where art collides philosoperontap

March 15, 2025

Burned the toast

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:41 am

Burned the toast this morning doh. Was doing it under the grill with the bacon. I have a bit of a bunged up nose so didn’t detect the early warning signs. Stuck a couple of new slices in but scraped off the burnt stuff and had those pieces with butter and marmalade. Brekkie bonus.

Ate at the butcher’s block which has temporarily been moved into the corner as the kitchen table has been extended using trestle tables to accommodate a crowd for the rugby. Dinner is served between games two and three. By then Wales will have walloped England, fingers crossed. I’ll be the only Welsh fan there 🙂

Enjoying a cup of tea now in the snug. Noises come from the kitchen as THG busies herself before heading out running. If it’s Saturday morning it must be Park Run. I have a few smallish jobs to do whilst she is out.

Caught a mouse in the kitchen a couple of days ago. Then found out this morning the little bastard had eaten the tassels off a table runner we had stored under the butchers block. I guess if that is all the damage it did we got away lightly. Anyway the mouse is no more. If it had stayed outside where it belonged it would still be ok. Dunno how it got in but ours is an old house so I guess there are ways and means.

The house was built in 1939 as the storm clouds were gathering over Europe. They had been gathering for some time but I guess 1939 was the year the deluge happened. Our previous house in Greetwell Gate was built in 1870. There was a date on the end house of the terrace. Ours was the middle of three. Seventy six paces from the Morning Star. V convenient. Did it through the snow in just slippers and cardigan once, just to prove a point. Had other clothes on as well, I should point out.

The heating is on for the moment, at least until I’ve had a shower. It is cold enough out to act as an overflow fridge for the shed. I already filled that with bottles of Peroni and a litre of gin. Will need to squeeze in some tonic as well. There is room on the shelf but not being allowed to bend more than 90 degrees at the hip makes it difficult for me to get down and reach to the back of the fridge.

My morning will be spent putting the finishing touches to preparation for the rugby (moving the rest of the booze into place) and carrying on with the book research. There was a time when I could only find the right Davies in the census because I was looking for Ministers of Religion. Now by the same token I am able to prove that I’m looking at the right person because the vicar conducting marriage ceremonies was family member John Jones the Rector of Llangynllo. Fair play to him.

You can picture the scene each time he heard of the imminent nuptials of a nephew or niece. “I assume you will be wanting Uncle John to marry you”. It’s helped me out no end. I have also been able to find clues from hints in other people’s family trees and sometimes noticed that they have made big mistakes in saying who is related to who. I am very fussy in finding the right proof/evidence before committing individuals to the tree. Sometimes I add a question mark to a person’s name to say I’m not sure about this one – it needs a bit more work.

John the Rector did not marry. It is interesting to compare his will with that of his brother David who had inherited the estate. John shelled out a few tens of pounds to his nephews and nieces whereas Dave splashed the cash big time. Dave’s only son, also a John, sadly predeceased him.

I am gradually making sense of the different Johns and Daves. It wouldn’t have been Dave in those days. Would have been Dafydd or Dewi. Or Mr Jones 🙂 These guys were Mr Joneses to most.

Gotta go. Sink to unblock. Again.

13.06 to corner of lee road and back. Slightly delayed at the ped xing and stopped to take some pics at the Lee Road sign. Left hip giving gyp but had a good session with physio yesterday. My new set of exercises is all about strengthening the right glutes so that they can take the strain off the left. This sitch is not untypical apaz and she said it could take 3 months to settle down. There’s also the issue if the body readjusting to the fact that my feet are now both pointing in the same direction ie parallel. This was not the case before. Before even the right hip started to play up.in fact all my life.

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