where art collides philosoperontap

August 8, 2016

Busy Day

Filed under: chinks — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 5:29 pm

who’d a thunk?

Busy day. Did a bit of LONAP work, bit of Netaxis, lots of Student Finance form filling again. Same bloody form 3 times now. The most recent is because I had forgotten to date the form when I signed it. Give me strength. They are a waste of everyone’s time. This time I scanned the docs in before sending them recorded delivery.

Registered the camper van for vehicle license duty online. Had forgotten that the duty was nil. It’s a vintage car. Yay. Sorted out the porta potty (cleaned out and refilled with chemicals and water. Then popped out and bought a dining set, cutlery, plastic glasses etc ready for hiring. We are dropping the pricing to try and stimulate sales/rentals. See how we get on.

John’s first day on work experience at Colt Telecom. Feedback so far is “it’s good”. The mark of a good writer is being able to be economical with his words!

It’s quite nice just having the two of us around the house. Actually it’s more like just me – Anne is always very busy with coffees with friends, popping into town, lunches etc. Who can blame her:). Tonight we are having vegetarian chili, or chili sin carne I suppose.

It’s been another beautiful day. Featured image is from the garden. Anyone know what the flower is?  The vid is one I did last night of the camper vans at the Brayford.

Oh and got a text from BA saying they had cancelled my flight back from Krakow and booked us on one the next evening. That’s the third flight cancelled by BA in almost as many weeks. I called than and brought us forward to the Tuesday instead of Thursday.

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