the subject of Epicurian Philosophy came up. This notionally involved looking at everyday things as being the source of happiness. I figured I could identify with this so delved into the subject a bit further.

My AI butler Gemini told me that Epicureanism is a philosophical system that emphasizes finding happiness through simple living, moderation, and community. It was developed by the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus (341–270 BCE). Somehow THG knew the dates off by heart!

Anyway I liked the idea and even more delving (Wikipedia) suggested Epicureanism is a form of hedonism insofar as it declares pleasure to be its sole intrinsic goal. It gets better and better. However I’m not so sure that the hedonistic aspect of Epicureanism involves drinking lots of fine champagne, eating caviar and other activities that one might be associated with living it up and having a good time.

I figure a hybrid approach is therefore the optimal solution. Whatever you decide my philosophy is that I don’t know why we are here so I might as well have a good time whilst I am at it.

And finally, for now. Our toaster has at last completely packed up. The bread won’t stay down. Nobody will lament its passing. In fact, although I’ve been promoting the benefits of using the grill to toast bread, I think I will in any case buy a replacement toaster. Belt and braces.

The passing of the toaster sits with other end of an era events that have been witnessed of late. The first was the closure of the dairy and therefore the ending of milk deliveries. 

Then THG’s dad’s slide projector was deemed past it. The bit that inserted and withdrew the slides was irreparably broken, or at least it was beyond sensible repair. A “new” projector has been sourced and is up and running.

Finally we chopped down the diseased apricot tree that was growing near the back door. It produced very little fruit and is now sat seasoning in burnable sized bits on the log pile. The removal of the apricot tree has made the space near the back door much lighter and whilst there is a mild tinge of regret here as it came from a seed produced by THG’s dad we are not, on balance, unhappy with the outcome. THG is now going to grow sweet peas on the wall by the back door.

End of one era, the beginning of another.

February 5, 2025

Clicked on an ad for socks

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:47 am

Clicked on an ad for socks. This was a mistake. Firstly they were very expensive socks. Then I keep getting pushed ads for socks. Ah well. I think I lament the passing of the tradition of reading the paper. Might have seen the occasional random sock advert (selling random socks obvs – the “random” aspect is not clear to me at this time) therein but nothing too in your face. I may even have made a mental note to look up the particular brand of footwear the next time I went anywhere near a shop. A purveyor of fine knitted products.

I wonder whether you could buy socks in “Exchange & Mart”. Doesn’t sound like the sort of publication that would carry that kind of line. Just looked. It’s all cars. Maybe it was ever thus. Dunno. At least it’s still going. Successfully made the transition to digital. Fair play.

Anyway I don’t need more socks but if I saw a pair I particularly liked the look off I’m not saying I wouldn’t buy it. Final answer.

Bright albeit slightly cloudy out. THG, who is stood up and has a slightly different view of the garden, tells me it is also frosty. Going to be a nice day apaz. Great stuff. Lifts you doesn’t it.

The news on the wireless, which has just been switched off because it was getting a bit repetitive, is all political stuff. Even THG, who is interested in this stuff, decided enough is enough. Also the Aga Khan died apaz. Didn’t know him. 

Years ago when the queen mother died I was in Boston Ma. When I checked out of the hotel the receptionist asked me where I was from. Having been informed she offered me her condolences. I asked why and she said “why on the death of the queen mom of course”. She couldn’t understand why I laughed so I had to inform her that I didn’t know the queen mom. She certainly wouldn’t have wanted to know me.

I had to scroll quite a long way down the BBC website before finding something that I might half want to click on. It was an article on “why your frying pan should be your most used kitchen tool”. Didn’t actually read the piece but it sounds more like my kind of thing than talk of wars and orange coloured buffoons. I might pop back later for a good read, if I remember.

I clicked on the link. A bit disappointing if I’m honest. Felt as if it was commissioned by a cookery editor desperate to fill some space. Don’t get me wrong. I am a fan of the frying pan. I use De Buyer cast iron jobs. They are da business. I may consider changing to a lighter pan for Shrove Tuesday which ain’t until March this year. A lighter pan should mean an easier toss. Important when you are doing six or seven pancakes. Plus whatever anyone else is having.

Man can live on pancakes alone. Plus crispy duck, and bacon sandwiches. Nothing like having a varied diet. If you were wondering about veggies there are spring onions and cucumber in with the duck. Also at a push you can have sliced tomatoes in your bacon sandwich though I wouldn’t meself. Not at breakfast time anyway. And lettuce!

