where art collides philosoperontap

February 26, 2025

waiting to see how the day develops

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:50 am

THG tells me it is ok out but we are waiting to see how the day develops. Certainly not the fine day it was yesterday. She is thinking of going for a run later but won’t if it is raining. I’m relying on her input as I’m sitting with my back to the window looking at the kitchen wall. Not my usual place to sit but the pew is too low and awkward to access at the mo.

The pew is everyone’s fave place to sit. Sourced from St Peter in Eastgate when they were revamping their interior and installing chairs that give them flexibility to change the space inside the church. They like to put on things like barn dances, or at least they used to. Not sure I’ve heard of one for some time. I’m not a fan anyway. Feel a bit daft and it just isn’t my thang. Dunno what else they put on. Space for a game of rounders (baseball) or simlar. I don’t go.

We are lucky to be able to fit the pew in the kitch. I suspect yer normal sized kitchen wouldn’t have the space. It’s the biggest room in our house, by design and the room most used. I asked THG how old the pew was as it’s position as family favourite place to sit will to a large extent be down to the comfort level brought on by many years of faithful bums on seats “wearing it in”. She guessed Victorian.

I looked it up.

  • 11th century: The original church was built
  • 1643: The original church was damaged during the English Civil War
  • 1776–1781: A new church was built
  • 1870: The current church was built by Sir Arthur Blomfield
  • 1884: George Frederick Bodley added the chancel decoration
  • 1914: Temple Lushington Moore added the south aisle and Rood Screen
  • 1993: The north aisle was altered to create the Louisa Smith meeting room

Interesting to imagine the shenanigans going on during the civil war. Took em a while to get around to rebuilding it and then they can’t have done that brilliant a job as they redid it again after a hundred years. Looked that up and it appears they needed a bigger gaff. Can’t find any pics of the earlier churches.

Apaz there was a siege of Lincoln in 1643 hence the damage. I imagine it was the Royalists inside with the Roundheads doing the besieging. I’m not sure I was bothered who won though my old pal @Will, an ardent member of the Sealed Knot, has very strong views I’m certain.

From a family perspective we would appear to have been supporters of John Myles (Miles), the leader of the Baptists in Wales after the civil war and a member of the parliamentary army during it. Our farm Maesnoni was on his radar as a religious meeting house and I suspect he visited it circa 1650.

Another snippet to run up the church belltower is the fact that our previous house in Greetwell Gate, just a few yards away from St Peter’s church, was also built in 1870. Lots going on at that time innit. I imagine the builder spotted a bit of land going spare and decided he’d chuck up the house on a speculative basis. It was the middle of three and would have sold v quickly. Location, location, location built as it is 76 paces from the Morning Star pub, close to the church and a gentle stroll to the cathedral and the amenities of the Bailgate Uphill Quarter. Or whatever the council came up with a while back. Historic Bailgate I think. This’ll be the same council that decided to cancel the Christmas Market so I don’t really give them much share of mind. As long as they keep taking the bins for which the yare paid handsomely.

The house in Greetwell Gate had a pigsty in the back and the deeds specifically mentioned we were allowed to keep a pig.We didn’t because there are two perfectly good butchers within walking distance and I knocked the pigsty down to make space for a bbq area which was far more useful to us.

I’ll finish with a weather update. It is raining and THG’s run is in jeopardy. See how the day pans out.

Excellent pea and watercress soup for lunch with granary bread and butter. Then a walk in slow mo to the bus stop. The number 5 bus arrived just as I had turned around and started to head back. I expect the driver thought I’d be good for another £1.50 fare into town. I think that’s how much it is. Have to wait four more years until the bus pass drops through the letterbox.

Only problem is “town”. Why do people go there? Same old chain shops as in every other town centre. I’m more likely to want to head in the other direction and end up in Skevegas or somewhere. Will the bus pass get me that far? Not that Skeggy is particularly attractive. Cleethorpes on the train would be better.

The afternoon has turned out nice. I was aware of the likely development as the Shipping Forecast seems to be toning down a little. Less of the “gale force 8 at times”. THG should get her run in.

Bit of admin to do meself. Got to pay for some drugs, some of which I haven’t used. Quite interesting to see the cost difference. The morphine is around four quid. This must largely be driven by market price. Has the Taliban been flooding the market with opiates? The blood thinner however is well over £100 for around 5 weeks supply. Big difference. The latter is mandatory. I’ve not needed the morphine. Party at ours sometime?

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