wireless was on a 90 minute timer

Conveniently the wireless, which was on a 90 minute timer, switched itself off just as Thought For The Day came on.

Rained overnight here but looks set to be dry for the day which is good cos I’m playing golf later. This morning it is Stretch and Flex with Clare. S&F is much nicer than Body Balance which is seriously tough if you aren’t any good at yoga or pilates or Body Pump. The latter ain’t as bad as it sounds but they increased the length of the class from 45 mins to an hour which is too long in my book.

The one thing I didn’t like about S&F is the fact that because there is no clock in the studio you couldn’t tell how much longer there was to do. However now that I am a Fitbit user this problem has been solved.

In other news I have just been pushed an advert for a potato peeling machine, by the Guardian of all places. I clicked on it. A bargain at the discounted price of £1,679.98. Dang it I already have a potato peeler. One of those hand held metal jobs with a long slot that you scrape the spud with. That might also have been discounted. Probably £2.50. 

Worradilemma. No way am I going to buy a new one when I have a perfectly good one that I would effectively be making redundant and therefore wasting £2.50. Plenty of life left in it as well. The mechanical job has no reviews yet either. I don’t often buy things online without their having good reviews.

The wind is on the rise outside. This perhaps means that I’ll be in long trousers for the golf but S&F will definitely be shorts. I googled “is there a storm brewing” and it came up with The Storm Brewing Company in Macclesfield. Not quite what I was after though I’m sure it is very good, probs.

As I get ready for golf I would appear to be v stiff pursuant to this morning’s stretch and flex class. Surely that is counterintuitive Tref, do I hear you say? Well it does sound like that innit. No pain no gain etc. Nothing that a stiff gin and tonic (pun intended) wouldn’t sort out, were it not for the fact that we haven’t got any gin in and I’m off to play golf.

Golf these days starts with a very civilised cup of tea before we tee off. Well they use UHT milk so not that civilised but it matters not. Doubt there will be many out tonight. It is cold and windy and I am not only wearing long trousers but my windcheater lined golfing jumper underneath a fleece. Worra wuss. At least it ain’t raining which would mean postponement or cancellation. The boys are very much fairweather golfers these days.

When I were a lad we would play in all weathers, course closure being the only thing that would stop us. Nutters, me and me dad 🙂 Well dad was. I’d just reluctantly go along but go along I would do.

I did invest in a new set of golfing waterproofs a year or three ago but I seem to have lost the jacket. WIll be around somewhere. I’ll need to find it before our boys golfing trip to Hexam in November. Can’t envisage anything other than horizontal driving rain up there at that time of year. Terrible when you are a wearer of spectacles. Hopefully the golf club has a snooker table 🙂

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