The Aga Khan btw must have been quite old as he features in “Where do you go to my lovely” by Peter Sarsted. As you know that song was was released in 1969 so unless the ole AK was only a kid at the time, which I doubt, he must have made it to a good age, fair play.

February 4, 2025

stretching exercises

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:48 am

Just finished my stretching exercises in advance of the hip hop when thought for the day came on the wireless. Great timing I thought. My departure downstairs, where the radio was not switched on, was made even more timely as it turned out the thinker of the day, and I’ve just invented that one,  started talking about politics. Wot! Doesn’t he know you should never talk about religion and politics in a pub?

Ok ok I wasn’t in a pub but the same principle applies. I don’t mind having Bishops in the house of lords as I never listen to any of them anyway. They should bung the odd imam and rabbi in for good effect, Maybe they already do. No idea. 

When I say ‘odd’ imam I don’t mean odd as in strange. I just meant any suitable imam that was to hand. Hanging around hoping to be picked maybe. Just like when you used to get picked for teams in games lessons. Remember? For balance I could just have easily said odd bishop or rabbi. I daresay some of them are odd. We’ve certainly seen one or two resignations of late. Not just Catholics.

My advice to all thought for the day hopefuls is not to overthink it. Keep it simple. That way you will be more likely to get your message across to the politicians. Just because more people voted for them than the other candidate doesn’t mean they understand anything. Difficult words, complicated things, yanow. The difference between good and bad. Won’t be applying meself.

The 1921 census has just been released for perusal. I dunno if you’ve looked at it but there seems to be less info in it than in previous years. No address for example. Actually I just turned over the page and it is on the back. Silly me. Some of the earlier censuses were one pagers which is what got me.

Was looking at Talgoed in Llanfihangel ar Arth. Farmed by at least five generations of Davieses. Possibly more as I haven’t been able to find any deets about the first one, yet and the last was not married so unless a brother took over the business that’s where it all ended. They were tenant farmers and during the second world war the business was run by the government so am thinking that was it. The second and the last farmers were both a Daniel. The first might have been a Benjamin or an Evan. Not sure yet. I will keep you posted though.

The names of children repeat down the generations. John, Evan, David, Daniel, Mary, Sarah, Margaret. Some might say this lacked imagination but I say to you if they are good names why not use them. Solid names. In reality they would not have been called those names. Certainly Evan would have been an Ifan and David a Dafydd. Mary would have been Mair. Meri maybe.

February 3, 2025

extended warranty

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:49 am

At six forty five dawn began to make an appearance to the east, across the allotment gardens over our back fence. Nature, I assume, is beginning to stir. I know for sure the birds will be cranking up the volume. An invisible sun creates a reddish tinge low down over the Lincoln edge, the other side of the Witham valley gap. At eight forty five the sky is now a dull characterless February grey. 

We are sat quietly in the kitchen. Breakfast eaten and a cup of tea brewing. Another day ahead. I did pour some tea but it wasn’t quite ready so I’ve left the pot a bit longer. 

Real time stuff this. It isn’t possible to post your whole life in real time although James Joyce did that with Ulysses. Also your whole life isn’t necessarily of interest to anyone else. Long periods of bugger all with the occasional bit of excitement thrown in as a reward. Visits to the barber, holidays in the Caribbean, the award of a knighthood for services to shed. Stuff like that. No I haven’t got anything to tell you regarding a knighthood.

I have extended warranty on my washing machine. I need to use it when I need it. I only use mine when it’s filled up. Overheard in Waitrose.

February 2, 2025

Sunday. The Sabbath.

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:50 am

Sunday. The sabbath. A day of rest. THG has given me a job to do 🙂 Sokay. I don’t mind. We are a team. It involves screwing a hook into the ceiling in the porch. I expect I’ll be able to get it done.

There are some unknown factors in this equation. Firstly I’ll have to find a hook. I’m sure I have some but will need to dig out the relevant box. The one with the odds and sods in. Hooks, picture hooks, staples, stuff like that. Cable clips.

Then we are assuming the ceiling will want to take a hook. I’m fairly sure it’s just plywood in the porch but until I’ve looked and subsequently screwed the hook in it ain’t done. The Fat Lady will not have sung although she can be reasonably certain of making an appearance. If I were her I wouldn’t be going anywhere. Not nipping out to the shops or anything. 

