Good to be back in the shed

Good to be back in the shed, early. Weather forecast is set to be fair and warmer than in Deauville. Shed doors wide open with a view over the wildflower meadow that has flourished during our absence. A good watering should help it even more.

The whole garden was very much on the dry side. I suspect we are going to throttle back on trips away during future summers. After all, the UK is great at this time of year. We really only went to France because of the Olympics. Not that we didn’t have a great time.

The whole trip was full of highlights: Olympics rugby sevens, Band of Brothers sites around Utah Beach, Chez Roger, the horse racing at Deauville, Honfleur harbour and finally Rouen which beat expectations especially the hotel which is going to get a great review. Can’t say Paris itself was a highlight. You can understand why everyone tries to get away from the place during the summer months.

Came back with a load of coins. They are always v handy for things like parking, tips and shopping trolleys. Should have shifted them all really as I must have about twenty quid’s worth. 

I remember many years ago we used to get visitors from Hughes Aircraft Co in LA. They would hand over notes to pay for rounds of drinks in pubs and get a load of coins back as change. Eventually they would end up with a huge pile of coins but still paid for their drinks with notes as they didn’t want to look stupid trying to figure out which coin was worth how much. Thems were the days. Quite heady days actually when I worked in the space industry. The contract values were high and Marconi had no objection to me splashing out loads of dosh entertaining. I wasn’t even a salesman! 🙂 

Home now. No place like it. There is a growing jobslist. I especially need to mow the lawn and cut back on some overgrowth at the back of the potting shed. Ivy growing everywhere. Also the front hedge needs a bit of a tidy. Then there is the great potting shed tidy up. That one has been on the list for a long time (over a year probs) and this is the week it gets done. It all fits together.

The apple crop is looking good for this year. We keep meaning to press them as loads just get left on the tree and the ground. Perhaps I’ll pick that one up as a project this year. See how that one goes. We are mostly around. The cooking apples look particularly good. Apple and blackberry crumble for the win.

Milkman came at 05.37 this morning. This beats his previous record, also on a Monday, by seven minutes. Did he stay up late to watch the men’s 100m final? Blink and you missed it. Interesting to contrast the speed of milk delivery with the 100m race 🙂 

Delivering milk is not all about how fast you get there. It is more about freshness and reliability, as long as it arrives in time for the cornflakes. Does anyone I know have cornflakes for breakfast? We stopped decades ago when word went around there was more nourishment in the cardboard box than in the cereal, allegedly.

V productive jour, I mean day. Thought I was still in France for a minute. Must be the fact that the Olympics in Paris are on the telly. Anyway I crossed one job off the list but it took me all day. The potting shed has needed sorting for a couple of years. Got to be a dumping ground.

Having previously made strides with sorting the garage I was able to move the wardrobe from the shed to the garage. Don’t get me wrong. There isn’t a wardrobe in the garage now but there are bits of wardrobe. It was a solid wood job and I wasn’t going to chuck wood that could be repurposed. It’s components are leaning tidily against a wall on top of a couple of batons to keep it off the ground. There ya go.

Now there is a pile of crap in the back garden that needs taking to the tip tomorrow. Feet were filthy as I was wearing sandals to do the clearing out. Don’t worry, I’ve had a shower. Healthily tired.

Now watching Keely Hodgkinson in the 800m final. Noted that six of the runners are wearing orange trainers. Mine are luminous green. Dirty luminous green. Don’t wear em that often tbh. Usually to play golf. There isn’t a dress code where we play golf 🙂 Laughterton.

Keely won yay. Well done our Keely.

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