Yesterday’s relatively small shopping list included a cauliflower

Yesterday’s relatively small shopping list included a cauliflower. I bought two as they were very small. Suspect it shows what a cool spring and summer we have had. Either that or someone bought up all the big ones!

I didn’t buy everything on yesterday’s list as I quite like going to Waitrose and will nip there again before the weekend. Today probs. Also need to buy a new handle for the leaf rake (think Trigger’s broom) and a lawnmower. Not from Waitrose obvs. Our mower has finally finished throwing its toys out of the pram and stopped working completely. No point in getting it serviced as it is falling apart. It’s probs twenty five years old so it’s seen a lot of service. Being held together by gaffer tape, string and a wood splint.

The other must do job today is to renew the sealant around the base of the shower. It’s a job I don’t like doing. Fortunately this is not a frequent job. Maybs once every ten years. Worth doing well innit.

The news this morning is all about the England football team winning against The Netherlands at the Euros, or European Cup of Nations or whatever it’s called. There is even talk of a knighthood for manager Gareth Southgate. The English are such a fickle lot. One minute they are slagging him off and throwing beer at him and the next it’s all wine and roses, so to speak.

I’ve never seen a nation travel so expectantly. So full of hope that is normally dashed on the rocks of the team’s inability to perform as well as the players do for their own clubs. See how it goes in the Final on Sunday. THG is v excited. A happy THG is a happy Tref. Although being a sporting kind of guy I do watch the Premiership I don’t like the culture associated with football. The disrespect for the referee, the cheating to win at all costs. It’s because the stakes are so high. They need to introduce the concept of the sin bin.

Outside it is a dull, drizzly kind of day. A contrast with the brightly lit kitchen. Typical British summer weather really so no point in blaming Global Warming. I may skip the lawnmower purchase as it wouldn’t be put to work today anyway. Needs a bit of research. 

I started looking a couple of times but was filled with indecision. The best looking one, at the top of the recommended buy list on some website, was twelve hundred quid. I can’t bring myself to spend that much on a lawnmower especially considering the last one was probably only a couple of hundred a quarter of a century ago. I do quite fancy one with an electric starter. Stay tuned.

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