Thirty five minutes until breakfast

Thirty five minutes until breakfast. A Premier Inn breakfast. I recall it being better than a Travelodge breakfast but in the great scheme of things it will probs still just be crappy hotel fare. I will be happy to be proved wrong. Just can’t be arsed to go out and find a good caff.

We have a large, quiet bedroom on the third (top) floor looking out over the rooftops of Tooting Bec. I almost expect to see Dick Van Dyke emerging with a gang of chimney sweeps and performing a dance routine in front of us. I doubt there are any chimney sweeps left in London. If there are they would definitely need more strings to their bow. Uber driver maybe 🙂

Interestingly when I went to Waitrose in Balham yesterday afternoon there was a not insubstantial gathering of delivery riders waiting for jobs to come along. What is the collective noun for delivery people. A fleet? Doesn’t sound right in this case. You can just imagine the conversation. “I’m only doing this to fill in while I wait for my next chimney sweeping gig”.

There is a lot of hustle and bustle about the place. Drivers need eyes in the back of their heads with bikes and pedestrians coming at you out of nowhere.The pedestrians are particularly dangerous as they usually have their heads buried in their phones. 

En route to the Rose and Crown yesterday at about six o’clock there was a noticeable constant stream of people walking up from the tube station. They seemed to be mostly in their twenties and early thirties. Good pub the Rose and Crown but nine pounds thirty for a pint and a packet of nuts. Welcome to London.

Farewell to the south east of England. The nose of the silver bullet points north and is instinctively returning us to the shire. A busy week over. It is a Friday and the weekend beckons.

The harvest in the golden fields of Hertfordshire is well under way. A patchwork of brown stubble emerges next to lush green meadows full of grazing sheep. The next crop is already down in one field and a giant water sprayer quenches the thirsty soil.

A nice old church appears through some trees. We have been  diverted off the Great North Road by the great god Waze. Around the corner there is a sign: “historic church”. A long tailback of traffic is to be seen on the A1. Result!

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