beers with the Jameses in the Vernon Arms

A nice few beers with the Jameses in the Vernon Arms last night. Always good to meet up with them. Afterwards I picked up a dirty kebab from the shop around the corner from the hotel. I was in two minds about this as the reviews were not good and in fact the kebab lived up to its reputation and was eventually thrown in the bin. The one redeeming feature was that the hot chilli sauce was indeed very hot chilli sauce which is quite often not the case. Not that I often have a kebab and almost always regret it afterwards.

Couple of hours to kill in my hotel room now before setting off for Lime Street and a fast express to London. Fortunately the aircon in the hotel room has just kicked in. The symbol for “heat” was very similar to that for “cool” so nothing worked for a while. Doh.

We love stopping off in Liverpool. It is a vibrant city with loads of “action”. Yesterday I strolled to the Oxfam shop in Bold Street in the hope of picking up an interesting book or two. They have a large book section including a few stands of history books. Nowt of interest on this occasion.

Lots of homeless people on the streets which is an unfortunate aspect of modern day city living which shouldn’t need to be the case. I was coming up to a woman sat on the floor outside a shop who with no warning threw the cardboard coffee cup she was using to beg for money across the road shouting “shock horror”. It only contained a few coppers. What’s her story I wonder? V sad whatever it is.

Back at the hotel I spent the two beer vouchers we were given at check in before heading to the Vernon Arms.

The hotel barman was Italian. He had been in Liverpool 3 weeks and admitted the accent was difficult to follow eermknoworrameanlike.

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