where art collides philosoperontap

February 4, 2024

time to move on

Filed under: African Adventure — Trefor Davies @ 1:04 pm

I am given to understand that today is Sunday. The Queen Vic Hotel has served us well but it is time to move on. On this day we relocate our centre of operations to Franschhoek and the wine country. 

Met a refugee called Jean Terry from the DRC last night. He has been here twenty years and works as a barman in a Waterfront restaurant. Had a nice chat with him.  While we were chatting his seventy two year old mum called him on WhatsApp to tell him his auntie living in Joburg had just died. V sad. It visibly affected him and he understandably cut his evening short.  He Ubered it home.

The Scottish Bar ended up not being a particular rugby venue although the game  was on all the screens and a few rugby watchers did turn up. They were mostly normal tourist punters though and the rugby commentary was replaced by a DJ thumping out his playlist. 

After the game, which we lost in the end by one point despite having scored more tries, Hannah and I strolled to the harbour’s edge and then turned for home. Another long day in the bag.

Today we have to pop in to the DHL office to send a bag on to our Joburg hotel before we set off for La Petite Ferme where we will be staying two nights. More in due course, I daresay.

February 3, 2024

Lunch with Andrew Owens

Filed under: African Adventure — Trefor Davies @ 1:03 pm

A good final day in Cape Town. Retail in the morning in which advantage was taken of the lower prices here in the Cape compared with home. Don’t particularly do retail.

It must be Chinese new year as the Waterfront was being themed appropriately. We should be in the heart of the action tonight having booked a table in Mitchell’s Scottish Bar for the rugby. The enemy camp 🙂It’s a good job we booked as the Waterfront is rammed.

Chilled by the pool for a bit after an extremely long lunch with Andrew Owens and his daughter Sadie. Another hot day so no rush. I had ribs. There were two size choices so I asked our waiter Prince what the difference was. He said the small one was only small so I went for the big one, natch. Never seen so many ribs and they were huge. Couldn’t finish them all which was a bit embarrassing considering the poverty in these parts. We took a doggy bag which Andrew was going to donate to a suitable candidate.

February 2, 2024

All ye who enter the Cape of Good Hope abandon all hope

Filed under: African Adventure — Trefor Davies @ 12:59 pm

All ye who enter the Cape of Good Hope abandon all hope of a mobile data connection. The Cape is a wild and desolate place with a tollbooth at its entrance and a good tarmac road all the way to the Point. Looking down on the wild Atlantic you could imagine early explorers making their way around to the East and the riches of the distant and exotic Orient.

We snacked and rehydrated at the cafe and bought some souvenirs, the first of the trip as we were unsure as to luggage weight on next week’s flight back from the game reserve. Our concierge Llewellyn Lewis (yes) had earlier ascertained that we could use the DHL office nearby to post a bag to our Joburg Hotel for collection after the trip into the bush. We have no weight issues on the long haul flight home.

The day has been full of thrills. We picked up our hire car at ten ish, bypassing the long queue due to our Avis Preferred membership, and were also upgraded to an SUV. Superdooper. Some sort of Hyundai, fwiw. Hyundai Venue I’m told. Took me most of the day to get used to the indicator being on the right. People must have thought it odd that my windscreen wipers came on every time we hit a junction.

First stop was Boulders Beach and the penguins. They were great. V cute. We sat in the caff looking out of the big open picture window and took in the scene. Then down to the beach for a dip. I just paddled but Han took full advantage of the lovely little bay and swam around for a bit. I’m not v good in the sun really and certainly wouldn’t have been particularly comfortable after a salt water bath.

We continued to Cape Point and passed many reminders that baboons were wild animals and should not be fed. We looked hard for them and had given up when, on our way home the traffic was stopped by two lots of mothers and babies, one in the middle of the road and one sat on a fence post, or stone or summat. Result.

Then back in Cape Town I have to say I was quite impressive negotiating the traffic. Just as we were turning right into the hotel complex a convoy of black security cars turned in just before us. I said “I bet they are going to our hotel – must be something kicking off”. It was Dricus du Plessis who you will know as the world middleweight UFC (kick boxing) champion. You couldn’t make it up.

Sat now in the bar near him and his entourage. The funny thing is how much security he has brought with him. You’d a thought he could take care of himself 🙂

All in all a highly successful day in Africa. Next up, dinner at Gold, a must do disher out of local nosh.

PS I find my life to continue to be surreal

February 1, 2024

Table Mountain & Robben Island

Filed under: African Adventure — Trefor Davies @ 12:54 pm

Sat in bed tapping away. Could sit outside on the balcony but it’s cosy enough here. Had a good nights kip after our first day in Africa. We were tired from the journey and hit the hay at a sensible time. Not jet lag.

The only downside to the two hour time difference between here and home is that the Liverpool Chelski game didn’t kick off until ten fifteen pee em local time so I missed it. Sounds like it was a good game. Certainly a great result for the reds, again.

We have an action packed day ahead of us with a ride up the cable car to the top of Table Mountain this morning and a trip to Robben Island this afternoon. Robben Island is a four hour excursion so quite a longun. It’s a must do visit though.

