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August 22, 2009
July 31, 2009
The 2009 version of the quintessentially English summer’s afternoon
The lawn has been mowed and I finally managed to get the tent back into its bag after last year’s camping holiday. The detritus from this year’s holiday is now more or less stowed in various appropriate (and some inappropriate) cubbyholes. The birdseed holders have been refilled. The children are busying themselves elsewhere in the house, quietly. They are playing an interactive game with a friend over the internet. I have made enormous progress with my jobs list. The third Ashes Test match at Edgebaston is on Test Match Special on iPlayer. I’m also following it on www.cricinfo.com. The Aussies have just been bowled out for 263 in their first innings. I’ve just had a second cup of tea. Later we are going to the cricket club for the lads to have some time in the nets. Afterwards we will probably have a beer (lemonade) in the clubhouse and watch the game. Curry is on the menu for tonight. I’m still on holiday.
All is well with the world.
June 17, 2009
It’s a jungle out there
Walking through the alleyway on the way home from my photography class last night I heard someone coming up behind me suddenly bursting into song.
Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
Old Mother Nature’s recipes
That brings the bare necessities of life
Whereupon I felt it incumbent on me to add “You better believe it”. He replied “Yeah” and trotted off into the darkness.
June 14, 2009
Successful launch of Burton Road Strip
A big thank you to everyone who turned up for the Burton Road Strip event yesterday. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and all concerned felt that the event had been a success.
June 10, 2009
Overheard phone call in Kings Cross waiting room
Hi is that Rafi? This is Marcel here. Marcel Sartre from ballroom dancing. I’m just ringing to make sure that you got Dorothy’s message about ballroom dancing being cancelled. Oh you did, good. I’m going to run an additional class the week after next. Thank you. Bye.
Tip on how to keep jury service to a minimum
When I was small my dad had to do jury service in the village of Dolgellau in North Wales. The last case on the Friday was a small time poacher who everyone on the jury knew and who they all knew was almost certainly guilty.
The judge informed the jury that if he was found guilty then they would have to all return the next day, Saturday, for sentencing (we are talking 45 years ago here).
Dad was refereeing a school rugby match the next day, someone else had a hairdressers appointment etc etc.
Funnily enough the decision was “not guilty”.
If you don’t want the jury service to go on longer than necessary…
June 8, 2009
Single parent Saturday or Anne is away
8.00 take tom to kayaking 8.40 take hannah to help out with baby ballet 11.15 pick hannah up from ballet – go to newark to pick up car left after beer festival 13.00 take john to tennis lesson 14.00 pick john up from tennis 14.15 take hannah to dance class 16.00 pick tom up from kayaking 17.00 pick hannah up from dancing 18.00 take tom to party in Normanby by Spital 19.00 take hannah 2 babysit drink wine
May 25, 2009
What to do on a bank holiday Monday
A no pressure potterday,
None of this making hay,
That’s what you have to do,
On a bank holiday.
May 23, 2009
Thoughts at sundown
Anne and Joe have gone to Grandad’s birthday dinner on the Wirral. Hannah is out babysitting. Tom has gone to a party and John is in bed early because he wants to nurture all his strength for a cricket match tomorrow. An unusual situation.
So I’m sitting here watching the silhouettes in the garden and listening to the birds call their last for the day. I have a bottle of red wine at the ready in the kitchen but it is as yet unopened. I’m waiting for the right moment. That moment when I feel ready to get the griddle out to cook the steak.
The occasional car is still heard on the road at the front of the house. I can’t understand this having spent all day ferrying children to and from their various activities. People need to chill out now and they can’t do this whilst driving.
It is still May but June is fast approaching and I do wonder what happened to spring? I’m sure I happily observed it as it was emerging but somehow the season seems to have rushed by.
Life is incredibly busy. So much so that I often have no idea what is happening the following week. I have to check the calendar on Sunday night to understand where I am going to be and what I will be doing over the subsequent few days.
