The law states 2

The law states that Sunday mornings should have a relaxed start. These start the day posts are getting a bit repetitive but you gotta tell it like it is 😀Already done a few stretching exercises. I use PhysiApp to keep track of my progress. I need to get a lot more supple. Movement, exercise, stuff like that. Got a slightly dodgy hip innit.

Waved THG and Janice and Jamie off. The former to her place of worship and the others to their place of abode in a far away land. Up for Clarkie’s sixtieth bash last night. THG was thrilled to meet some folks she knew from Uni she hadn’t seen for forty years.

The day ahead will be one of quiet composure. The weather is mildly inclement making the completion of outdoor jobs unlikely. The assembly of the mower can wait until tomorrow unless I get a rush of blood. It is unlikely to see deployment before tomorrow anyway. I will however harvest the pea crop. I am hoping to get half a small cup full but let’s see how it goze.

The afternoon and evening will be filled with sport. Men’s final at the All England Tennis Club and the European soccer final in Berlin which has some local representation. I imagine the James Joyce Irish Pub in Madrid will be rammed. Having been there once I must have followed them on Facebook and periodically get to see their posts. Silly really as I have no plans to return there. It’s a shame the cricket finished early as that was due to end today. Classic British summer action.

THG and I do have a swimming slot booked but I realise now that this clashes with the tennis. We can decide nearer the time. An hour’s swimming slot probs represents just one set of tennis for the men so could still go without missing much action. This is slightly different to the time I saw Serena Williams win her semi final in fifty minutes or so. She was a machine. Devastating.

My latest read arrived yesterday pm. Buck Compton – Call of Duty. He was in Easy Company. Band of Brothers. Doing a lot of reading in advance of our visit to Normandy next week. It is interesting how everyone’s memory of different events differs. Buck doesn’t remember that much about the attack on Brecourt Manor, for example, in which he won the silver star. If you haven’t read the book or watched it on TV this will mean nothing to you.

I sense a week of (relatively) frenzied activity ahead in which I try to clear the jobs list before we set off. I also need to get my hair cut. My god life is exciting isn’t it?

Been pottering around in the garage. Tidying the garage and other jobs of national importance need to be approached in an unhurried manner. First you pick up any obvious bit of rubbish and deposit it in a suitable plastic bucket or bin. Doing this reveals other obvious next steps such as replacing a drill bit/screwdriver/spanner in a relevant container or box.

There will come a time when a whole shelf of miscellaneous bits and bobs gathered over decades really needs tidying, finding a new home for or chucking. I would guess there are three man days of garage sorting ahead. To some extent this requires a sunny day so that I can move stuff onto the drive before

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