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at the Waterfront which is where the hotel is. It’s a v convenient spot located in a collection of buildings that include the old Harbourmaster’s House. They still have the ball signal on the roof that told ships whether the tide was in or out. Doubt the tide makes any difference these days.

I’ve looked for a map that depicts Cape Town in 1832 to see where my cousin William Davies would have landed but no immediate luck online. There is a museum somewhere and will see if they have anything. It would have certainly been a lot smaller in those days. Tiny.

Took in a visit to the diamond museum which was fascinating. The whole tour was a build up to try and sell you diamonds but we were ok with that as it was v informative. You got to hold rings worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. Our guide Nadia  told us that roughly thirty percent of punters taking the tour ended up buying a diamond. I didn’t buy one 🙂

Table Mountain was special. Stunning actually. The views were such that you could just sit up there all day looking. The city of Cape Town was 3,500 feet below us. Same height as Y Wyddfa in Eryri.

The slightly disturbing news is that they reckon Table Mountain will have eroded away, in ten million years time. Maybe someone got their sums wrong 🙂

Looking down on Cape Town it was easy to picture William Davies’ boat arriving in 1932. The city was a lot smaller then, obvs and the shore much nearer the mountain. Much land reclamation has been undertaken since, apaz. You can imagine their excitement after taking a whole year to get there. The other amazing thing to consider is that the Davies had a long journey to Grahamstown to make after arriving. It’s maybe five or six hours by car on modern roads. Weeks worth of walking for them in 1832. Maybe they had horses. Cape Town really was a gateway to Africa in those days. A daunting prospect with the unknown vastness of the interior before them.

The other thing to consider is the vast cultural difference the Davieses had to overcome.

The Queen Mary 2 is still in town. End point of a Southampton to Cape Town cruise. Fifteen out of twenty one days at sea wtf?!

The excursion to Robben Island was very thought provoking.

January 30, 2024

T0 and no longer counting down

Filed under: African Adventure — Trefor Davies @ 1:55 pm

African Adventure

In January 1832 the Reverend William Davies with his wife Sarah and young two year old son set off from Deptford on the Barque Eclipse, destination Cape Town. William was a self funded Baptist missionary, responding to a plea from the first wave of settlers for ministers of religion.

The Eclipse foundered in a storm in the Cap Verde Islands.  The child drowned and Sarah gave birth to twins on the beach, one of which died. I have an eyewitness account of the shipwreck!!  It took two months for the Davieses to be rescued and they returned to London whereupon they set out again reaching Cape Town in December that year.

William was my cousin, nephew of my 4G grandfather Daniel Davies and was one of the first Baptist missionaries to venture forth in Africa. Lurgi abounded and he only lived a few years after he got there but I have extracts of his letters home to the Baptist Magazine describing their lot. His wife predeceased him but they had a number of children who survived, one of whom married a famous South African pioneer whose name escapes me but who became the subject of a play in the modern era.

Things are very different in 2024. Hannah and I have a very comfortable overnight flight from London landing in Cape Town just under twelve hours later. There is only a two hour time zone difference so we anticipate being able to hit the ground running. A driver is meeting us off the plane and we plan to spend our first day exploring the Waterfront around the hotel.

What a difference. Twelve hours drinking champagne and sleeping in a comfortable ish bed (well at least it will be horizontal) versus twelve months of seasickness, shipwreck, peril and poor food. At least with a journey time of twelve months they would definitely not have noticed the time zone change 🙂

This is the last in the cycle of dad and lad trips in which I take one offspring on a journey of exploration and discovery. Just me and them. On this occasion it isn’t a dad and lad trip but dad and daughter. 

William Davies settled in Grahamstown but unfortunately we won’t have time to visit there as it is too far to the east. We plan to spend most of our time in Cape Town, the wineries and part of the Garden Route before heading north to the bush and adventure. I bring with me anti-malaria tablets and three different kinds of insect repellent including the trusty Avon Skin So Soft.

I expect to bring home lots of photos and videos. I have approx 160GB of SD card capacity for the camera and a long zoom lens. Also binocs.

A car is picking us up from the Park Lane Hilton at 3pm to take us to the airport. In the meantime I am sat in my suite on the 24th floor looking out over Hyde Park. Joggers and cyclists abound as do the long queues of traffic on Park Lane. Who’d want to be a commuter driving into London?! Our Tom is meeting me for brekkie at oh eight thirty.

My plan at some point today was to spend some time in the Tate Modern but I may well just chill in the hotel. The suite is great as is the exec lounge.

Spent some time sat in reception after arranging a 3pm checkout. It’s quite nice watching the world go by. Lots of accents to be heard around me. Many Americuns as you might imagine. 

Then on my way down to the lounge from my room there was an old couple in the lift. He had thinning hair and reached into his back pocket for a comb to tidy up the front a bit. I didn’t notice any difference 🙂

Another, younger guy was smartly suited and smelled of aftershave. I am wearing my safari jacket which I noted was clocked by the besuited younger guy. Unlikely he thought I looked particularly cool. That will lose me sleep!  Mind you the jacket is not something I normally wear other than when on safari. In fact I’ve only just bought it. It is fleece lined and is serving as a jumper when in the UK. Versatility is its middle name. Safari Versatility Jacket.