The only issue is when TFL will be needed to perform and that I cannot say. After breakfast has been cooked and consumed and then the three esses have been seen to. While THG is out at church for sure. Didn’t shave yesterday btw as it was a match day and who shaves before a game? I will today.

Breakfast is bacon and soresedge. This is quite convenient as THG used up the last of the current batch of blackberries on her porridge and there would have been none available for yo’ gurt and gran o’la. Don’t worry there are more in the freezer. 2024 was a good year for blackberries. Sokay. I’ll flesh out the meat with some egg, mushrooms, tomato and might even open a can of beans. I will then last until dinner time. Probs.

Anyway that is all to come. I am not in any great rush on this particular sabbath and am comfortably ensconced in the snug awaiting the pot of tea that THG has very generously offered to make.

The slow start to the day has partly been occasioned by a rugby afternoon/evening around at the Smiths. Great hospitality. I am pretty sure it resulted in quite an early night due to the start of said hospitality being at around three in the afternoon – half time of the Scotland Italy game. 

I must say both THG and I quite liked the new Italy rugby jerseys. V designer. Produced with the Milan Fashion Show in mind no doubt. Probs. The England kit however was not to our liking. Really they should all go back to good old fashioned plain and simple shirts. Then we wouldn’t have to have this debate on whether this year’s design is any good or not. As it happens I’m not that bothered. If England want to go all season in a rubbish looking kit that’s their lookout. Huh! Money grabbing commercialism!

Neither Italy nor England won the rugby which goes to show that the design of the jersey makes no difference whatsoever. They can stick as many go fast stripes as they like on the shirts but it won’t help them win. I guess there could be a psychological element to it. Motivational. Didn’t work. They will this morning be waking up thinking “I wish we had a better design of kit”. The England team will anyway. The Italians will be wondering what went wrong, what with the kit being great and all that. Too much spaghetti. Probs. Not before the game hopefully. Who eats before a game?

All in all a mixed set of sporting results over the weekend. Ireland and Scotland won with my erstwhile protege Huw Jones scoring a hat trick (by all means ask) but Wales got hammered by France. Ah well. Liverpool also won but Lincoln lost. Never mind. It’s only a game. THG and I may well watch the Arsenal game this af. We are after a draw, or at a push a Man City win.

There is another job to do this morning and that is to switch on the printer in the shed. THG has a postage label she needs printing off. I keep the printer switched off to avoid light pollution in the garden at night. The blinking light is annoying. The fact that there is a sixteen port switch in there flashing away like Piccadilly Circus is neither here nor there as I can’t see those LEDs. They are in the corner and hidden by the shed wall.

Someone over the allotments out the back leaves a light on all night which seems v unnecessary to me. Also some knob of an allotment holder has a string of solar powered lights that come on automatically when it gets dark. Why? There is nobody around at night time in the allotments. It just adds to the light pollution. Dark is what we like. Dark. So do owls.

The hook is in btw though there wasn’t much board to provide purchase. It’s tucked away in the corner anyway and will very rarely be touched so hopefully ok.

February 1, 2025

heading to Waitrose

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:51 am

I shall be heading to Waitrose this morning for a few store cupboard essentials: essence of kumquat, organic asparagus, olives picked at dawn from the southern slopes of Mount Etna. Stuff like that. Thence to the caff if anyone fancies a cawfee.

Actually the only item on my list right now is milk and THG reminds me that I’ve not used my new grapefruit spoon in a while so I might as well chuck one of those in. Before I go I will need to check the aforementioned store cupboard to assess stock levels. Although not high on the list of priorities I did notice that we had no granulated sugar. I only found this out during the week when Tom the Tree Man’s sidekick asked for sugar in his coffee and I found that there was only one teaspoon’s worth left in the jar when four were required. It was a double sized insulated mug, in case you consider four to be excessive. In my mind one teaspoon is excessive but hey…

Otherwise, purchasing ideas will jump off the shelves as I wheel the trolley by. Isn’t that how it works. I know that we have no tinned plum tomatoes so they will be on the list. We do have chopped tomatoes but they are not sufficiently versatile. For a full English, whole tomatoes are required. It is easy enough to chop them up if, for other dishes, the wholeness matters not.

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