where art collides philosoperontap

October 27, 2023

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:52 pm

Eurostar Lounge, Stardate 27102023

All is quiet in the lounge. Checkin was quick and easy. Irish passport speeded up the process at EU customs. Anyone needing a stamp seemed to take a lot longer to be processed. Suspicious looking furriners one and all. Woman before me had a black passport. Wotsthatallabout!

Good meeting at the Brussels Airport Sheraton this morning. I must say the airport is a lot easier to get out of by train than it is to get there. All the platform announcements only mention the final destination so you have no idea which trains are going to stop at the place you want to go. In this case the airport. Was the same going one stop to the hotel in Grand Place yesterday. 

Google’s suggestions involved a change of trains. Norravinthat. Taxi was easy and timely. Even then the driver didn’t really understand how to get to the Sheraton and dropped me off a bit of a walk away. I found out during the meeting that had I taken an Uber it would have been a route march as Ubers aren’t allowed onto the airport itself.

Tbh my experience of Brussels airport has never been great which is one of the reasons I catch the Eurostar. The other reason is that the Eurostar terminal is a hundred yards from where you get off the train at Kings Cross.

It is a Friday. I’m on my way home so debating whether to help myself to a drink in’t lounge. My dilemma is this. I’ve been working on a bit of a white paper and it only needs an hour or two with a clear head to finish off. This doesn’t involve alcohol.

However I will need internet connectivity to add the references and internet access on the Eurostar is pants. There. Looks like I’ve just talked myself into a beer. Ciao amigos.

Bit tedious. Some guy on his phone talking ‘got to get this wrapped up fairly quickly’. My ‘phones aren’t drowning him out.

As I was boarding there were lots of different languages to be heard. Made me think how wonderful it is that languages were able to develop in isolation all aeound the world. Wouldn’t happen today with modern communications. Makes you also think what a shame it is that the world is converging on a small number of common languages. Will be a long time before one finally wins out. We probs wouldn’t recognise it.

As I write we are leaving Brussels. The train is pulling out of Gare du Midi and heading slowly through the burbs. Goodbye Brussels.

The Business Premier carriage is full. Doesn’t bode well for speed of service especially as the trolley has just rolled past me to another coach. Maybs that’s not our trolley. Gonna lay off the champagne. The glasses they dish it out in are far too small. Thimbles almost. Wot!

The guy on the phone’s knee keeps bobbing up and down. Suggests he is tense though his tone of voice doesn’t suggest that.

Now that the drinks have arrived the guy has finished his call and is on the white wine. Somewhat overfilled his glass but hey. Poured the whole of one of those small airline sized bots into his glass. Was a different trolley to the aforementioned and I was one of the first to be served fair play. G&T. Looks like some sort of curried chichen salad for lunch. What’s not to like.

On journeys like this where I effectively have two hours of downtime I could be reading a book. However I prefer to use the opportunity to stick some random verbage on the page. As you might have noticed. Looking at my dog and bone I’m somewhat amazed to see a full set of bars of 5g. Maybs things are on the up connectivitywise.

He is working now. Laptop out, juggled around the food tray that hasn’t yet been collected. Can’t identify with it anymore. Might have been me once. He is wearing a chunky watch. I don’t do chunky watches. In fact I don’t do watches.

We are approaching the tunnel. Lots of fences and barbed wire.

I’m going home I’ve done my time. 16.06 from London Kings Cross to Lincoln Central. At this time I would like to give thanks to the two people who had booked the two window seats from Kings Cross to Newark who didn’t turn up for the train. Thanks both. These tables, for four, are really only intended for two, and tbh one is best which is where I am at. I will glare at anyone planning to board into first class at interim stayshuns.

I feel quite relaxed on the train. Had three pints with Charlie Boy in the Parcel Yard at Kings Cross. Our table had a reserved ‘sign’ on it. Aluminium job. We did enquire after the significance of this at the bar but no clue was forthcoming. We ignored it. 

Similar notices were on the other tables in our section of the bar. When the table opposite was vacated I pinched the reserved sign and put it in place of the one I had already nicked from our table. Will go well in the shed. At around 15.40, when I was preparing to leave anyway, a member of staff came to the table and informed us that the section was booked from 4pm. Foine. I was already on my way.