My lift companions were all resident on the 24th floor – expensivo . Now I’m sat in the window of the lounge looking out at Park Lane. There is coffee, there are croissants and the world continues to go by. I note that there is a huge pile of rubbish bags in the central reservation of Park Lane. V unsightly. It is a v dull day in London Town.

A member of staff is making her way around the lounge with a cordless vacuum cleaner strapped to her back. Very compact and tidy. The lounge has gradually emptied.

Behind me there is a meeting going on with someone from Hilton and a marketing agency. The Hilton guy has chosen them to do some work and is talking non stop. On the other side of the lounge a woman has been sat quietly on her own. She has a book on the table in front of her and is doing something with her phone. She has been smiling.

All the things you see when you have time on your hands. Can’t be bothered to do any work. The Hilton marketing guy is getting a bit boring. It’s been quite a one way conversation. Lots of corporate speak. I’m sorry I’ve sat where I’m sat but it does give me a good perspective on Park Lane.

Just realised the pile of rubbish is actually a bunch of tents crowded together. No sign of any movement. Life is not very equal is it? The most expensive property on the Monopoly board occupied by the poorest people. Makes you pause to think.

A few years ago THG and I were en route to the Intercontinental on Hyde Park for a weekend jaunt. Our journey down coincided with the migration of one million members of various unions to a rally in Hyde Park to protest about some government policy or other. Pay freezes I suspect.

A couple of observations sprang to mind. Firstly quite a few of the protesters against pay freezes had first class tickets. Don’t blame em. Secondly we thought it was v surreal that the room in our five star luxury hotel looked out over the park where the protesters were congregating. Let them eat cake.

It was quite similar when we went down for the protest against Brexshit. We were staying in the Trafalgar Hotel. It took us hours to walk the mile or two from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square at which point we decided it made more sense to retreat to the hotel’s rooftop bar and drink cold beer and cocktails. There was no way we could get anywhere near where the speeches were in Westminster anyway.

This trip has been a year in the planning. Somewhat surreal (I find myself using this word more and more) that the day of departure is finally here. T0 and no longer counting. Just waiting. Two and a half hours until Han arrives and we head to LGW. 

Trying to imagine what William and Sarah Davies went through in their planning and preparations for their trip. A massive upheaval for them but supported by a high degree of religious commitment. A knowledge that they were doing the right thing.

I have the Last Will and Testament of William’s dad David Davies. He was the Rector (or curate – this is not clear as yet) of the established Church in Llandysul. His eldest son, John Phillip had effectively been written out of the will and most of the dosh left to William. At the time of the writing of the will JP had become a Baptist and established himself as a renowned speaker on the circuit in Wales. The father was not to know that William would follow in JP’s dissenting footsteps. David’s two brothers would also leave the church, one (my 4G Grandfather Daniel) as a Baptist and the other a Unitarian.

I haven’t got any further back in my family tree research than Daniel but I sense that the fact that David was an Anglican minister must mean there is more info in an archive somewhere. All three brothers must have had some sort of education. Their area in West Wales was the centre of the religious revival of the time. Carmarthenshire, Cardiganshire and Pembrokeshire.

There were lots of variations on Christianity, or at least the interpretation of the whole subject. Did Jesus die just to save those who believed in him or the whole of mankind. As a non believer I’d go for the latter but my vote probs doesn’t count. It seems daft that these differences were enough to divide people. Suspect they didn’t go as far as a punchup 🙂

The marketing meeting has broken up. They all have calls to make 🙂Unfortunately the Hilton guy looks as if he is going to make the call from where he is sat in the lounge. Another one way conversation. At least his voice is not too loud or irritating. Talking about the Conrad in Cairo and then the one in Istanbul, as you do.

I’ve moved back to my room which is a calm haven looking out onto the park. Banging out a bit of ABBA. Reasonably good speakers on the macbook pro fair play. Han is about to arrive, an hour earlier than plan. I think this’ll do for the day. I’m now moving into adventure mode.

Ngibambe kamuva.

January 29, 2024

Park Lane

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 4:34 pm

The milkman came at four twenty two, rhymes with Bristol Zoo. That’s how I memorised the time. I was lying awake and as he opened the porch door the clock ticked over from twenty one to twenty two. Pretty sure it was a different bloke from last week – checked the camera.

We have milk delivered three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We think it is important to support such enterprises. Use it or lose it. Having the milk delivered feels as if we are maintaining links with a bygone, more civilised age. It might not have been as civilised as our minds like to think but it is what it is.

Keeping the milk delivery is a bit like making sure the ravens never leave the Tower of London. If the milk stops something bad will have happened.

Today is T-1 and operations are moved to London to prepare for tomorrow’s flight. We are not flying out until eight thirty pee em but it’s a four hour trip to the airport from Lincoln and I don’t like to leave it to chance. It would only take an accident on the motorway or a train breakdown (or strike) to mess things up completely.

