
Sausages were offered as a breakfast item this morning. Rarely knowingly refused. THG dug them out of the freezer. Fried with shrooms, garden tomaytoes, no baycon and an egg. Un oeuf is enough, as they say. Well I do anyway. Fortunately they were Fosters sausages. Could detect their saltiness, interestingly. If you look at food content there is a fair bit of salt in sausages. Only discovered this when I recently restarted reusing myfitnesspal. Woteva.

Today is a Wednesday. I know this because it tells me at the top right hand corner of my laptop screen. Not given much consideration to the day ahead yet. I have a lane swimming session booked for 3pm and might see if I can get the chainsaw going to continue tidying up the woodstore area.  Not totes comfortable with the idea of using the chainsaw and it needs a bit of tlc to get it started anyway so it might not happen. I’ve got all the gear though!

One of my present tasks is tracing my Welsh 5G grandfather/mother. I have the 4G grandparents and his brother was the rector of several churches in Cardiganshire in the late eighteenth century: Llandysul, Bangor Teifi and Henllan. Slim pickings I imagine but at least there is a chance there will be some record of his origins and therefore the 5Gs.

The problem is the church records are a bit patchy from that time and you do have the issue of nobody having surnames. His name was David Davies. That would have been derived from David son of David after St David. The area is in the Diocese of St Davids. 25% of the people in that area are Davieses and any records going back from that time are likely only to have the Christian names.

I contacted Carmarthen Registry Office who told me I had to subscribe to to get the info online. Sigh. I was hoping they provided it themselves. Bit of a copout really. I’ll probably sign up when I really need to. At least they were quick responding. I could nip down the library here in Lincoln because access is free there. That is, however, downtown… Also gawd knows how much of a queue there might be to use their computers. Easier to just fork out the cash innit. Just looked and it’s cheaper than I thought. Sokay.

Then yesterday I messaged the Diocese of St Davids. One would hope they might have some info. They haven’t come back to me yet. I guess they maybe only work Sundays? Nah only joking.

Went for a ride on my ebike this morning for the first time in over a year. My god my hips are stiff as hell now. I have mild osteo arthritis in the hips and just the gentle cycling motion has really had an effect. They do get a little sore after swimming and definitely after walking any distance but the cycling is a first. When you think of it the hips are being used all the time when riding a bike in a way that is not otherwise the case.

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