where art collides philosoperontap

March 22, 2025

Big news

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:30 am

Big news. Made the tea this morning. Uhuh Tref, I hear you say, what’s news about that? Well making the tea involves going downstairs,  assembling the tea tray and then carrying it upstairs. This I did using both legs and without holding on to the bannister. I’ve not been able to do that for months. Maybe six months or more. Probably August or September. That, in my book, is big news. A visible sign of progress. Improvement. Wow.

Not quite running the London Marathon yet but headed in the right direction. Truth be told I have no ambition to tun the London Marathon. Never have. For one thing the training is a hugely lengthy process. You have little time for anything else. 

Also I’d need a new pair of trainers. I imagine you have to have a specific type of trainers for long runs. When it comes to running marathons, go fast stripes are not needed. It’s all about go longer stripes. The pair I have at the moment are fluorescent green and almost certainly need a wash. No idea what sort of stripes they have, if any. It’s been a while since I wore them.

Now downstairs having half listened to Farming Today. They carried the same hare coursing story that I’d heard in the week on the earlier programme. Clearly the expected audience on a Saturday morning is different to the early risers in the week. Mind you the milking needs doing whatever the day of the week it is. Saturday mornings probably attract weekend wannabe farmers and people like me who just like to hear about cows, sheep and carrot crops. Why not eh?

They don’t always cover cows, sheep and carrot crops so tuning in can be a bit hit and miss. Other farming subjects are available. It’s a risk you have to take. Does anyone else have a favourite farming subject? 

The robins and wrens were v vociferous as I walked, cup of tea in hand, to the shed this morning. They were joined by a starling just as I arrived at my destination.

16 mins round trip to the traffic lights on the corner of Wragby Road and Ruskin Avenue. 640m ish. Google says a fit person should take 8 mins so that ain’t bad in my book. When I can do it in 8 then we will all know things are back to normal. Mind you not sure I’ve ever walked at Google’s expected pace.

650m or so seems to be the range at the moment. The obvious next target is a km. The Morning Star is around 800m one way so pretty doable I’d say. With a lift home obvs. A round trip to the Star, at 1,600m feels still beyond what is sensible unless the stop for a rest with an accompanying drink would set me up for the return leg.

I’m away for most of April, one way or another, so I think a walk to the Star is a reasonable objective for when I get home. After all I‘ll have had a few walks along the prom in Peel under my belt together with a stroll from the Witehouse to the Royal to the Miller’s T’Ale to the Central to the Marine to the Peveril to the Creek. Fortunately we are staying in Charles Street near the prom. It’s also near to Davison’s Ice Cream Parlour. What’s not to like?

Almost tropical in the back garden. So much so the heater in the shed is switched off, the doors are wide open and the tropical trefbash sign has been switched on.

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