All I really have to do is chuck everything (tidily obvs) into my big yellow duffel bag and THG is going to drop me off at the stayshun at five to one. Before then I have a dental checkup, booked one year in advance, and a long conference call but the packing won’t take me long.

I see the Chiefs won.

THG dropped me off at the stayshun and as I approached the barriers the train pulled in. Result. I am the only person in Coach E. The back of my seat won’t recline properly so I am considering moving. Bit of a faff mind you. These Azuma trains aren’t that old but already starting to show wear.

Oo someone just coughed. So there is someone else in the carriage 🙂woteva. I’ve moved to the window seat. I don’t really like window seats as I want unrestricted aisle access. However on the basis that there are only the two of us in the carriage it matters not. Would have been somewhat annoying had he reserved the seat next to mine but I am the only one with a seat reservation according to the little status lights above your head.

Lincoln and I have said our goodbyes, for the moment, I have wiped the tears from my eyes and am heading South. First stop is the Park Lane Hilton for one night only. It is supposed to have been fully refurbished. In the past its offering has been mostly based on location as the rooms were getting a bit threadbare, certainly for a five star hotel. 

On this occasion they must be desperate as the room rate I have is much lower than usual. January I guess. I normally just book the cheapest room but on this occasion have been able to up the quality level. As a Hilton Diamond Member I should get a further upgrade so I am expecting good things.

The train is now hurtling, I repeat hurtling in a southerly direction. To hurtle. A good verb. Newark came and Newark went. Best thing for it really 🙂The day remains grey but over the horizon the sky is cloudless. Aaarghhh the heat, I can’t stand it. Open the fridge door and let me in, Boris. Open the door and let me in.

Featured image is the view from my hotel room at the Hilton Park Lane.

January 28, 2024

Cricket lovely cricket

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 10:18 am

The bug house is being installed today. The one Joe gave THG for Christmas. When I say installed we are going to find a suitable place for it in the garden and I will screw it to the fence or simlar. Never let it be said we are not hospitable to insects. In fact I have 100 sqm of wildflower mix ready to plant/scatter in front of the shed in the spring which will obviously attract more insects. They can gorge on the pollen and retire to the bug house to sleep it off. What’s not to like?

Today I will be very focussed on packing my big yellow duffel bag and my Stubble & Co Adventure Bag. Everything is pretty much ready to go in, mostly in packing cubes but some loose stuff. It is v exciting but tempered by the fact that I will be leaving THG behind for sixteen days. Likely to be the last time I do this.

The low winter sun is quite dazzling in the kitchen. We do have blinds but I can easily just shift position on the pew. We have a church pew along one side of the kitchen table, up against the wall. You actually need a decent sized kitchen to accommodate a pew as they are quite long. Ours is anyway. It is the most popular place to sit. Very solid and comfortable on the backside. That’s the result of a couple of hundred years of faithful devotion.

As I write the cricket in India is getting v exciting. I’ve not been watching it as we weren’t looking like doing very well (yes, fairweather fan) but the last innings has changed things completely. India are one hundred and twenty for seven with one hundred and eleven required. It’s on TNT Sports channel which took me a moment or two to find. These days you need multiple channel subscriptions to watch sport.

Plenty of seats free in the ground if you are in the Hyderabad area and want to drop in. Better get a wiggle on though. Brilliant leg spin from Hartley. Leg spinners are a rare breed. Got a couple of days at the Windies Test Match in Trent bridge this summer. I’m a member. Let me know if you would be interested in coming on the Saturday. 

The Windies have just beaten the Ozzies so could be an exciting game. Had lunch with Sir Viv Richards quite a few years ago. Remember that @Umar? Bought two tickets in a charity auction at a sportsman’s dinner for two hundred and fifty quid. A steal I thought. Couldn’t understand why nobody wanted them. He is one of the all time greats. We were sat on his table. A privilege and a memorable day out.

Gotta go. Ciao amigos.


January 26, 2024

T minus four

Filed under: early one morning — Trefor Davies @ 6:21 am

Five ten. That is a time, of day. That is the time right now. Ey em. Was awake so got up. Heard the wind and presumably rain bashing the house. Figured we had definitely moved on from the freezing cold, for the moment at least. 

I like both the rain and the freezing cold and, indeed, the combination of the two which is snow obvs. Unless it is hailstones which are nowhere near as nice as snow although they are interesting. I think on the very rare occasion we get hailstones I always exclaim, ‘hey it’s hailing’. It’s an automatic reaction. I must do the same thing when it snows. It’s a fairly rare occurrence hereabouts. In these parts. Lincoln.

Don’t know about you but I definitely talk to the sat nav. When she tells me to turn left I say ‘thank you’. If she repeats herself too often I say ‘okay, okay I got you the first time’. When my car was at the menders THG and I were off on a trip somewhere in her car and using Waze on her phone. Boy did the woman have an irritating voice. I had to give her the boot and hire someone else. Would have driven me crazy to have had to listen to her the whole way.

