Cafe au creme on the balcony again

Cafe au creme on the balcony again. A grey, cooler start to the day which is good. Not going to be as hot today, yay.

We are hitting the home straight of the trip this evening with a visit to the Deauville races at Hippodrome La Touques. World famous race meet that lasts the whole of August or simlar. Expect to win enough cash to pay for the trip 🙂Gambling is a big part of coming to Deauville, what with the Casino on the sea front an all. When in Normandy…

One of the things I’ve observed in Normandy is the plentitude of cider and calvados outlets. It is very tempting to buy something from each one you come across. Problem is there is only so much cider and calvados you can manage. THG is particularly in agreement on this recognising that buying lots of booze results in drinking lots of booze which is not compatible with my losing weight. It was v tempting when I came across a shop with small bottles of calvados ranging back as far as 1955. They were lined up in rows with the labels getting yellower and more faded as the years went back. I didn’t ask how much they cost.

It being difficult to avoid the Olympics whilst we are here I note that “Tears flow as Team GB soar up the medal table on wonderful Wednesday” according to one of the papers. Drilling into it the beeb said “Team GB win five more medals on day five at Olympics”. I’m sure this is very good but I can’t really come to terms with the name Team GB. I doubt most people living in the UK think of them as part of Team GB. What was wrong with GB or UK? I now note that the tracksuits say Great Britain.

There is more of a breeze this morning, reflected by the fact that the mirror-like surface of the marina has changed to grey ripples. This is more like Peel in the Isle of Man. Feels comfortable. After all, this part of the world is just as much known for its storms.

A small French tricolour flutters at the stern of a yacht opposite. Lots of these boats are in need of a good clean. Makes me wonder whether this is a slightly less posh marina. I expect all the biggest, most expensive jobs end up on the Cote d’Azur. It might mean that their rich Parisian owners don’t come here that often and when they do can’t be arsed to get the sponge and bucket out.

I can see a tractor manoeuvring behind Restaurant La Peniche which is a barge moored in the harbour here. I suspect it is smoothing the sand on the beach. After all they have to be able to justify the charges for the umbrella and deckchair hire. There goes another sand castle. That kid took hours to build that one 🙂

Must say we have enjoyed Normandy. I can see us returning.

We left the races before the last race which was a Class 1 with only five entrants. Lovely track. Lost every single bet! Nice dinner though in one of the on site restaurants. Nobody else there. They eat a lot later than us around ere.

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