Pulling into the borough of pete. A confusion of ancient cathedral and nineteen seventies concrete monstrosities, I assume. The platform is rammed but none of them look as if they are destined for the first class carriage. Couple of false starts who quickly realised their mistake and about-turned at the door. Don’t want any more people on ma table innit. We continue our journey…

October 24, 2023

The kitchen clock ticks tirelessly

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:48 pm

The kitchen clock ticks tirelessly in its relentless pursuit of time. While the battery lasts. Amazingly it appears to be showing the right time. Someone must have adjusted it because as far as I recall it was always a few minutes behind. Maybe I did it. Dunno.

Tis a gentle start to the day. Up slightly earlier than usual for a feast of avocado toast. We had some guac left over from the weekend and another avocado to use up before heading to Laandan today.

There is much to do afore we go, not the least being I am in need of a new pair of shoes. I like to wear trainers when pounding the mean streets of London and mine are bright fluorescent green. A black pair would be more suitable. Not that it really matters or anyone really cares. Well I do.

Found a hotel for less than two hundred quid. A rarity these days. In London. Doubletree Angel. I prefer the Hilton Angel but that seems to have got a lot more expensive. The point about the Hilton is that it is only around 100m from my birthplace, the maternity wing of the Royal Free Hospital. I like to go and look at my blue plaque. It’s flats now.

At least the Doubletree has a bus stop right in front of it. V handy for Kings Cross. I like using the bus in London. Better than the tube, especially if you can sit on the front row of the top deck. The best seats. Must make sure I have my Oyster card with me. 

Only ran out of fuel in the Tesco car park dinneye. On the way to refuel. Range suggested I had a few miles left but the needle went quickly to zero. I suspect I also have a fuel leak. Will have to wait until the weekend as I am now away.

Dark Side Of The Moon playing in ma phones. Chillin out before heading out. THG wants to swing by the lounge but she can do that tomorrow. Lounge fare is rarely comparable to a decent pint of Neck Oil in’t pub.

Darkness is rapidly descending on Islington and the great metropolis that is London. Red lights on tall structures alert passing aircraft to their presence. 

We caught the bus here from Kings Cross. Only three stops but handy enough. You really notice the multicultural nature of London when you travel by bus. A kid got on at the same time as us. Can’t have been more than eleven years old. He wore a football top but I couldn’t tell who the team was. When onboard he reported in by mobile. Presumably mum or dad to let them know he was on his way.

October 22, 2023

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:47 pm

Bright sunshine out there and I can see a snail trail all over the outside of one of the conservatory doors. Effin snails. Dazzled by the low sun in the kitchen. I guess I could have lowered the blind a bit.

Not been out yet. Pork loin prepped and in the oven. Bread chopped up for stuffing. Spuds peeled. Stuff like that.

Bit of activity in the hoose. As you might have guessed we are having a Sunday roast today. I have wine. I even have Normandy cider for the gravy plus a bit left over for consumption before lunch.

The key to a good pork joint is getting the crackling right. The butch at Fosters scored the skin for me and chined the bone. The joining is sitting on a rack in the oven tray for maximum exposure of skin to heat. Willbefoine.

Had a rare night on the tiles last night. Downtown. Bumped into @Chris and one or two others at the Cardinal’s Hat and had dinner at Cafe Portico before the Activators gig at The Drill Hall. Cafe Portico was underwhelming. Wouldn’t really give them more than 4/10. 5/10 at most. Could have done it better myself. A few frozen prawns cooked in garlic butter then a very bland lasagne which was a disappointment. No flavour. Won’t bother again.

I do in theory have some work to get on with this morning if I can squeeze an hour or so in. Next week is going to be busy. This afternoon will be a write off. Snooze in front of the fire…

While I remember we rocked up at the Cathedral Coffee Shop for a cuppa yesterday. I was in the process of ordering online when a waiter rocked up and asked if he could get me anything. I abandoned the online order and requested two teas and a millionaire’s shortbread.

Then I had a flash of inspiration and asked if they offered the clergy a discount. Without asking me whether I was a member of that profession he immediately knocked ten percent off the bill. Result!

Now some people might be embarrassed about this but in my defence I didn’t say I was a member of the clergy or ask him for a discount. I just asked whether they gave a discount to the clergy. Chortle, chortle. Must have saved me around eighty five pence!