Five ten is quite early for me to get up and go downstairs. I typically wait until half past, if I am awake, but I’ve taken to turning the face of the clock radio away from me as I read something about light disturbing your sleep patterns. The downside of this is that I can’t easily see the time but we shouldn’t always live our lives by the clock. Let nature take over.

I’m not always awake that early. Sometimes I look at the clock and say ‘gosh it’s a quarter to seven’ or similar. Then whoever is on tea duty will jump out of bed and rush downstairs to get it done. Ish.

The milkman came, fag in hand, at three twelve ey em today. Brought a couple of pints. I thought we had cancelled this delivery but clearly I know noothing. I was immediately able to pinpoint the exact time of delivery as last night I very sensibly cleared the cobwebs from around the camera out front. No false positives due to moving cobwebs. They were getting to be v noisy. It’s ok, it’s sorted.

Today I have a clear diary. Just a bit of banking to do. Invoices to pay. That kind of thing. Doesn’t mean I won’t be doing anything nosiree Bob. Means I can get on with things. Might also squeeze in a swim but meeting @Guy in the Star at four ish so see how that goes.

It’s a bit of a treat going to the pub, albeit for just an hour or two. It’s not a frequent occasion nowadays believe it or not. This is largely because I’m trying to stick to a keto diet which means no beer and the whole point of going to a pub is to drink beer. Gin is ok but they only dish it out by the thimbleful in pubs so not really worth the effort.

THG is off out to see a pal tonight so when I get home I have a Charlie Bigham’s CTM for my tea. Got it reduced in Waitrose on Wednesday. I had planned on getting a Madras using the money off voucher that was on my Waitrose App but they didn’t have any in stock. The CTM is nice anyway. Got some onion bhajis to go with it, yum.

One of the things I always look forward to after a trip overseas is a proper British curry. They just don’t do them properly anywhere else. You have to be careful with your choice of curry house, even in the UK. Some are much better than others. I’m sure we all have a favourite. The problem in Lincoln is that my fave, the Castle View, doesn’t deliver and after a few Guinnesses in the Star I won’t be able to go and collect, hence the Charlie Bigham.

Note the use of TLAs here. I wonder if CTM will still be a thing five hundred years hence. Will someone reading my stuff at that time know what on earth I am on about. Probs not. You could probably say the same thing today 🙂

A road cleaner noisily  makes its way down the road outside our house. I guess it is a good time of day to clean the roads. I’ll inspect the work later. See if I can tell the difference.

T-4 and time to make the tea.

January 25, 2024

T minus five

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:13 am

I hitchhiked to Paris a couple of times when I were a lad. Nowadays I go there using slightly faster and more luxurious means. I like Paris. I like the pavement cafe culture. I remember Paris in forty nine, the Champs Elysees and old St Michel Beaujolais wine. 

THG and I had a great weekend there in the early days of our relationship. Stayed in Hotel Avenir, a small two star dive near Montmartre, down the hill. We took with us fifty quid’s worth of spending money, twenty of which was spent in the first bar we went to! We was poor in them days. Perhaps lacking in worldly wisdom. We got by.

Been to Paris quite a lot over the years. Fifteen of us went there for the rugby world cup, last time it was in France, before 2023 that is. We camped in the Bois De Boulogne. Probably the best rugby tour I’ve been on. Tom, at fifteen, came along with three other lads the same age. A great baptism into touring culture.

Then we went there to watch my siblings, Ann and Sue, finish the London to Paris bike ride. Rather them than me. I couldn’t see myself sitting on the saddle of a bike for four days let alone doing all that pedalling. On one day they cycled one hundred kilometres into a 30 kmh headwind. Brutal. 

We took dad with us on the trip and it was the time we discovered he really was not that mobile anymore. Dad and I spent a wonderful afternoon sat at a table outside a cafe in Montmartre having lunch and working our way through a couple of bottles of vin blanc. It’s what dads and sons do. It was easier for us to just sit there than to walk around seeing the sights.

After that dad and I did a dad and lad trip around Wales in my Jag. Visited all his old haunts. Great week if v tiring as by then his lack of mobility was a known issue. Met my uni pal Dave the Rave for a few sherberts in The Ship in Dolgellau, I recall. Anne joined us at the end of the trip in the Black Boy in Caernarfon. Dre. Dad used to work in Caernarfon.  Going back a bit now.

The moral of this tale is that dads are important. Spend as much time as you can with them. Mums too obvs.

Dunno what made me think about Paris. We are off there for the Olympics this year. Figured we might as well. Do stuff. That bus is a’coming.

It has been my custom and practice to spend time with individual offspring. Just me and he or she. The last of the cycle is coming up next week. When there are just the two of you you can do things that don’t make sense when the whole family (of six) is there. 

I recall Hannah and I going to the opera in Barcelona to hear a world famous tenor. Rolando Villazon though I might be wrong. Time plays tricks on the memory. Gran Teatre del Liceu. The tickets were around £250 each. This wouldn’t have happened if there were six of us.

It was a very hot evening and an old lady kept fluttering her fan to cool off. Unfortunately  this caused a repetitive clicking sound which was really distracting and detracted from the music. It took a lot of diplomatic persuasion by a number of us at the interval to get her to stop. It was still one of those world class nights. 

