where art collides philosoperontap

December 15, 2009

Its Christmas Everyone

Filed under: poems by children — Tags: — purple @ 4:15 pm

Its so nearly Christmas,
I just can’t wait,
The present pile under the tree is growing,
There’s one for you and one for me,
Time flies by, its Christmas eve already,
Just one more sleep until…

December 13, 2009

Remember my love

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 10:22 pm

Freeze my bones, bury them deep in an icy ground, rot them long and forget them longer.

Discard my ideas, let them flutter idly onto an eternal wasteland, forever barren and unadmired.

Crush my deeds, mangle them lifeless between the granite rollers and titanium cogs of ignominy, shapeless henceforth and beyond memory.

But remember my love, offered whole, without condition and forgive the blind imperfections of the soul that seeks to please.

Remember my tears, shed freely in defenceless moments, prostrate before you and at the mercy of your pleasure.

And remember me, my love, in my condition of devotion, a deafening heartbeat silenced only when love lives no more.

Remember me. Remember my love.

December 11, 2009

andrew massing is a luxury

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 7:12 pm

andrew massing is a luxury
top shelf goods
positioned to shape
and deliver strategy

sharp of mind
and king of utility
he stands out
in a speakeasy world

working to a plan
shrewd objectivity personified
he, luxuriant, rocks.

December 9, 2009

48 is the new 47

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 6:21 am

it’s an evolution,
progress? maybe!
momentary confusion,
when I was a lad
it was a lifetime away,
now frittered.
the brain dances
on that knife edge
of fulfilment.

December 7, 2009


Filed under: poems — Philip @ 7:09 pm

Crawled up into Bethlehem, feeling ‘bout half past dead
Just really needed somewhere to rest my aching head
“Hey there Mr Innkeeper, can you tell me where I can stay?”
He just grinned, shook my hand and whispered “Allow me to lead the way”

I’d been walking with the Devil, walking side by side
He was filling my mind with lies and stuff pertaining to my bride
Innkeeper shouted over “Lucifer, leave that poor boy be,
She’s been true and she’ll produce your perfect match, presently”

Mary’d been carrying heavy, for the last few miles or so
Her time was coming up fast, she didn’t have long to go
“Joe, I can’t have my baby – not like this on the road –
I’m ready to show the world, the seed the Spirit sowed”

A bunch of shepherds ran into town, sweating hard from fear
“What been going down guys, what did you see up there?”
But they stood still with parchment faces, wouldn’t say a lot
Just stood around in wonderment, with eyes that had witnessed God

Two years later on, with my family on the run
Three kings rocked up on camels, they’d been following the sun
Their baggage seemed real heavy, they were all dressed mighty keen
The gifts they brought were the finest the world had ever seen

November 20, 2009

Broken words

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 10:14 pm

Broken words lie impotent upon the page
Dysfunctional vocabulary – hyphenation won’t fix
Anagram no antidote to illiterate ailment
Inarticulate phraseology a lacklustre lexicon of tricks

A short introduction to the Broken Words poetry night at Decimal Place, Burton Road Lincoln on 28th November, 2009.

November 13, 2009

Caledonian Double Dark Oatmeal Stout

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 9:17 pm

life suddenly appears in slow motion.
the brain, inspirational but ephemeral,
leaves the body and floats above the table before us.
conversation, with no physical evidence of existence
remains a permanent fading record
slowing as the battery runs down.
the door shuts and the lights go out
freezing us in no time, timelessness that is.
finishing the glass, the reality of responsibility
raises its unwelcome head and leaves for the door
which, open, sucks me into the cold wind outside.
my coat buttoned up and collar raised I, head down,
return to normality and the noisy heart of the family.

November 12, 2009

A one way street named Hopback Entire Stout

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 9:09 pm

Sometimes life comes at you full on. Maybe it can’t get any better or perhaps you get handed one of those hospital passes that smack you in the face and leave you wondering…

One sinking sip, another inhalation and a deep palateal reflection. Mesmerise into the darkness of the caramel. What a disguise! There is music but no road out. The talk flows around you just as the flavour rolls across the tongue; sensation penetration. Gentle inebriation.