October 21, 2023

relaxing start to jour

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:47 pm

Another relaxing start to jour. THG is preparing to head off for the park run and I am waiting to see if anyone else is going to surface in a timely manner to join me for a spot of fast-breaking. I will be opening a tin of beans in honour of the occasion 🙂

Yesterday’s heavy rain has moved on to soak somewhere else. I didn’t mind the weather at all. My trusty Tilley hat did the business. Kept me dry. Great when you are a wearer of spectacles. Obs you also need some sort of waterproof coat an’ all but a coat on its own is no good for wearers of spectacles because they invariably get wet. Tilley is it, come rain or shine. Indestructible, they claim.

Twas a latish one last night, what with watching the All Blacks walloping Argentina and then waiting for ground transportation to take some of our visitors to their hotel. I am pleased to report that the chilli con carne, roughly based on the Delia Smith recipe, was a success. I added cumin, paprika and marjoram for that authentic chilli flavour. 

If you look at packets of chilli mix, cumin and paprika are the main ingreds. The others are mostly E number type things. I won’t be buying them again.

Storm Babet, for that was its name, has quickly moved down the page on the news websites. There is so much crap going on in the world. A debate about the unusualness of the name would seem somewhat frivolous considering the other stuff going on.

Last week’s edition of “Have I Got News For You” studiously avoided any mention of the ‘other stuff’. Fair play. Sometimes it is inappropriate to make light of a situation. It is an unusual name though, Babet. It’s the name of someone in the Belgian meteorological centre or some such similar place, apaz. Don’t get me wrong. I’m ok with it 🙂

October 19, 2023

Ajax’s 64th birthday

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:45 pm

Out last night for Ajax’s 64th birthday. They go to the Isle of Wight a fair bit but take their motorhome and don’t rent a cottage. Also they have no grandkids named Vera, Chuck or Dave. It is what it is.

The result of going out on a school night is a somewhat sluggish start to the day in marked contrast to yesterday’s ‘bright as a daisy’ if that is a saying. 

Quite a bit going on today as well, what with the stretch and flex class at ten thirty, nipping to Fosters for a joint of pork and some beef for the weekend and cracking on with my talk at the Lonap Inspired 25 conference next week. If you’re going, see you there.

Speaking of London, the hotel prices have skyrocketed this year but there are tricks to saving yer dollar. I’ve just cancelled next week’s hotel and booked another for less than £200 a night saving me about forty five quid. That’s ten pints in some parts of the country. Not in London obvs. Hopefully will be able to do the same for trefbash – hotels in town are showing ridiculous prices for December.

The thing about hotels for trefbash is that they need to be within walking distance of the Phoenix Arts Club. Trying to find a cab at two am is near impossible. I realise most people don’t stay the pace until the wee small hours but it’s my party so I do, particularly as I have to settle the bar bill at the end of the night. Last year the kitty ran out just after the last drink was ordered which is quite some achievement.

The usual champagne order has been placed and I still need to nail the menu but that will get sorted. Registrations are ahead of last year so if you plan on coming you should probably get a bit of a wiggle on though you do still have some time to get organised.

I just need to figure out what I’m gonna wear!!!

October 18, 2023

Good kip

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:44 pm

Good kip. Turned the radio on this morning. Too much bad news. Switched to Classic FM. Slowish start to the day. Shower shortly.

Left the heating on in the shed by mistake last night. As a result it is nice and toasty this morning. I usually switch it off when I head home for the day. One is the obvious fiscal reason although I have no idea how much it costs to run. Just seems to make sense. The other is because the heater has an LED which I can see from the house. I don’t like the light pollution. I can’t see the PoE switch which will be flashing constantly so not my problemo. That’s not getting turned off anyway.

October 17, 2023

heating on

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:43 pm

Heating went on for an hour this morning. Call me a wimp. I’ve also dug out my woolly socks purchased from @Steve Rowland artisan shop in the Bailgate and am wearing my Black Yak Himalayan woollen jumper. The latter is a tad over the top but I am warm. Hands aren’t though. Waiting for the shed to come up to temperature.

