If yer in Biscay, Trafalgar or Fitzroy if i were you I’d batten down the hatches as it’s blowing a real hooley. In fact I would be moored up nicely in port and tucked snugly under the duvet in my fisherman’s cottage/holiday home/wherever you live. It’s the same principle as only playing golf in nice weather. Gales, gales, gales, gales, gales. I know because I caught up on the Shipping Forecast at around six thirty innit.
It’s lovely here in the shire. I daresay my avian friends will be out in force again. Yesterday it was chaffinch, sparrow, magpie, greenfinch, coal tit and blackbird. Don’t really like magpies. They are bullies and their song is an unattractive croak. Also I don’t count pigeons. Don’t recall hearing a woodpigeon. This is good. Their whooping is v irritating.
Perhaps the peregrine falcons from the Cathedral got em all. Noone would lament their passing. I guess they have their place in the great scheme of things. Just food for peregrine falcons maybs. One imagines that a peregrine falcon might like to vary its diet. Falcons cannot live on pigeons alone. Or can they? I’m not sufficiently interested to find out.
Another big weekend of rugby in prospect. Well today at least. Tomorrow it’s just England v Itly. We get together with a crowd for the rugby watching every year. Every man and woman of them are England fans through and through to the extent that they will rock up in fancy dress/England shirts. I am the some Irish/Welsh fan but are they interested in turning up if England aren’t playing? Well no obvs.
The exception is next weekend which is Super Saturday when all three games will be played to conclude the Six Nations tourney. Some of them will come for all three games. They will be showing in the shed. Don’t consider this to be a general invite to come along. There will likely be 14 of us there already. V cosy. I’ll have to restock the fridge.
Gotta go. A full English lovingly prepared by THG beckons. Ciao bebes.
A glorious day to be alive. Shed doors wide open.
Moved in from the shed during the second half of the Irish game. My backside was getting sore sitting on my office chair. The settee is too low. Can’t win really. It gets sore after a while wherever I sit. Just a function of mostly sitting down for a month.
Last night at Adie’s 60th bash in BeerHeadz it was the fact that there were only hard stools to sit on and I had to keep on getting up to relieve the pressure on my glutes that informed our decision to go home. Have to remember as well I’ve not been getting out at all.
I assume the glutes will get back to normal sooner rather than later. Progress feels good in general.
Ireland lost to France. Ah well. Only a game innit 🙂 Next up Scotland v Wales.