Because life goes by so quickly the one thing I learnt long ago is the need to savour every minute of it. The children, Anne, friends, and to enjoy everything I do as much as I can. Including work.
Time to cook that steak…
May 19, 2009
The Northumberland, Kings Cross
Robbie’s funeral
Thurs 28th May 10AM
St Pancras Cemetary
High Rd East Finchley
All welcome
DVDs 4 for £10 – from a Chinaman in the pub
Happy Hour
Mon – Fri 5pm – 8pm
£2 pint or bottle
The men sit at the bar drinking or play pool. Women and children, if there are any, sit at home watching TV.
Pool knockout – every Wed, £2 entry, winner takes all.
The workers away from home have all gone back to their digs.
A foreign couple, he with a half pint and she with some clear liquid, sit watching the adverts having finished their conversation. They occasionally talk. Then they go home.
March 31, 2009
The Definitive Beetroot Sandwich
the definitive beetroot sandwich recipe
The beetroot sandwich can be a magnificent part of your culinary repertoire.
1 Large, crusty, unsliced white loaf
1 Jar pickled baby beets
Salt to taste
1 x side plate (or larger depending on the size of your bread) for presentation
1 x bread knife
1 x knife, fork, teaspoon
Using your bread knife, take your large unsliced loaf and cut two thick doorstop slices. If your bread is of the variety which tapers at each end (eg. a Bloomer), make sure you have two slices of the same size. Butter your bread liberally across the whole face of the slice.
Next, open your jar of Baby Pickled Beets. Note – it must be baby beetroot as the bigger variety can sometimes be too crunchy which detracts from the overall quality of the result. Using your teaspoon, select your baby beet, removing it from the jar to the plate. Take your knife and fork and cut the beetroot into generous, chunky slices. Arrange on the buttered bread. Apply seasoning as appropriate. Place finished sandwich on the same plate that you used to cut the beetroot as this will give you the opportunity to soak up all that extra vinegary, beetrooty, loveliness. Serve with large mug of steaming black filter coffee.
Some schools of thought state that the beetroot slicing should be on a separate plate. They are wrong. Others dictate that pre-sliced beetroot be used, and sometimes even the crinkle cut variety. I can understand this approach as it does take a step out of the process, and avoids dying ones fingers purple, but it does mean you cannot express your individuality in the chunkiness of your beetroot slices.
Loading your sandwich with too many beetroot chunks can result in mid-bite overflow. If you’re going to do this, make sure you’re wearing appropriate protective clothing.
March 14, 2009
The last person to drive legally the wrong way down Cecil Street
As many of you will know Cecil Street, by the Turk’s Head pub, is a one way street that cannot be accessed from Newport.
Terry Mackown was the last person to drive down it legally coming from the Newport direction. He had dropped a friend off by the Newport Arch to buy some meat from the butchers. There used to be a butcher’s shop there before it became the Klogz shoe shop.
He pulled in down Cecil Street to wait for the friend. As he was parked there two workmen came and put up No Entry signs either side of the road. To my knowledge he was the last person to ever drive down that street in a Westerley direction.
Somewhat poingant methinks.
February 18, 2009
The couple on the train
I sat on the train last night headed out of Liverpool Street Station bound for Ipswich. I had a reservation but there were no tickets indicating that particular seats were reserved so I chose a better seat at a table in order to use my laptop. As I watched people arrive there seemed to be no logic as to where they chose to sit. I could hear grumbles from people who were not positioned where they had booked.
The carriage became fairly full. A couple arrived at the last minute to occupy the two window seats at my table. I exchanged pleasantries with her, he nodding now and then in tacit agreement.
I would have said they were both around thirty years old. She was slim, fair haired and “well presented”. He had dark short hair and looked just like a normal bloke. She had brought with her some snacks for the journey, a couple of bananas and some cake bar type biscuits. They had not had enough time to buy coffee at the station.
Then they got down to an extremely frustrating conversation. She leant forward towards him and started to speak in very hushed tones. Although I was sat next to her I couldn’t really hear other than to catch the very occasional snippet.
