Excellent afternoon at the rugby. Extremely boozy day out. Lincoln got walloped. Good time was had by all though the home players would probs (defo) have preferred a different outcome. Ended the afternoon singing rugby songs on our table in the corner. Great culture. Got a lift home with Adie and Zara. Thanks Zara.
Delighted to see THG home from da smoke. Doubt I was much company.
Light dusting of snow overnight but it will soon be gone. We are back to the usual miserable wet and not quite cold enough to freeze weather.
It is now nine ey em. Breakfast over and in the snug with a cuppa enjoying the company of THG before she jumps into action to get ready for church. I will not be jumping into action. Tref’s the name, easing into the morning is my game.
The last day of the Christmas holidays. Tomorrow the roads will be busy again. Mummies and daddies dropping little darlings off at school before heading to spin their grindstones. Slowly at first no doubt but it won’t be long before they’ve forgotten they ever had a holiday.
Rain now lashing down. At least sounds like that on the conservatory roof. When we built the conservatory we had the choice of polycarbonate or glass roof. Cost apart, the difference seemed to be that polycarbonate would be slightly cooler at the height of summer (??) versus noisier when it rained. There wasn’t a right answer and we went for slightly cooler in summer. That’s why I can hear the rain despite being three rooms away. When it it really pelting it down I quite like sitting in the conservatory.
It isn’t that bad now. Just miserable. A double decker bus just raced by. It’s all apnin.
Had a funny dream last night. I seemed to be sat on a train/bus/plane/wasn’t obvious when someone I knew on Facebook, no idea who now that I’ve woken up, discussed a project relating to grapes and wine. Can’t even remember what the project was. I do remember looking him up on Facebook at the time and sending a message as a placeholder. Needless to say there is no message there this morning. Strange innit. Armchair psychiatrists speak now or forever hold your peace.
Twelfth night today btw. If you haven’t already done so, get those decs down. Well actually it’s up to you. I’m (almost certainly) not your dad but the notion is out there. You can’t cling on to the Christmas holidays forever. Move on. It’ll soon be Easter. It’ll soon be summer for goodness sake.
Interesting to see how things change in life. At Waitrose I bought some milk and a pack of chestnut mushrooms for tomorrow night’s risotto. Also got some coal, kindling and logs. We have plenty of wood for kindling and logs but it is v wet out there and it all needs chopping to size so took the easy way out.
At Waitrose I let a young woman go before me. Her trolley was rammed full of provisions that looked as if they were for a young family. Mine was as previously mentioned. I pushed my trolley, not without difficulty (arthritis) to our Peugeot 208. THG’s Peugeot 208. She unloaded her stash into a SUV type of family car. New looking car and unlikely to have been cheap. That car probably cost a fair chunk of their monthly budget.
At home I unloaded the boot and am about to start setting the fire using a copy of the Weekend FT as a starter, brought home from the Soho hotel we stayed in before Christmas. The hotel stay cost roughly a third of what we paid for THGs car.
Not totes sure what point I am trying make here other than I found the contrast between her shop/car and ours interesting. I’m not sure I’m about cars n possessions, although I have plenty (no car). We don’t need two cars, living in town as we do.
Fire now lit and roaring away in the grate. Who needs the telly when you have an open fire. Mind you the fireplace doesn’t stream Liverpool v Man U at fourth thirty this af. V relaxing though.
Outside the snow continues to turn into slush. The Waitrose car park was v wet underfoot. The result was no queue in the caff for a coff. Folk clearly preferring to stay indoors, or go to church. THG said there was a good crowd in attendance.