A one way street named Hopback Entire Stout.

November 8, 2009

A golfer’s eulogy

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 10:08 pm

When his game is up,
And prompts no more debate,
And life’s unerring drive,
Ascends the green of fate,

It will I’m sure be said,
By crowds that filled the gallery,
That upright was his stance,
Whilst stood upon the final tee,

And when the last put drops,
Stewards will murmur from afar,
In marking of his card,
He played his round in level par.


Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 9:04 pm

Brussel sprout flavoured isosceles triangles
available from a good gastro geometric outlet near you,
banana trapezium, its full flavour slips down well at the gymnasium,
merry go round in toffee apple infused circles,
square noises chop through imperfect ponds and
glass fronted hurricane shop windows stir up
enthusiasms not yet tempered in pink.
Estate agents spin their ceramics on
bamboo pole extensions, losing the pattern
as simply as arboreal baby castanets,
discretion being valued as highly as
enthusiasm amid the placations of the assuaged.
The fire crackles on and the guitar rests
calmly on the spots of the sofa,
notwithstanding the variously striped cushions.


Filed under: poems — Tags: — Hannah @ 4:33 pm

Ralph Lauren and Jimmy Choo,
Louis Vuitton and Prada too.
The wonders of Tiffany,
A YSL epiphany.
See the Marc Jacobs catwalks,
Read the trend debates and talks.
Heels to die for,
Dresses girls cry for.
The do’s and dont’s,
The certainly won’ts.

But never do I see
A smile upon a single one
Of those models faces.

November 3, 2009

Teddy Bear

Filed under: poems by children — purple @ 10:14 am

He may be small,
He may be big,
But he’s definately good to hug.
I love him to bits,
I think he’s wonderful,
and I’ve had him all my life.
Although he’s tattered and he’s torn he’s still standing tall,
He’ll still be there when I’m eighty four,
Yes thats my teddy bear.

Foods Of The Family

Filed under: poems by children — purple @ 9:58 am

From an original idea from Hannah with help from Megs in the pool.

Stella, Stella, Chicken Paella,
Lily, Lily, Sausages are silly,
Meg, Meg, boiled egg,
Hannah, Hannah, bendy bananas,
John, John, tea and scone,
Joe, Joe, ate his big toe,
Tom, Tom, bacon bap bomb,
Tref, Tref, fruit instead, (NO),
Anne, Anne, dropped the frying pan,
Toby, Toby, alu gobi,
Ann, Ann, doesn’t like ham,
Sue, Sue, vindaloo,
Eileen, Eileen, ate a bean,
Tadcu, Tadcu, ate his hanky,
Mair, Mair, champion fryer!

October 16, 2009


Filed under: poems — Philip @ 8:42 pm

How many times (in nearly a decade)
Did I hear him raise his voice?
And while others raucously their views made
Not he, ‘twas not his way nor choice.

Rather, he liked to take the middle ground
To mediate, to quell and smooth
The clanging cymbal of the “I am” sound,
Conflict?  He’d rather deflect and soothe.

I did hear him raise his voice to sing of Love
And although no Caruso he,
God and His angels rejoiced high above
“A Christian sings! Praise be! Praise be!”

He wondered long at the limitless sky,
At hands that flung stars into space.
Together we’ll sit and watch Red Dwarfs die
When we meet in another place.

I read a poet called Whitman who wrote
“A reasonable man achieves naught”
But JW realised something of note
When those to the Cross, he brought.

Leek Pie for Two

Filed under: poems — Philip @ 8:11 pm

Leek Pie for Two

“Back to the future” they say
Surely they mean back to the past?
When two suddenly became three –
And another was place set

Eighteen brief years
Of that extra place mat
And then a lifetime
Of cooking for two

“As long as he’s happy, we’re fine”
“We can do what we want now”
But what I want to do
Is cook again for three

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