booked a lane swim at nine fifteen

Thought I’d get up early for breakfast this morning as THG and I have booked a lane swim at nine fifteen. Something didn’t quite go to plan as in notice it is now already five to eight. Had my granola with yo’gurt and berries though. Home grown raspberries and blackberries with a few coop strawberries thrown in for good measure. Coop was selling a big box off for not very much dosh so was a no brainer. I’ve mentioned it before but THG does a great home made granola. The stuff you buy in the shops or have in hotels tastes very sweet in comparison.

Looks like another great end of summer’s day out there again. Perfect for getting some outdoor jobs done. A job that’s been on the list a while is sorting the deck out. Moss needs removing from the grooving and it needs a good stiff brush putting to it. 

Then I need to put down some preservative/treatment. Not done this for a few years. Tomorrow is the ideal time to apply the treatment as the weather forecast is good and I’m off to Trent Bridge to watch Notts v Surrey on Thursday with @keith. Apaz you have to leave it for 24 hours before using the deck so good timing. Might have some treatment in the potting shed. Will need to look

Have opened the conservatory door again whilst drinking my tea. Approaching one of the best times of year so you have to enjoy it while you can. 

Half suggested a meeting in London tomorrow but I think I’ll persuade them otherwise. It’s going to be such a nice day in the shire. Will be in town for a few days in September anyway. Gotta get my money’s worth out of the Tate membership. I also renewed my IET membership this year but I may kick that one into touch after this year. I rarely use the place and have never bothered using the MIET label. Not even had a business card for the last ten years and before then it just said @tref.

This morning after our swim I have a load of cooking apples to peel and prep for the freezer. When I said I would do this I didn’t quite appreciate how many apples there were but it’ll be foine 🙂 May do them tonight whilst avoiding the telly. It’s the kind of job you can do sat at the kitchen table of an evening. We have a good kitchen table with a church pew down one side of it.

As an aside, and I know a lot of this stuff is an aside, it is noted that the clock in the conservatory is running ten minutes slow. This is not a major issue as it is there more for decoration than timekeeping. The clock in the front room has stopped completely as has the one on my desk in the shed. The shed one is also definitely more for decoration as there are plenty of places in there telling me the time. It isn’t going to get sorted quickly as it has an unusual sized battery. Maybe never. The kitchen clock still works but something tells me that too is around five minutes slow. Woteva 🙂

Now that I’m on the subject the clock radio by the bed is three to four minutes fast. It gains two minutes every six months and usually I correct it when the clocks change for BST/GMT but this spring I didn’t bother. I should sort it out at the end of October. No rush. As long as you know how much correction to make in your mind it is fine.

Everyday life in 2024

When I go swimming I jump in the car and turn left out of the house. Google tells me to turn right but that takes me through the traffic lights on Wragby Road. I turn right into Lee Road and then at the end do another right onto Nettleham Road. Then I turn left into Broadway and right on Newport after which it is straight across the roundabout and then Yarborough Leisure Centre is on the left.

Coming home you would think I’d just do this in reverse but instead going straight on I turn left at the aforementioned roundabout and carry straight on until I reach the Wragby Road at which point I turn right. The house is a couple of hundred metres or so on the left.

Washing Line Naming Conventions

Spent the last hour peeling apples and bagging them for the freezer.

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