Sleep patterns are all over the place at the mo. I’m heading upstairs at around nine pm and therefore am awake by five plus I’m up several times in the night. The benefit of the early wakening is of course I’m there in time for the Shipping Forecast but it ain’t going to last. It’s the sleeping on my back wot does it I’m sure and that has to continue for four more weeks.
The Shipping Forecast is not, I’m afraid, going to become the new milkman delivery time. You can easily tune in to that yourselves. I usually nod off again after the bulletin anyway.
During the day I am now in a semi prone position having seen the physio yesterday. My right leg is still swollen and the solution is to “sit” with said leg in a raised position. This is easier to do when stretched out. I’m not supposed to bend beyond 90 degrees at the hip, daddy oh.
Beeootiful day out and I may at some stage make the first pilgrimage to the shed. This is not as straightforward a manoeuvre as it might sound with slippery paths and a deck to negotiate. We shall see innit. I’ll certainly take a stroll to the bus stop though the physio did caution me about overdoing it at this stage. A bus stop too far 🙂
In the meantime I have a conference call at eleven with a person of Scottish extraction. Someone from the Brussels office said he was not that easy to understand but I said it would be straightforward for me having watched a few episodes of Rab C Nesbit. Just have to be careful of my language 🙂 Something to look forward to, a conference call at eleven. Might even set the alarm so as not to miss it. Yanow what it’s like getting buried in your laptop.
Bought the first four series of Dad’s Army last night btw. Had wanted to do this yonks ago but you could only buy DVDs online and Dad’s Army was showing on ITV Premium so no online sources for purchase. Wasn’t going to sign up for another paid TV channel. Presumably ITV has now stopped showing Dad’s Army hence its availability for purchase elsewhere. I’ll hoover up the other series at some stage but there are nine all told and I didn’t feel like shelling out for the whole lot in one go.
After lunch went for a stroll to the pedestrian crossing. Not as far as the bus stop which is less than 100m away so not particularly far. However the physio told me not to push things too quickly and also pointed out the error of my ways in my walking with crutches technique.
I had moved on from the slow shuffle I had had to demonstrate before they certified me fit for leaving hospital. You can get far further more quickly by doing a ‘normal” walk with synchronised crutch movement. However I am still meant to support 50% of the weight on the operated on leg for another couple of weeks and have had to revert to the shuffle.
The upshot is my effective range has been reduced. I could spend a little longer out walking I suppose. I’ll get there :). Back in the armchair now with leg propped up again.