Six hours thirty eight minutes kip

Six o’clock in the morning and I am out of bed. Six hours thirty eight minutes kip at a Fitbit score of eighty one though I’m not really sure what that means. The higher the number out of a hundred the better.

I am now down on the sofa in the bay window of the snug. This is only because there is a handy blanket there that covers my legs. It isn’t as warm as it has been. Summer is over. Amen.

There are still a couple of weeks left in the cricket season, the closing of which will mark the point at which it is acceptable for the football and rugby seasons to officially start. I see that the football authorities have prematurely jumped the gun on that one. They do it every year with the season seemingly elongating as time goes by. Won’t be long before the start of the new season overlaps with the end of the old.

At least the rugby season is not yet underway. May see if anyone wants to go and watch Leicester again this year. We had a good day out there earlier in twenty twenty four, Tom and I. Premium seats on the half way line. The only problem is I have now set the precedent of paying for corporate hospitality and it is difficult to go back. Ah well.

Three months and two days until the trefbash to end all trefbashes. Gosh.

Been making a bit of progress with catching up posting to philosopherontap. Snatch a bit of time here and there to stick up a couple of posts. Still ten weeks or so to go. Soon be done and the reader will be fully up to speed.

Now that summer is over we have decided to have roast pork for Sunday dinner. Yum. Our Joe is home for the weekend. Seems like the right thing to do. We like it when a kid comes home to visit especially if they come alone. We get to have more quality time with just the one of them.

Sat in the snug with the tv on mute listening to some YouTube content. England v Finland is showing but It isn’t worth having the sound on. The game looks pretty static and stiff. Twill be boring.

Moved in from the shed. Ordinarily I try to be in the house of an evening keeping company with THG but tonight she has gone to the gym as they cancelled a couple of her usual morning classes. Coming in to the house keeps me away from the temptation of the beer in the fridge.

The curtains are closed, I am wearing jeans, a jumper and a fleece. Tis no longer warm.

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