Another joyful morning where we can be glad to be alive. Saw THG off to church and then went out onto the front drive to do my exercises. These are not particularly onerous but they are what has been specified by the physio and I’ve been doing them often. Almost every time I get out of a chair.
I then went for a shuffle in the sunshine. I almost said stroll but shuffle is a better description. You may have noticed a countdown in my Facebook background photo. That is the number of sleeps remaining until I can put full weight on the new hip. 4 weeks after the op. Reality is that the 4 weeks finishes tomorrow and I think I’m going to start eh next phase of rehab then. I feel ready for it.
The “shuffle” is to keep weight off the right leg but is now a real constraint. It took me six minutes to walk to the bus stop. I could shuffle faster but figured there was little to be gained. I certainly wasn’t “running for a bus”. Note that on a Sunday the busses are every fifteen minutes past the hour. I got there at 10.39 so ages to wait and too early to go into town anyway. The pubs will not be open yet 🙂
On my way to the bus stop a shortish guy overtook me and gave me a cheery “morning”. I responded with equal cheer. Fair play to him. He had cool round sunglasses and wore a black bomber jacket type coat with some Americun sports team emblazoned on the back. Couldn’t see quite who they were as he had a small red backpack covering the logo.
By the time I got to the bus stop he had whizzed past Queensway and was coming up to Curle Ave. I am looking forward to being able to walk places again and to be able to carry the tea tray up the stairs in the morning. THG will have a few “in the bank” having been the sole early morning tea maker for a few weeks now.
Back now in the shed with the doors open. Got one more stint on the family tree before stopping that phase of research. Every now and again a breakthrough is made and I feel I’m almost at the point of being able to leave it now until I get to Carmarthenshire in April and do the “on the ground” research. Tombstones and memorials and the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth as well as a few farm visits. I’m staying on one of the farms we owned in what was the outhouse in which they kept the bull. “Ty Tarw”.
Ciao amigos.