Hotel Avenir, Montmartre

Awake since around five this morning and at five forty got up and headed downstairs. It is going to be another lovely day. The rooftops of Lincoln Prison can be seen in the distance across the allotments from our landing window. The early morning sun shining on the red brick structure of the building is striking. Peculiarly artistic. I don’t want to say attractive. Bet the inmates don’t look at it like that.

Before hitting the hay last night I was researching hotel prices for Paris next week. They have come down from when I booked in November or whenever it was. Emailed the hotel suggesting they might want to reconsider our pricing. I have six rooms, all cancellable by the 21st July which is in three days time.

Whilst looking at for alternatives I came across Hotel Avenir in Montmartre. THG and I stayed there in 1987, I think. Don’t recall exactly. Long time ago now. Will we ever return 🙂

That trip was memorable for us finding out how expensive Paris was. We had a spends budget of fifty quid and blew twenty of it in the first bar we got to on a dry martini and a gin and tonic. It was a jazz joint just down from Harry’s New York Bar. I guess the drinks prices were hiked in lieu of a cover charge.

Can’t remember where we visited on that trip. We do have photos somewhere. Usual places I think. Eiffel Tower, Versailles etc.

I look forward to hearing back from next week’s hotel 🙂

Second test starts today, at Trent Bridge. Exciting. The absolute height of British summer. Hopefully the Windies will knuckle down and last a bit longer. It is a far cry from the glory days of Clive Lloyd and Viv Richards. Busy day today but I daresay there will be enough downtime to catch a few overs. Glad I made progress with the garage yesterday. The rest of the garage clearing can wait until after the Olympics.

Doesn’t feel like twelve years since the London Olympics. I was lucky enough to see twelve events. I remember at the time the brand Gestapo insisting that references to those games be always called London Olympics 2012 or similar. There was a large money element to the games and nobody was allowed to dilute the brand. I guess it does cost a lot to put on a games.

The notable thing about the Rugby Sevens in Paris, that’s what we are there for, is the absence of beer from the ground. Only found this out after buying the tickets. Now if I was watching athletics or swimming I’d be ok with that but rugby??!! I’ve got over the shock and we will have a good time anyway.

I’ve booked a table at Le Procope on the Thursday night. Oldest eatery in Paris and where Voltaire based himself to publish his stuff. Quite an interesting gaff that our Hannah introduced me to. This’ll be my third visit there, not counting the time Han and I just walked in to have a look. Did try booking at La Coupole but it was full, or at least couldn’t take our party of eight. Another time. That was another place Hannah introduced me to.

So today is all about finishing off. Bit of packing. A visit to the local market for supplies. More visitors this weekend! This evening in fact. Swim booked for three pee em. I was happy with yesterday’s swim. There were only five or six of us in the pool and I had a lane to myself. Made it easy to add ten minutes to my normal routine. Luxury swimming.

Lots of train delays as Hannah and George head north to Lincoln. Problems down Stevenage way by all accounts. They are running an hour and a half late with the prospect of a  replacement bus service from Newark.

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