They were clearly planning something major, discussing mortgage options, private schooling and what they should do when. I caught a glimpse of the word “custody” on a piece of paper that she was using to make notes. There seemed also to be a plan to go somewhere the next morning.
When the buffet trolley came through the compartment she asked for a gin and tonic. Unfortunately they had tonic but no gin. She settled for a white decaff. Extremes I thought!
I felt I was sharing the eve of a major moment in the lives of these two people but was left with very little real understanding of the plot.
Before the train got to Ipswich they discussed going out to “The Fox” for a drink later that night. It seemed to be a safe place for them. No bumping in to anyone accidentally. I got off at Ipswich and they continued the journey, the next and final stop being Norwich.
A small cameo in a huge tapestry.
February 7, 2009
The Email
From: Mark Agius
Sent: 06 February 2009 10:37
To: Trefor Davies; ‘Huw Edwards’; ‘Crow, James’; ‘Jeremy Dawkins’; Philip Clarke; James Powell; Gary Stobie;’hux’; ‘Mick’; Steven Connolly
Subject: RE: FW: Are You Interested?
As you all know I am 50 in October and thinking of doing something!
Any suggestions?
Clive is off with Steve ‘Carpy’ Kilby to Turkey in Sept for a week’s golf bender!
Too much for me, thinking more along the lines of 2-3 nights August bank hols etc. Vets rugby tour with golf replacing the rugby!!
Even settle for watching a sporting event somewhere with a couple nights thrown in for local merriment!
Is Llanberis off? I know few other lads eg Dave C****r keen to do something (must keep him away from a stage and strippers)
Jez, as a pro any ideas!!
From: Trefor Davies
Sent: 06 February 2009 10:38
To: Mark Agius; Huw Edwards; Crow, James; Jeremy Dawkins; Philip Clarke;James Powell; Gary Stobie; hux; Mick; Steven Connolly
Subject: RE: FW: Are You Interested?
We could just do you a cake with 50 candles on it. That would be cheaper. I can get anne to bake it if you like as long as everybody chipped in for the ingredients. That will be 3 pence each please.
From: Philip Clarke
Sent: 06 February 2009 10:43
To: ‘Trefor Davies’; ‘Mark Agius’; Huw Edwards; ‘Crow, James’; ‘Jeremy Dawkins’; James Powell; Gary Stobie; ‘hux’; ‘Mick’; Steven Connolly
Subject: RE: FW: Are You Interested?
It will cost at least a tenner for all the wax that’s a lot of candles
From: Huw Edwards
Sent: 06 February 2009 11:07
To: Philip Clarke; Trefor Davies; Mark Agius; Crow, James; Jeremy Dawkins; James Powell; Gary Stobie; hux; Mick; Steven Connolly
Subject: RE: FW: Are You Interested?
Can’t we just have one symbolic candle….probably get away with a smaller cake then
Is Anne looking for a wage out of this….?
Jeremy, can we put the VAT thro’ your business..
I need to know the bottom line, if we are having a cake syndicate, otherwise I’m out.
From: Trefor Davies
Sent: 06 February 2009 11:45
To: Huw Edwards; Philip Clarke; Mark Agius; Crow, James; Jeremy Dawkins; James Powell; Gary Stobie; hux; Mick; Steven Connolly
Subject: RE: FW: Are You Interested?
The best thing I can suggest is that we give her a budget and ask her what she can come up with.
I’m sure Mark wouldn’t want us to go over the top with this one.
Can I suggest 50 pence total.
I’m happy to find an underwriter for it. That’s 5 pence each for everyone on this cc list except of course for Mark. It is unreasonable to expect him to chip in for his own birthday cake, especially when you consider he is probably going to be buying the beer.
From: Huw Edwards
Sent: 06 February 2009 11:51
To: Trefor Davies; Philip Clarke; Mark Agius; Crow, James; Jeremy Dawkins; James Powell; Gary Stobie; hux; Mick; Steven Connolly
Subject: RE: FW: Are You Interested?
