Yay tis a Wednesday. Wednesdays are good. Moreover it is a bright and sunny Wednesday although I suspect it is cold out. Brrr.
The big news this Wednesday is that I didn’t listen to the Shipping Forecast. I was briefly awake shortly before it was due to broadcast but resisted the temptation to click on the BBC Sounds app. Have decided to wean meself off it. Let’s face it its only real purpose in life, other than to give relevant stakeholders the weather forecast in their bit of sea, is to be repetitively boring. Doesn’t mean it hasn’t got class but there is a limit to how much listening good radio will stand.
Let’s move on. The big decision of the day is how far to walk. All of my turning points up until now have been obvious and progressive destinations. The pedestrian crossing, lamppost, tree in front of next door’s drive, bus stop, tree between numbers 66 and 64, Queensway and Curle Ave.
The problem is what lies beyond Curle Ave. No obvious landmark comes to mind. Trees at this point become too anonymous. Too many of them. Not good enough a landmark that the reader of this post will instantly recognise the extent of my progress.
The Lindum Sports Association is a bit too far in my mind at this stage of the game though I may have to consider it and in which case would cross the road at the pedestrian crossing. In the other direction Tesco is also too far and the traffic lights at the junction of Wragby Road and Ruskin Ave are unattractive. Noisy and actually only the same distance as Curle Ave so why would I choose them?
At this point I don’t know the answer. If it was warmer I might find it easy to decide that the Lindum was achievable. It has lots of benches arranged around the cricket pitch that would be a good spot to sit and recover before turning for the journey back.
In the summer it is quite nice to stroll there and sit enjoying a bit of cricket of a Sunday afternoon. The thwack of leather on willow is somehow the sporting equivalent of listening to the Shipping Forecast. V relaxing. The occasional bout of clapping and the occasional cry of bad luck as a batsman loses his wicket and turns to make the lonely, lingering walk back to the pavilion.
I recall in the days of the Marconi Product Engineering cricket team there was only one chap with whites and his own bat. Two games running he was out for a golden duck and walked off around the boundary, bat dangling limply by his side with a forlorn expression on his face. He shall remain nameless but I know he reads these posts sometimes 🙂 Twas a long time ago.
On reflection, and after poring over the map, the corner of St Giles Ave and Wragby Road might fit the bill. This is half as far again as Curle Ave but is the only obvious turning point without choosing another unmemorable lamppost. St Giles Ave, as you could easily find out if you didn’t already know, has the Lindum Sports Association at the far end. It is a cul de sac for motorised traffic but has a useful cut through for pedestrians and is the route I would take if walking to the Bromhead hospital.
Stay tuned…
Just left the shed to go for walk but it started to rain. All of a sudden it is not v nice out there. It isn’t heavy rain. Intermittent really so I suppose I could go. Doesn’t look as if it will improve much today. Can’t let a drop of watter get in the way can we. Maybs 🙂
Did the walk. Turned right and headed in the direction of Tesco. Wasn’t nice enough to stretch it as far as St Giles Ave and anyway my left hip is playing up a bit. Fingers crossed for that one!!!
So this walk took me past the lamppost that no longer has the Openreach notice on it. Blown away I assume. I made it as far as the next bus stop near the traffic lights. I figured there was poetry in having walked to two bus stops. The bus goes past our house to get to the one I’ve been mentioning on my perambulations.
On the way an unshaven bloke in a blue beanie cycled towards me. There was plenty of space for him to fit between me and the hedge but he stopped pedalling and let the bike roll through the gap just to make sure there was no collision. Fair play.
Then a young blonde woman carrying an equally blond baby in a papoose type carrier on her front smiled at me as she walked by. She was swinging a bird feeder in her left hand.
As I got nearer the bus stop a red car with blazing blue lights turned out of Ruskin Ave at the flights and blazed by followed a few seconds later by a fully staffed fire engine. All the firepersons were kitted out in their fire fighting gear. The engine had its siren on until it turned the corner and then resorted to just blue lights.
My return leg included seeing a man and his adultish daughter come out of their house and into a car. He in the front and she in the back behind the driver’s seat. I wasn’t totes sure whether she was his daughter or partner but then another older woman came out who looked very like the younger one. That answered that then. She stood on the pavement whilst the bloke edged the car out of the drive. I heard her get in but didn’t see it.
Thennn a middle aged bloke wearing just a t shirt and carrying his coat crossed at the pedestrian crossing by our hoose. Flippin eck I thought, he must be cold. Or well ard. He was not only carrying his coat but a fair bit of timber as well and I wondered whether he’d been building up a bit of a sweat on his walk. Hey. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
So back in the shed now and taken more paracetamol. Effin left hip. Lets hope it settles down. Tbh the right hip feels brand new, which of course it is, so if I needed the left one doing I’m pretty confident that all would be well. Trefor Davies, a man barely alive…
Conf call in five (wot?!). Gotta go.
That’s my calendar free for the rest of the week yay. Except for the physio on Friday pm. This afternoon will include cleaning and tidying the shed with my bezzie mate THG. She has had to change her plans for the afternoon as I got the day of the Tesco Click and Collect order wrong doh. It’s tomorrow not today. Honestly. What are we going to do with me!
Had a perfectly acceptable bacon sarnie for lunch.
Big nuze. The shed has been tidied, cleaned, hoovered and mopped Some stuff that has been hanging around for years has been thrown and some stuff put to one side for Facebook Marketplace. Emergency Exit signs for example. I have loads of em left over from Beyond The Woods. Couldn’t have done it without THG.
The door is now wide open to speed up the floor drying. Nearly done. Half a hoover full of dirt came out of the carpet and floor. Twas clearly overdue but I’ve not been physically up for it for a few months. No problemo today innit. With, as I said, a little nay a lot of help from my friends.
I’ve also begun the process of putting up the neon tropical trefbash sign. Markings made – just need to get some screws. Twill either be done later today or tomorrow morning for sure.