Showered, shaved (gotta look good for the nurse), dressed, socks on and up. The socks on bit, as regular readers may know, is a separate activity.
Stitches out today. Still have a little tenderness there but should find out what’s going on if anything when the dressing comes off. First physio sesh.
The problem when you have your first hip replacement is not knowing what to expect. What is progress at which stage of the game. My cousin Allyson cast off her crutches and was walking in 3 weeks. I dunno. I’m told to use crutches for 6 weeks, going down to just the one after 4 of them. Suggests rapid improvement might be expected from here on.
THG was out the door early to pick up her car from Coops’ garage before setting off to the gym for some weight lifting. Well it is Monday morning after all. Superwoman. I am installed in the snug having dome the first round of exercise and now ready for whatever the morning wants to throw my way.
The exercises are not particularly onerous and because of this I’ve upped the number of reps and frequency. Whenever I get up out of the chair I do a few reps. It will be some time before I’m walking up mountains but that is the ambition. Not Everest. Let’s be sensible. I’d like to think that Y Wyddfa was on the list. We like that part of the world.
Sat on an industry call. Central numbering database n stuff like that. I might drop off. I did drop off. It was either that or nod off. I feel the need of a change of scenery and a visit to the shed. Only thing is I promised THG I’d stay away unless I had someone with me. The route there is v slippery. Been out for a short walk. Not as far as the bus stop. Wot!
Two weeks of sat on my arse would seem to be enough but I suspect there is more to come. Certainly been doing a lot more exercises. Need to get movin.
Wound check complete. Stitches out. Took all of thirty seconds once the nurse had me on the bed. All good apaz. Amazeballs.
It somehow feels instantly more comfortable. The perceived wisdom is that the stitches tighten up so removing them must have relaxed the muscle. Feels as if a glass of champagne would be appropriate but it ain’t apnin. First of all I’m off the pop until the end of March and secondly I wouldn’t be able to drink a whole bottle meself so it would be a waste.
Still not allowed to rotate the hip until after 6 weeks but it should go quickly enough. Four weeks to go.