I have some fave restaurants in Barcelona. Los Caracoles, Xalet de Montjuc and the really cool Betty Ford bar. If you go to Los Caracoles ask for a table next to the kitchen. It’s a great atmosphere. Must take THG there someday. To Barcelona that is. She hasn’t been.

Did you know Suzie? Helluvagal. Dim llaeth heddiw os gwelwch yn dda.

T-5. Everything under control. 

Just cleaned the cobwebs from around the cctv camera in the front. Was annoying the hell out of me with false positive movement detections when it was just a bit of spider web swaying in the wind. Made finding out what time the milkman came a lot harder as I had to trawl through the whole night’s footage. Will be a lot easier now 🙂

I have downed tools for the evening. Been quite a busy day yanow. My new book arrived and I’ve already read half of it: “Christmas Evans – no ordinary preacher”. Had forgotten I’d ordered it so it was a nice surprise when it came. 

I am very interested in the history of religious dissent in West Wales so this was a bit more background reading and especially relevant as old CE used to preach at the Baptist chapel founded by my 4xG grandfather. They would have known each other. JP Davies, another relative of mine, was also quite famous on the circuit a generation after CE. JP’s dad was the rector of Llandysul or similar and wrote him out his will when he realised he had left the established church.

So tonight neither THG nor I have anything lined up. She will undoubtedly spend the evening creating things. She is a very talented craftswoman, if such a thing is a term. I plan on listening to music and writing. Some of this afternoon was spent packing my big yellow duffel bag. It is mostly done. Eighty percent perhaps. 

This needs doing well in advance as I will be away for sixteen days. That means sixteen sets of underwear plus spares, shirts etc. We won’t have much of an opportunity to do laundry and I’m blowed if I’m going to give it to a hotel to do. Reality is we won’t be stopping anywhere long enough to do that anyway. It’s mostly shorts and t shirts anyway with a token nod for the British weather en route to the airport.

This trip is going to have periods of downtime and thus opportunities to record my thoughts. And experiences, which I am expecting to be spectacular. Not quite like being a Victorian traveller who might stay in one place for weeks just to take in the view as it took so long to get there.

I like the idea of owning a big yellow duffel bag. It doesn’t have wheels which is a bit of a disadvantage but I’ll just have to use airport carts. Big yellow duffel bags are cool. I bought it because I’ve lost my big black North Face duffel bag. Now I have no idea how anyone goes about losing a duffel bag. I can only think I must have left it somewhere but it would have to have been empty otherwise I’d have noticed that some clothes had gone missing. I dunno.

Anyway I am very happy with my big yellow duffel bag. Reminds me of Joni Mitchell. Big Yellow Taxi. Not because it has anything to do with either, it’s just cool. Not black or blue or grey. It’s yellow and it’s cool. 

It will stand out on the airport luggage carousel. Would be quite annoying if everyone else realised how cool it is to have a big yellow duffel bag and went and bought one. It’s not gonna happen obvs but it would be annoying if they did. I’d need to rethink my luggage strategy.

Actually I didn’t buy the big yellow duffel bag to stand out. I just liked it. These days I just do things I like doing. Life is too short to fill it with badness, tedium, greyness. Don’t be grey.

In some respects I wish I’d adopted that stance decades ago. From the get go really. Sometimes these things just reveal themselves over time, with experience. Don’t fly coach fly first class. Life is too short to fly at the back of the plane and doing so undoubtedly shortens it further.

Another thing I learnt some time ago is to trust your gut feel, your instinct. That’s what I instil in my kids. Bet on yourself. I have always written poetry from time to time. I used to keep quiet about it and then decided sod it, I don’t care what people think. So I entered a competition at the Poetry Society only to find that there were seventy thousand entries. I didn’t win. I read the winning poem and realised that it was an establishment pick.

That was the moment I decided that the only way to do it was to publish it yourself which is where philosopherontap came in. It didn’t matter to me what people thought about my poetry. I did it for myself. Ok actually it is nice of people say they like your stuff but ultimately it doesn’t matter. From time to time I buy someone else’s poetry book to support them but really I don’t read the poetry. It is a very personal thing that people do for themselves.

One thing that amazed me when I started to talk about my poetry was how many people wrote poetry themselves but kept quiet about it. People from all walks of life. I once invited a lot of folks to our house for a poetry evening.There was no shortage of takers. Some just brought their fave poems along but we had a great evening reading and listening to poetry. I must do it again.

January 23, 2024

Red dawn

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:07 am

Apparently the sky beyond the shed was red this morning but I missed it. Because it is no longer red I don’t suppose that means it is going to be nice weather. Haven’t checked and don’t plan on doing so. Let’s live life on the edge. Twould be funny if, when walking back from the shed, I was swept into the air unexpectedly by the hurricane that the sky was trying to warn me about earlier. Shoulda looked on the app 🙂

I digress. From what, I know not. It’s not as if I sit down and write this stuff with any purpose other than the fact that I like doing it. 

