the milkman came at three fifty one

This morning the milkman came at three fifty one. I figured that today this is headline news as he was carrying a torch which is a rarity. He doesn’t really need one as our floodlight comes on as he approaches the house. Thought for a fleeting moment it might be a ciggy but no, it was a torch. He had six empty bottles to collect.

Back in the conservatory. It is a good habit at this time of year. Doors open. Enjoying a cuppa before a fullish day ahead. Trip to B&Q for some decking treatment, more apple picking and finishing off with golf with the lads.

Quite noisy out there with the doors open. Could be the wind direction. It is South Easterly as opposed to the more usual Souwesterly. Will get noisier next week as the kids go back to school. This is a good thing because the swimming pool timetable should revert back to normal with lane swimming in the afternoon. 

For most of the summer holidays it’s been mostly devoted to “family fun” sessions which ain’t no good if you are there to plough up and down. Been even considering a light session in the gym before hitting the pool. Nothing too onerous yanow.

As I sit here I hear a very light pitter patter of raindrops on the roof. This is not what was forecast by the Meteorological Office but I am not complaining as long as they deliver on the promised nice warm day. Shudbegud.

Still raining so did an indoor job – I’ve just finished sorting a box of nails and screws that was dropped and they were all mixed together. The box was also cracked so I bought two new boxes with compartments and painstakingly separated hundreds of nails and screws. 

All done now with a few spare compartments for any new screws and nails of different sizes that I come across in my travels. I have several screw and nail “tidies”. I need to go through them all and decide whether I could do more sorting – all cross head screws in the same box for example. Perhaps that is a job for the long winter months as an alternative to hibernation.

I thought about joining the Dull Men’s Club group on Facebook. There are several, some of which have over a million members. However looking at the content it isn’t dull enough. People write stuff thinking they are trying to fit in with being dull but they just don’t have the natural gift, the understanding of what is truly dull. The mundane.

My Fitbit is charging. It was down to nineteen percent and is already after a few minutes up to forty six. I feel that it would make sense to wait another fifteen minutes or so until it is fully charged before heading out to buy the decking treatment. The battery has easily lasted a week which is good innit.

Pressure washed the deck in advance of the application of any treatment. Got soaked and filthy as much of the crap on the planking ended up on my legs and shorts. Also didn’t manage to get 100% of all the dirt off as it takes so long. Maybe I needed a different end bit. It’ll do.

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