Man walks dog. I’ve been half meaning to go through that gate. There is a stream at the bottom, past the trees. Probs won’t get there. Currently sat in the car swigging away at the carton of Tropicana original orange juice with bits.
Slightly annoyed that I forgot to plug the fridge in yesterday after moving it back inside the tent. Two sausages and three bits of bacon are at risk 😉 I wasn’t intending to cook this morning anyway as I’m decamping back to the Wirral and was going to avail myself of the use of the burger van that is parked up near the showers.
Bloke has now let the dog off the lead. Fair play.
I’m pretty impressed with the tent. V cosy. It’s a Berghaus Cairngorm 3. Plenty of separation between inner and flysheet so no issues of water ingress when you touch the sides as one is wont to do. I’ve even worked out the optimal technique for getting in and out during the night.
Although people are awake inside their caravans it is pretty quiet. As I walked to the portaloo I could hear someone play the penny whistle or flute or similar. Fortunately I can’t hear it from the tent. Not really what you want to hear at 8am in a field.
Bit the bullet and began to pack up the tent. Not that much to do really. The dishes will wait until I get home 🙂The tent itself was not going to dry anytime soon so that just went in the back of the Defender and as I write is draped over some bushes at our AirBnB in Bebington.
As I packed, the ‘peace’ of the morning was somewhat interrupted by a bloke in a nearby caravan sticking his hungover head out of the window and retching unceremoniously. I left him to it. I also avoided looking his way but tbh it is extremely unlikely that eye contact would have been made.
I set the navigation computer controls to East and meandered through the back lanes, often single track, of the Pen Llyn peninsula. The wonder of Waze.
Three detours were made. As I passed Trefor I turned off the main road and drove down into the village. Seemed the right thing to do seeing as they named the place after me. Didn’t stop. Not much to it. Maybe they didn’t name the place after me 🙂
Then I turned off to swing by Dinas Dinlle. Not been there since I was a kid. We used to go to the beach there when we lived in Waunfawr many moons ago. I thought you could drive along the coast to Caernarfon but it turned out to be a dead end once you got past the airport. Yes Caernarfon has an airport.
Finally I drove over the bridge to Sir Fon to stop at the the viewing point on the Menai. A totes brilliant view that I never tire of seeing and, as you know, am happy to make a detour to see it.
Pic is of Cymdeithas Yr Iaith Joy Formidable gig last night. Got in at 12.50. It was very wet out but the tent was cosy fair play.