Classic autumnal day out. Quite still. The merest of sway amongst the grasses in front of the deck. The shed is brightly lit which is uplifting when the days get shorter and the light begins to fade.

I feel as if I am starting to come round from the self imposed six weeks of bodily abuse. Started back on the keto diet yesterday which helps almost straight away. Feel much better for it.

Yesterday I spent much of the day reading which to a certain extent irks THG who thinks I should be getting more exercise. She is right of course. I shall go out for a walk before lunch. No afternoon lane swimming sessions at the mo. Shortage of lifeguards apaz. If you know any lifeguards who might want to come out of retirement, point them at Yarborough Leisure Centre.

Bit of Vaughan Williams playing on the surround sound. A gentle start to the day which promises to be a busy one. My days are as busy as I want to make them but I’m doing a talk at a Lonap event in London next week that needs a bit of prep and I have to wrap up a plan by the end of the week for a shindig in Belgium next year.

The wind is up
It can be seen and heard

October 16, 2023

I shall light a fire

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:42 pm

This weekend I shall light a fire. We have visitors. Got loads of logs left over from last year and haven’t even started sorting out the wood at the bottom of the garden. Needs chopping into manageable sizes and then properly seasoning. I say this weekend. It is yonks away yet. Gawd knows when the wood at the bottom of the garden will get sorted.

This morning I noticed leaves on the lawn. It’s all started folks. As of Saturday I am also out of shorts and will perhaps this week put my summer wardrobe into storage. I’ve never really done this before but it might free up some wardrobe space. No idea where it will go. Got the idea off THG who does it every year, apaz!

I should really sort out the drawers under the bed but they aren’t massively accessible as one of them comes up against the bedside table and only opens about three inches. Problems problems eh? 🙂No idea what’s in there!

I do like this time of year. When our visitors come we have a roast pork in mind for Sunday lunch. It feels right. Sunday roast with all the trimmings then doze off in front of a blazing fire. Something that doesn’t happen in the summer. Don’t get me wrong. I also like the BBQ lifestyle but life is a rich tapestry…

Despite having connectivity in the shed I can ignore the world around me, if I choose. This is a bit of a dilemma as I am a natural communicator yet sometimes feel that we should spend time in isolation, away from it all. So much sh*t going on all around you have to focus on the good things. I pay people to deal with the bad, although they aren’t particularly good at it.

October 14, 2023

Covid booster

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:41 pm

Covid booster yesterday. In and out v quickly fair play although the traffic through town was terrible. Probs something to do with school pickup time and heavy rain. Give the kids a coat. Amazing how many people you see walking around without a coat. I guess people can’t afford them.

Quiet start Saturday with my first cooked breakfast since coming back from France. Set me up for the day ahead. Won’t need lunch which is good as I will be driving to Oxford for @lily’s twenty first birthday bash. She clearly has some Davies blood as the dinner is in a private room in a curry house. We are all excited to be getting together as a family again. It must be a good six weeks since the last one in Killybegs 🙂

Before that we have the essential viewing of Cymru v Argentina at four o’clock. It’s quite refreshing to not have to add an hour to the start time which is what we had to do when referring to the BBC sports website for the rugby schedules. The timing of this game is great as it will have ended before birthday festivities start. 

The biggest issue is the Ireland v All Blacks game which is on whilst we are tucking into our onion bhajis. Presumably. I haven’t seen the menu. I doubt the Indian restaurant will have a TV on the wall. The commentary would clash with the Bollywood Greatest Hits soundtrack and likely upset the goldfish.

Tbh one of my fave nieces only celebrates her twenty first once so I guess an occasional sneak peek at the score on my device will have to suffice. I do have an IRFU tee shirt wot I procured in Nantes which I could wear but I’m not sure it’s been through the cleaning process yet. There’s been a line of wet clothes hanging out in our back garden for two days now. No point bringing them in as it’s been chucking it down as previously mentioned.

There is talk of going out on the lash in Oxford afterwards but we will have to see about that 🙂I’ve been on the wagon.

Lils is the last of the next generation to celebrate their twenty-first and this will therefore be the last such family bash for a while. There is no rush for the inevitable spate of weddings and christenings that ordinarily come next. I guess there are sixtieth birthdays coming down the pike so they will suffice as an infill.