Our house seems to be full or relaxing sounds this morning. Actually I’m not sure that “Thought for the Day” on Radio 4 is relaxing. Dull, more like and it is the prompt for me to get up. The dishwasher in the kitchen is very much relaxing. Soft background whooshes. Almost like being stood at the photocopier in the “old days”. Does anyone still do that?

The upshot is I am sat in the kitchen swigging, nay sipping a cup of tea after which I shall risk walking to the shed.

54 68 65 20 6D 69 6C 6B 6D 61 6E 20 64 6F 65 73 6E 27 74 20 63 6F 6D 65 20 6F 6E 20 54 75 65 73 64 61 79 73


January 22, 2024

Storm Isha did its stuff

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:40 am

Storm Isha did its stuff but the kids got away without too much disruption. Tom will have benefitted from some delay repay by LNER, fair play. Sometimes I’m ok with delay repay as, if the delay is over an hour, you get your money back completely. If all you are doing is sitting on the train listening to music and drinking gin or doing some werk then it’s norraproblem really. I guess if you have a connection to make or a meeting to go to it can be a nuisance.

There was one occasion where I was on my way home on the nineteen oh six, the last direct train, and we stopped outside Collingham for an hour for some reason or other. There were only two or three of us in the first class coach and the attendants had nothing to do so we (I) were plied with drink and informed that if I didn’t finish off the bottle of wine it would only get thrown away. The wine is pretty pants on LNER but it was a gift horse. Party time.

Fortunately I don’t have to drive after the train gets into Lincoln. Delay repay might not have the same allure if I did.

It is still v windy out. Nice and sunny though. A good drying day as THG would put it. In fact she did. Interesting that some people never dry their clothes on the line. Perhaps they don’t have an outdoor space. They always smell a lot nicer than if dried in a tumble drier and it is certainly a lot cheaper.

The milkman came at an early three sixteen ey em. Clearly wanting to get his week off to a good start.  I guess Mondays are a days to be rolling your sleeves up and getting on with the week. I suppose. This is my last week at home for a while so have quite a bit to do meself.


January 21, 2024

Great day out in Leicester

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:05 am

Great day out in Leicester. Tbh Leicester the place was windswept and freezing cold. It isn’t in my top list of destinations even in the summer. Leicester is an historic place though and we did spot one mediaeval looking gaff in town. Then around the corner loomed a castle-like structure that turned out to be a prison. We moved on.

At the ground it took us a couple of laps around the block before we identified our car park. Had to stop and ask a bloke in a high viz jacket in the end. We had a spot in Leicester College car park right next to the Welford Road stadium, fair play. Except it isn’t called that any more. It is Mattioli Woods stadium. Wealth management company apaz. Woteva.

So the only real reason for anyone to want to go to Leicester is to watch sport. Rugby, cricket or football, when Liverpool are visiting otherwise I’d not bother. In fact I’ve never been to either the football or cricket ground there.

Leicester were up against Leinster in the European Cup. Tbh the odds were stacked against them as the visitors are mostly Irish rugby internationals and Leicester were walloped despite putting up a good resistance and scoring the first try. 

For Tom and I it was just a nice day out. We are both Irish passport holders and were ok with Leinster winning. Our seats were top dollar jobs near the half way line and directly  accessible by an internal corridor from the Chairman’s Lounge where we partook of excellent hospitality. Good nosh and plenty of staff at hand to bring beer to the table. Even had a nice couple called Fiona and Mark sat next to us.

We were treated to a bit of a talk by Chris Ashton,  Anthony Watson and Nick Dolly before the game. Not heard of Nick Dolly but that’s probs just my ignorance. Both Nick and Tony were injured hence their availability to chat.

The one non positive observation on the day was the presence of four guys on a corporate jolly sat directly behind us in the row above. They couldn’t stop talking about business. “We have a 51% success rate with pitches”. Very good mate. He also told the stand that his school was a rugby playing school but he never got picked for the team. Blamed it on his asthma. Get well soon I say. Didn’t stop him rabbiting on non stop for almost the whole game and when he got tired or ran out of things to say someone else kicked in. Always catches the 06.57 for his daily commute into London apaz. Loser. It didn’t spoil our day 🙂

Tom drove back and I managed to stay awake for the whole journey. 

T-9 – now into single figures.

January 20, 2024

Leicester Tigers v Leinster Lions

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:27 am

Exciting day ahead. Leicester Tigers v Leinster Lions with our Tom. Gonna get there early to make the most of the experience. No doubt I’ll stick a pic or two up. Might even buy Tom a scarf. It’s his birthday present. I’m that kind of dad 🙂

Fortunately the temperature is nudging up. I read somewhere that Lincoln City were still defrosting part of their pitch in advance of today’s game against Derby City. Should be ok.

In other news I see that Doja Cat is to headline Coachella. What a great name. In 2024 we are truly in the realm of science fiction. The world is growing ever more surreal. Doja Cat. Had to say it again. The inaugural Coachella in 1999 had Beck, Rage Against the Machine and Tool as headliners. Almost boring by comparison.

