where art collides philosoperontap

February 21, 2025

Up at the crack of dawn believe it or not

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 10:11 am

Up at the crack of dawn believe it or not. Well eightish. Hannah and George were off swimming so if I wanted someone to pull my socks on I needed to get in there before they left. It’s only my right foot that’s the issue 🙂 You’re getting the whole nine yards of recovery process here. Also a bit sorer this morning so I’ve added ibuprofen to the painkiller cocktail.

I don’t know whether the soreness is down to me sitting in the armchair for much of the day, interspersed with the occasional exercise obvs. Find out soon enough when the stitches come out on Monday.

Today, as you probably know, Friday. We are having a takeaway curry from the Castle View and last night I tried calling to book a slot – they get v busy. Their phone was up the swanee. I got a busy tone all night. Can’t believe they took it off the hook because they were getting too many orders. Anyway I sent them an email with the order but not heard back yet so at the time of writing I am not sure where we will be sourcing the curry. They open at five so will have to call then, assuming they’ve fixed the phone. You have to be quick off the mark as their takeaway slots get booked up v quickly.

That was actually an aside as my observation of it being Friday related more to the fact that it is quite customary to have a beer early doors. I’ve hardly touched a drop since the middle of January, Christmas really, but today feels like a couple of pints of lager day. Problem is I daren’t do it. Last thing I want is to keep having to go to the loo. The other thing is all we have in is cans of John Smiths, purchaysed for our party last December. Funnily enough nobody drank it. Any of it! It was a cheap case of beer to chuck in the mix to avoid running out. We never run out anyway.

I shall look back at this period of my life with no fondness whatsoever. One interesting thing that has come out of the last few days is to see the strength of my daughter Hannah. She has taken putting my socks on for me in her stride, so to speak. It’s a fact of life that parents at some stage are likely to need looking after. This period of immobility is an early introduction to aged parents for our kids and fortunately should only be temporary. At least I am able to do everything else myself. If you know you know,

Next door has packed their car up. Must be off somewhere for the weekend. Or the tip.  I didn’t clock what they put in their boot but it didn’t feel as if it was rubbish. I see all this because I’m sat in the bay window of the snug. The armchair has been brought over from the shed – the only one that meets the height spec and even then I’m sitting on three cushions. 

It would be preferable to sit looking out at the garden where the view is more pleasant and there is no traffic noise but the snug is better suited for this present purpose. Easy access to the rest of the house, a TV, somewhere to put down a cup of tea, the grabber, some books and my laptop. The TV only goes on in the evening and it is generally a struggle to find anything to watch.

So now I’m waiting for the kids to come back from swimming – I fancy another cup of tea. I’ve normally had at least three by now. Also got the first conference call out of the way. Only conference call. Nine o’clock and work is finished for the day. Mostly.

Yesterday was spent fruitlessly trying to find evidence of the use of our farm Maesnoni for dissenter gatherings. John Miles or Myles in particular. I knew I’d seen something somewhere. I did find that Hywel Harris had spoken at Maesnoni. Hywel was a big name in the Methodist movement in Wales. Then this morning, blow me down, knock me down with a feather, I found it. I’d already captured a screenshot with the details but didn’t spot it on my trawl through what I already had. John Miles,1649!

This is quite exciting. V historic. Maesnoni is still a working dairy farm in Llanllwni. It has to be on my list of places to visit during my trip in the spring. Another of our farms, Glyn Adda. just a few miles down the road in Alltwalis was also used for the same purpose. I haven’t nailed the family association between Maesnoni and Glyn Adda but I’m fairly sure it is there.

The biggest question is how we got to own all the land. There are over ten farms involved which is quite a substantial holding for those times. It feels as if you either owned thousands of acres or just a few, or nothing and the ten farms seems a bit in between. We shall see. More as it happens…

Blowing a hooley out there, as they say. I knew this was coming as I miraculously woke up just before the Shipping Forecast this morning and it was gale force 6 to 8 veering on 9 everywhere you looked. If you are in Cromarty or Fair Isle, Shannon or Sole you’d better batten down those hatches. 

I know it is windy in Lincoln cos I looked out of the window to see whether it had dried enough for me to venture forth to the bus stop. The ground was too slippery for crutches this morning. I dunno whether it is slippery or not but it is now too windy. Hang on I’m just going to test it out.

Made it to the bus stop. George came with me for a bit of company and “just in case there was an issue”. No bus in sight but there again I didn’t want to catch it anyway. Takes you downtown.

Some IoM ferry sailings have been cancelled. I looked on their website. We have had a couple of trips in the last year or two where we’ve had to come back earlier due to an impending storm. Pain in the arse but needs must. 

This year we are flying. Planes also get grounded due to the weather but we can’t not go just in case the weather is going to be bad. It often is bad anyway. The beauty of staying in Peel is that we (I) can just stroll along the prom to one of the pubs on the quayside to sit out the storm.

The IoMSPCo has a new boat called the Manxman. We used it last year. Had a double bed stateroom where we rode out the voyage. Far comfier to have your own cabin than to have to sit in the lounge with the great unwashed.

H&G have gone to pick up a curry from the Castle View. They have half an hour to wait so I assume they’ve gone to the pub for a swift un to sit it out. It’s what I’d do. In fact I’ve been know to delay the pick up time to let me squeeze in said swift un. This is something you miss when house bound. Cherish those days of mobility.

Castle View phone is knackered. That’ll be costing them a bob or two. They have a massive takeaway side to the business.

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