In the meantime I have a relaxing morning ahead. I do have to give some thought to attire. I’ve been wearing shorts since the clocks sprang forward but I sense it is ‘longs’ weather today. I don’t like giving in and transitioning to longs but feels as if it makes sense. The mean streets of Oxford will be down to eight degrees by the time we finish our chicken tikka masalas and lamb rogan joshes. Fires will be blazing in pub parlours and the warm glow emanating through their half frosted windows will suggest that winter is fast approaching.

October 13, 2023

over the jet lag

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:40 pm

I’m over the jet lag. I think. Couple of good nights’ sleep in me own bed. Comfort food. No booze. Stuff like that. Sticking with the comfort food for now as the diet starts on Monday.

Outside it is raining. As it is wont to do in autumn Lincoln. This I quite like. I like staring out at the rain. Through the open doors of the shed. Listening to it on the roof. Very relaxing. 

Funny how quickly you get used to the weather back in the UK. I wouldn’t want to live somewhere that was mostly warm and sunny. Not my thing. Like it for a while, then I like the change.

The only thing I don’t really like is the low light non weather of January and February. It would be ok if it froze and we had snow and ice but that is rarely the case. Enough weather talk.

Today is Friday. You may or may not have known this. It might be relevant, it might not. Everything is relevant, in its own way. Blow me down I’ve made it through another week. TGIF. Do you still go down the pub for lunch?

Years ago when working at Marconi in Lincoln we used to nip to the Royal Oak in Aubourn for Friday lunch. I’d have the same thing every week. Jumbo ham roll and chips and a bottle of Perrier water. The jumbo ham roll really was mahoosive. When I got home I was always asked what I had for lunch and the answer was always ‘a ham roll’.

One Saturday morning, pre kids, Anne (she wasn’t known as THG in those days – we didn’t have much of a garden in Greetwell Gate) and I went out for a spin in the car. Around lunchtime we happened to drive past the Royal Oak and decided to pop in for some nourishment.

The barman just said ‘usual?” to which I nodded. We sat down, me with my Perrier water and eventually the jumbo ham roll and chips turned up. ‘Ahah she cried. ‘A ham roll!!’ I was rumbled 🙂. I hadn’t mentioned the jumbo bit nor the chips. Didn’t matter really but a nice story. The family running that pub moved on and we stopped going there.

Do people still go out for a pub lunch on Fridays?

In other news Mac Mini sorted. Fixed itself but took ten mins or so which is a long time considering the amount of processing power it has. Anyway, done now. Just need to stick my AV gear back in the shed and then fully up and running again.

Boy does it feel good to be back with a decent internet connection. Everywhere we went it varied between non-existent to mediocre to just about ok. There was clearly a big fibre rollout going on but hotels didn’t seem to be interested. The exception was Manoir des Sines which had fttp and had v good connectivity in the main rooms but had such thick walls that there was nothing in our bedroom.

October 12, 2023


Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:39 pm

A refreshing night’s sleep although recovery is going to take a few days. I feel more able to take on the world today, in a limited way obvs. My brain is still in lowish gear. Just toast for breakfast. Although I bought the gubbins I can’t yet face a full English.

I’ve switched the mac mini off at the wall. Am hoping that will help. Last time I saw this problem I sent it off to apple and it came back fully working but they said they hadn’t had to do anything to it. 

The lawn is wet and about six inches deep. Need to see if I can get the mower working. THG didn’t manage it whilst I was away. It probs needs servicing but tbh it is equally likely to be consigned to the great mower graveyard in the sky, or wherever great mower graveyards are. We’ve had it for twenty five years and it is falling apart.Holes everywhere and the handle kept together with a bit of wood tied on with string.

The panel heater is now on in the shed, eighteen degrees. Just to take the edge off things. The beginning of the slide into winter and hibernation. Hibernation could be a good thing apart from the fact that it probably wouldn’t extend my time on the planet. That time sleeping would be time wasted. Mind you sleep is very much on the agenda for much of this week 🙂

You do wonder how people of yore going on the European Grand Tour managed to survive its rigours. They probably weren’t full on drinking and watching rugby every night.

October 11, 2023

French Reflections

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:36 pm

There will be time enough to reflect on the past six weeks’ festivities. Suffice to say it was an amazing trip which shall long stay in the collective memory of all who took part.