Hang on, you said 3 pence per person earlier…I can’t do business like this
I’m angry and out.
From: Philip Clarke
Sent: 06 February 2009 11:56
To: Trefor Davies; ‘Huw Edwards’; ‘Mark Agius’; ‘Crow, James’; ‘Jeremy Dawkins’; James Powell; Gary Stobie; ‘hux’; ‘Mick’; Steven Connolly
Subject: RE: FW: Are You Interested?
4 pence we are in a recession no more no less
A cost cutting idea is instead of chocolate you can use cat food it’s the same colour but costs less from Poundstretcher also it could give a nice sardine or pilchard twist to the taste (Don’t knock it until you have tried it).
And instead of candles empty loo roll tubes with gold fish stapled to the top for the flame effect.
From: Trefor Davies
Sent: 06 February 2009 12:00
To: Philip Clarke; Huw Edwards; Mark Agius; Crow, James; Jeremy Dawkins; James Powell; Gary Stobie; hux; Mick; Steven Connolly
Subject: RE: FW: Are You Interested?
Who said anything about chocolate?
Either we get 3 others in on the syndicate to lower it to 4 pence or we ask anne if she can get the kids at the nursery school she is teaching at to help out. They can do the loo roll bits
Either works for me.
From: Huw Edwards
Sent: 06 February 2009 12:11
To: Trefor Davies; Philip Clarke; Mark Agius; Crow, James; Jeremy Dawkins; James Powell; Gary Stobie; hux; Mick; Steven Connolly
Subject: RE: FW: Are You Interested?
I don’t recall Clarkey being appointed chief negotiator but like his blue sky thinking
Is there a techie solution to this…what about a virtual cake
Saves messing about with cat food and contravening employment reg’s on the use of child labour
From: Trefor Davies
To: Huw Edwards ; Philip Clarke ; Mark Agius ; Crow, James ; Jeremy Dawkins ; James Powell ; Gary Stobie; hux ; Mick ; Steven Connolly
Sent: Fri Feb 06 12:23:16 2009
Subject: RE: FW: Are You Interested?
Ok ok
We will have to ditch the filling then. Mark can bring his own jam (though I prefer a creamy filling myself Mark if you can stretch to it)
Actually I think ajax should be paying for the cake as well as the beer
I never thought he would be this tight about it.
From: Steven Connolly
Sent: 06 February 2009 12:34
To: Trefor Davies; Huw; Philip Clarke, ‘Mark Agius’; Crow, James; Jeremy Dawkins; James Powell; Gary Stobie; Hux; Mick;
Subject: Re: FW: Are You Interested?
And I thought only women and bakers talked about cake making!!!!!
From: Trefor Davies
Sent: 06 February 2009 12:44
To: ‘Huw Edwards’; Philip Clarke; Mark Agius; Crow, James; Jeremy Dawkins; James Powell; Gary Stobie; hux; Mick; Steven Connolly
Subject: RE: FW: Are You Interested?
We could send him one on Facebook – though he would need to get himself a Facebook account
Trouble is we would need to say we were friends of his to do it!
January 25, 2009
Telephone Conversation Overheard In The Pub
“I’m sat here pining for you.
I wish you’d answer my texts.
I aint giving up on you that easily sweetheart.
I’m sat in the Morning Star with my wolfie (his dog).
I wish I could see more of you, it’s doing my head in girl.
Is your son alright?
Where’s his next tour to?
If you want to get a taxi up to the pub I’ll pay for it and buy you a couple of drinks. I’ve got the cash.
Alright then my darling. Next time get yer fingers working and text me back to let me know you’re alright.”
Finishes conversation and talks to his dog.
“She’s poorly big guy. Any excuse not to come down to the pub. Mardy arsed bitch.”
It didn’t sound as if she was all too keen. Tref, Morning Star, 24th January 17.15pm