Let’s face it. If a musician has become famous in the past thirty years there is a fair chance I won’t have heard of them. One of our kids works for Live Nation as a project manager. I have very rarely heard of any of the bands he works with. The development of my music tastes dramatically slowed when four kids arrived on the scene. Unless you consider Wheels on the Bus to be where it’s at. Willoughby wallaby wustin, an elephant sat on Justin.

Having four kids did allow me to read some classy books that I had not touched since my own childhood. Just William specifically springs to mind. Also a few new books became classics. Ivor The Engine. Swallows and Amazons. All time greats really. I did reread the Famous Five but tbh they were too corny. I used to devour them when I was a kid. Times change. None of my kids took to them.

In the meantime time to get cracking on breakfast. Need a hot meal in us before hitting the road for the icy wastes of Welford Road.

It is a Saturday. THG bought some milk yesterday to last the weekend. T-10

January 19, 2024


Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 11:31 am

Good session in the shed last night. Had some neighbours around. One of them is about to become a grandad. THG asked me how the pregnancy is coming along. Erm. Tbh I have no idea what we talked about. Not babies. Definitely wood as I was showing off my new wood recognition book. @rob thought he already had a copy of it somewhere. Birds of a feather… 

Bit of clearing up required this morning before doing anything. The shed always seems to need a tidy. Non stop innit. It’s like the Forth Bridge always needs painting.

A nice frosty start to the day. Cars will need scraping before they can go anywhere. It’s the kind of frost you imagine Thomas Hardy would write about as his main character walks down the country lane bound for Mr Threshborough’s cottage. Or similar. Mr T needs dropping in on occasionally just to check up on him, yanow.

If I can get showered and dressed before the frost starts to fade I’ll take some pics. Add them to the tens of thousands of other photos on my drive that rarely get seen. The temperature is set to climb to a heady three or four degrees today. Almost shorts weather.

The Red Arrows are out practising. I hear them but rarely see them. Given up running out to take a look as they are invariably just dots in the distance by the time I get out there.

We cancelled today’s milk delivery. T-11

Du lait, doolay. Just sayin. Ditez moi pourquoi pas?

Storm Isha is on it’s way apaz. I say ‘it’ because I’m not sure whether Isha is a him or a her although my gut feel says her. Regardless of sex Isha is a comin and those in its path should batten down their hatches.

The funny thing is I doubt anyone reading this actually has a hatch to batten down. Unless you are of a particularly nautical persuasion in which case hello sailor 🙂Actually I know @Adam, @Graham, @Tim and @Nina have boats but Nina doesn’t live in the UK and Isha may be of no concern to her. Adam, Graham and Tim make sure your hatches are battened down. Sorry if I missed someone out. Get battening.

I quite like going for a sail but boat owning is not for me. Unless it is a little day boat for pootling around the Isle of Man but even then we don’t go there often enough to merit having one. We live too far from any decent port. Better to just hire a boat with a crew and spend your time lolling about at the stern taking photographs of the wildlife and looking for basking sharks, dolphins and killer whales. Careful what you wish for. 

January 18, 2024

Facebook ads

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:57 am

Dear Facebook

I have enough warm socks, sweaters and coats and don’t need any more. Certainly not this season. I also have around five or six woolly hats so definitely don’t need any more of them. I realise you haven’t been pushing me ads for hats/beanies and now will but it is a risk I’ll take and doesn’t really matter in the great scheme of things.

My Wales rugby jersey style Fatface sweatshirt is on its way. It’s been ordered anyway. In a sale. I saw it in Abergavenny but they had limited size options in the store so ordered it online after seeing an ad on Facebook. So some of the ads are relevant!

I’ll be away for the first two weekends of the 6 nations but will be watching the first game at least in a bar. There is unlikely to be a tv at our location for the second game and I doubt I’ll need anything as warm as a sweatshirt. Maybe for the journey.

Temperature is still sub zero outside. Over breakfast THG and I observed that we were fine in our centrally heated double glazed house but our parents’ generation started off in different circumstances. Dad was born in Maesdulais, just outside a mining community in West Wales in 1934. In the family woollen mill to be precise but his father was a miner. The wool industry went into decline after the first world war so the next generation had to find employment elsewhere and locally, coal mining was the main alternative.

On a morning such as this my grandmother would have got up early to light the range and cook breakfast for my grandfather before he left for the pit in darkness. They moved to a small cottage built by her father opposite the pit in Blaenhirwaun so he didn’t have to walk far.

I remember staying in the cottage in winter as a kid. You really had to psych yourself up to get out from underneath the blankets in the morning. Breath would freeze. Don’t really have the problem nowadays although we all like to stay cosy under the duvet innit.

In our kitchen a pan of THG’s finest homemade soup sits on the stovetop ready to be warmed up for lunch. Perfect for this weather.

No milk was spilt in the production of this post.


PS the pic is of a painting of the Maesdulais woollen mill, known as “y ffatri” picked up by dad somewhere along the way. The artist has applied some license as I’m told the wheel was not originally in that position.

PPS my grandmother survived her husband by perhaps forty years. After his death she got free coal delivered for the rest of her life. Would have made a big difference.

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