I’ve unpacked the car including all the booze. A modest haul. Not totes counted it but includes three cognacs, an armagnac, two calvados, a couple of bots of pommeau, two aperitifs from provence plus two rose from same area, a mix of seven reds of various qualities from Cahors, four other miscellaneous reds purchaysed somewhere en route and a solitary bottle of champagne. There are also numerous cidres from Normandie and a prosecco of unknown providence that slipped in somehow when I wasn’t looking. There is also a case of lager that was not consumed at the manoir which will do for a party sometime.

The rest is mostly dirty laundry and memories. I did buy a replica screaming eagles badge and a clicker from the Airborne Museum in St Mere Eglise and a le Mans poster from Antibes.

What sticks in the memory?

Lots of good stuff. Most hotels we stayed in were great, being very well researched in advance. Only non five star I’d say was the Hotel des Augustins in Aix which was very well positioned and we had a great room with the terrace but the breakfast was poor – the staff didn’t seem to be bothered.

Breakfasts, all be they continental obvs, were generally good but great at the Hotel du Chateau in Carcassonne and Un Hotel en Ville in La Rochelle where I stayed twice, on the way down and then on the way back up.

The restaurant in Bordeaux, Le Bistro du Sommelier was great and conveniently next door to the Mary Hotel where we were staying. I’m struggling to remember all the restaurants. The pre match lunch with Dave and Cecile at Charlot 1er in Cagnes Sur Mer was particularly good. We also enjoyed the dinner at Chateau De Creissels en route to Manoir Des Sines.

The Manoir had a real wow factor. Best place any of us had ever stayed at. Five kilometres outside Montaigu de Quercy, itself in the middle of nowhere, it was a remote self contained haven surrounded by fields of sunflowers. We had jaunts to nearby small towns and villages, all seemingly built on hilltops with either castles or churches surveying the countryside around, ate out once and had our own private chef in one evening. The chef, Brooke’s assistant was the daughter of Windsor Davies who my dad had known at Bangor Normal College when he did teacher training over sixty years ago and whose best man, Pete Clarke was also dad’s best man. Small world.

The campsite near Nice did the job but it must said that the chalet was a very poor cousin to the hotel accommodation we had got used to. Lots of insects as well.

Car park height restrictions in city centres that were a real issue for the Defender, particularly in Toulouse but also Avignon. City centre parking is generally a pain in the arse. Same the whole word over I guess but particularly so in France where they all drive small cars that are expected to be bashed.

The Defender was a great car to take on the expedition and came in particularly handy when Waze took me down a farm track to a field about half a mile from Gold Beach. I should have sensed something was wrong but each farm track seemed to have a road name that somehow legitimised the directions. The track was v narrow and I turned around in the field itself. No crops were damaged. Waze defo had weaknesses in France.

France is a huge country. Including the start in Ireland we did 3,443.2 miles. Most places were a long drive apart. A looong road trip. The countryside was as fantastic as it was varied. Very rural. Very varied. Mountains and flatlands particularly in the Vendee. Some of it looked very British and some distinctly French. It seemed to be far more enjoyable to drive around than the UK. Not much in the way of services though. They expect you to pull off the Autoroute and into a village although there are some well stocked Aires.

There were lots of laughs. I’m thinking particularly of the time when I had a fruitless conversation with a taxi firm which turned out to be a recorded message. Then there was the occasion where Ajax had identified a restaurant for lunch that was less than a minute walk away. We settle the bill for the drinks and set off. Turned out it was the restaurant we had already been sitting in!

By the time we made it to Nantes for the last weekend of rugby there were only four of us left and we were starting to show signs of wear and tear. We all looked forward to days of quiet nights in without having to drink French lager. 

Also in my case six weeks, five in France, away from home eating out a fair bit and partying left me longing for some British food, especially breakfast. My first stop on reaching Lincoln this morning was Fosters Butchers where some bacon and spicy Lincolnshire sausages were purchased. My intention had been to have beans on toast with bacon and sausages tonight but I’ve shifted that to breakfast and am instead having a Charlie Bigham’s chicken madras.

