An American take on the start to the day

A very simple breakfast of three rashers of smoked streaky bacon, a couple of the eggs wot I bought in Zummerzet and three small tomaytoes fresh du jardin. An American take on the start to the day. Should really have had cawfee not tea.

The bacon was cooked to a crisp and was thicker than the stuff they serve up in the States, in my experience. No doubt some of my American friends will now say they buy hand carved bacon from the artisan shop on the farm in their community. Either that or oatmeal with hand milked soya topped with chia seeds. Stuff like that. Free range organic natch, obvs.  Bring back the pancake stack with maple syrup, fruit and a side of bacon. And the fifty inch waist 😀.

Having breakfasted I’ve moved into the conservatory for an enlightening thirty minutes of repose, contemplation and more tea. Promised myself a bit of a bike ride later but I do note that light rain is forecast from around mid morning. See how it goze. I have lane swimming booked for three o’clock.

Today is a Wednesday. As such I should be reporting the milkman arrival time but for the second time on the trot he was a no show. We haven’t been able to get through to the dairy – East Anglia Dairies in Newark. They have no website and a phone that either immediately rings off or, as was the case this morning at ten past seven, an answering machine telling me they don’t open until seven tomorrow morning. Bullshit.

Maybe disaster has befallen the business. Their one remaining milkman (ie ours) has left to join a rival or retired even. Doesn’t seem old enough to retire looking at the CCTV footage. Maybe it’s even worse news. No I don’t really like to think worst case scenarios here. H
Let’s stay positive.

If the rain holds off I may cut the grass this morning. Vast swathes of the lawn needs no trim  as it has been ravaged by chafer bugs. Either them or leatherjackets. Swines.

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