Been moving my schedule around

Been moving my schedule around this morning. Had intended to go to the tip, drop car off at Coops’ garage and get home in time to take THG to the gym in a loaner. Turns out the Lincoln Recycling Centre doesn’t open until nine so THG gets to go first.

Was awake at five twenty and even pondered getting up but the next thing I knew it was twenty past seven. Got up and made the tea.

It’s chucking it down in Lincoln and I did note the lack of birdsong at dawn this morning. Obvs our little feathered friends stayed hunkered down in their nests. Either that or their voices were drowned out by the rain.

Busy enough day ahead. Good job I mowed the lawn yesterday. Need to buy one of those headlight reflector strips for THG’s car. Last year when we went to France in the Defender I didn’t need to as the lights on that car were ok for France. The Peugeot ain’t. The difference will be that there will be no problem parking the car this year. 

The French mostly build car parks that are unsuitable for 4×4 cars. This is down to their revolutionary streak seeing such vehicles as the product of the capitalist system, or something like that. On the flipside I will have to take great care when following sat nav directions in Normandy. Last year when headed for Gold Beach I ended up in a field full of sunflowers and was only able to extricate myself because of the off road capabilities of my car. Fifty grand well spent  😂.

The sat nav proved to be unreliable in France. On another occasion we headed for a car park in Arles and found ourselves down a narrow dead end street with a difficult reverse out. We ditched Arles and headed for the Camargue which was blessed with plenty of open air parking. The Camargue was great fair play.

This heavy rain is relaxing. Even whilst sat in the kitchen. What’s not to like? Good job I loaded the car up for the tip last night.

Must buy a lottery ticket. Every traffic light seems to be on green this morning 🙂

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