One high point was meeting Wales rugby captain Jac Morgan’s mam and dad in the bar of the Hotel du Chateau in Carcassonne (great hotel) as was bumping into an ex pat from Solva in West Wales who knew Meic Stevens. It was very nice to be able to spend time talking Welsh in Nantes. I also met someone who knew our friend @Eirian from Caernarfon.

I guess finishing off following in the footsteps of Easy Company in the countryside around Utah Beach was a great way to end the trip. Very poignant. I will almost certainly return someday to the hotel, Domaine Utah Beach – Le Grand Hard with THG. Perhaps next summer after the Paris Olympics trip. 

Anyway it’s good to be home. Curry, good soak in the bath and early to bed. 

Ciao amigos.

October 10, 2023

Easy Company and Brittany Ferries

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:33 pm

Extremely comfortable duvet and pillows last night but did wake up from time to time. The room was very dark and the LED on the TV made no impact. I heard a dog barking and decided to pop out onto the deck. I figured it must be a very dark night.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Although a shaft of light came through the hotel reception window the gardens were well lit by the amazing star filled skies above. It was five fifteen. I took a pic which ain’t bad but doesn’t do justice to the actual sky. One of the best starry skies I’ve seen. The chilly night air sent me back into the room.

Shortly afterwards the birds started up. Way too early for me to think about getting out of bed. Showered at eight and breakfast at eight thirty. As with last night it was easy to find my table as it was the only one laid with one place setting. The others in the breakfast room, as you might imagine, were the same diners as last night.

I have a conference call at nine thirty and checkout is at eleven. I endorse the Domaine Utah Beach – Le Grand Hard hotel. Worth a visit. It’s slap bang in the middle of all the Easy Company action which is what I am going to do this morning. Manoir de Brecourt and the battery storming, Easy Company CP, Dick Winters Memorial, 101 Airborne Museum, Carentan, Saint Mere Eglise. But you know this 🙂

Tired. Checked in for the ferry about seven thirty. Bear in mind it doesn’t leave until eleven. Left the hotel at ten thirty and spent the whole day sightseeing. The first bit was fine – following in the footsteps of Easy Company although you could only look from afar at the gun emplacements at Manoir de Brecourt as it was off the road on private property.

It was very easy to imagine the fierce fighting going on from hedge to hedge. They fit exactly the description in the books.

The guy at reception at the hotel had recommended a Wine Seller in Carentan. Turned out it was actually called that although it did also have a French name which now escapes me as I didn’t think to write it down.

Had a nice chat with the owner and ended up buying a box full of his finest. A twenty year old calvados, two different bots of pommeau, a couple of bottles of plonk and a champagne. As a result I didn’t feel the need to stop at a supermarket en route to the port.

After Carentan I stopped by the American Cemetery. Arrived just as they were lowering the flag accompanied by the last post. The sheer number of graves is mind blowing. Really brings home what happened during the D Day invasion.

The rest of the tour was pretty nondescript really except perhaps the ruins of the Mulberry Harbour at Arromanches. The seafront at Sword and Juno Beaches was pedestrianised so you had to park up and walk which did involve the assumption that there would be something there to see when you got there.

These beaches seem to be built up with houses and apartments. Lovely beaches and their use for pleasure today is a far cry from the days of World War Two. 

It must be said that Waze has not distinguished itself on this trip. Today instead of Gold Beach it took me down a farm track that ended up in a field of maize and sunflowers. It’s only because I have a LAnd Rover Defender I was able to turn around by driving through a muddy patch and doing a three point turn on the edge of the field itself. Then en route to Sword Beach it took me into a caravan park. I quite enjoyed the offroad bit but the caravan park became tedious. Waze was also unaware of road closures and seem to consider narrow back alleys as suitable means around them when i took a diversion. Huh…

Some cars are being asked to go through security check. They don’t appear to be asking me. Or maybe they’ve got priority boarding. Didn’t think it was worth the extra hundred and twenty quid. Was only around fifteen coming from Dublin. They are mostly expensive jags so that must be it as they haven’t moved since being let through the barrier.

Bit of a NOB just pulled up to the right of me. At least that’s what his number plate says. XXX NOB.

I must say I am looking forward to getting home for a number of reasons. One is a cuddle off THG obvs. Another is getting back to a normal routine of eating and not drinking and finally I have attempted to avoid the use of the English language wherever possible on this trip. Sometimes the local waiter has been irritating by giving me an English language menu and addressing me in English but most of the time I’ve been able to stick to French. This has been really hard work as I’ve had to actually use my brain 🙂Thought I’d given up on that yonks ago. My vocab needs expanding.

Looks as if the lorries are all being given thorough security searches. The lads said they had the same in their MoHo last night. Apaz some people were found hidden in the garage compartments of some of the MoHos in front of them.

I quite like being at a sea port late at night and early morning. There is a certain smell to it. The sea air. Thissun’s a bit noisy as a lot of the lorries seem to want to keep their engines running. Norrubs.

MoHo searches have started. Dogs are out.

October 9, 2023

Domaine Utah Beach

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:32 pm

Picked up the Defender from Cecile’s mum’s house where it had been parked for the weekend, dropped Si off at Ajax n Jezzer’s campsite and set the guidance computer for the Cotentin Peninsula. Staying at Domaine Utah Beach – Le Grand Hard. V nice spot to finish off the holiday.

Palatial room (with private terrace natch) was ready for me when I arrived at two pm and I had time to chill and to rearrange the packing of the car before the lads arrived an hour later. Six weeks into the trip the car did need a bit of tidying up. The dirty washing bag is rammed full now and there was room in my duffel bag to stick some loose things (bottles) in out of the way.

I’m here for one night before catching the ferry. This is partly so that I can spend some time doing the D Day sights and partly cos THG herself won’t be home until Wednesday lunchtime. I have a conf call after breakfast tomorrow and will then mosey along to see the sights.

This afternoon we managed to squeeze in Utah Beach, Omaha Beach and Pointe du Hoc in that order. Hadn’t quite realised how far apart they were. Took a good thirty mins or more to get from one beach to another.

It was all very poignant. You could imagine the sea filled with landing craft and soldiers running ashore with bullets and bombs flying everywhere. It’s only as I’ve got older I’ve been able to appreciate the enormity of the achievement on that day and the bravery of those involved.

There were women sunbathing on Utah. What a contrast between now and 6th June 1944 I thought. A battle was raging all around where I am staying. I am motivated to visit some of the Band of Brothers sites. Brecourt Manoir is very near here as is Sainte Mere Eglise, Sainte Marie du Monte and Carentan. I’m going to visit them all and will use any spare time left to visit the American Cemetery and the Museum in Caen.

My boat is not until eleven pm so I reckon I need to be there around nine which gives me plenty of time to find a Carrefour or similar and stock up on some last min delicacies Francaise. Bit of fromage, vin, Normandy butter, that sort of thing.


Dinner was good. On my bill but didn’t detract from the experience. There was one table laid with just one setting so obviously mine! The restaurant was full of couples. Some male/female but a lot of blokes clearly there for the DDay thing. I overheard a Dutch guy next to me saying “Dick Winters” and someone else on another table saying they were moving on to Bastogne on Thursday. If you know you know. I’ll be following the Easy Company trail tomorrow.

Now back in my room with a cognac. 4 Euros. What’s not to like?

October 8, 2023

marathon day of rugby

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:30 pm

Somewhat of a marathon day of rugby yesterday. We never made it as far as the bar of the previous day. Met Ajax in Gibb’s Irish Bar opposite the Cathedral. It emptied out quite quickly as the Welsh fans exited to go to the match and we had the pick of the seats. Only real problem was that the aircon wasn’t working and the only window that opened was the big one near the entrance. Too hot man. I nipped out at half time and purchased an Irish rugby tee from Le Comptoir Irlandais just around the corner.

After watching the Mighty Wales slay the Georgian dragon we moved nearer the door to where there was a draught to be caught, which is where we watched England just about beat Samoa. Then the Welsh fans returned from their game and the bar quickly got rammed. Not for the faint hearted, a full pub during a rugby match. I was ok, perched as I was on a stool at a table just off the main thoroughfare to the bar. 

We moved on to Cafe St Pierre, just across the square, for the Ireland v Scotland game. Far more pleasant conditions. 

We spent perhaps ten hours sitting in a pub yesterday. Must have talked about something but I’m blowed if I can remember what. The stop for the number C1 bus was just outside the Irish bar so the trip home was quick and comfortable.

Japan v Argentina today. We have tickets.

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