where art collides philosoperontap

October 3, 2009

The function room is back!

Filed under: poems — Tags: , , — Trefor Davies @ 10:37 am

It’s been a while.

Sometimes you get a feeling and when it comes you just have to follow your instincts. It works for rooms just as much as the punters that occupy them.

So we lost the function room.

It went, disappeared, vamoosed to a place where function rooms go where no-one even knew it was there, where nobody could book it or ask questions. Can we change the seating? Do you do food? Can we have a late bar?

What went wrong?

No-one knows for sure. We got there for early doors one evening and there was the sign: “Function room closed until further notice”. What had happened? Human curiosity took momentary hold but none of the bar staff would come clean. Perhaps they really didn’t know. It was a mystery.

It was there one day and gone the next.

It spent time out of our lives which were poorer without it but we coped. We soon forgot it had been there at all. Occasionally someone would bring it up in conversation but by and large it had gone. Then we stopped talking about it and went back to our usual beer-inspired bar room banter. Where’s the cheapest place to buy car batteries? One hundred and one ways to cook with mushrooms. Guaranteed ways of getting an upgrade to business class on a long haul flight! Not!

Where did it go?

Only it can tell us that. Function rooms are notoriously discrete. What goes inside a function room stays inside a function room. It’s part of the contract. It’s what makes the relationship work. It’s kind of special. And anyway it wasn’t there for us to ask.

Then one evening we came in.

Something was different! Something had changed. We looked around. The condiment tray was there in its usual place on the mantelpiece. The blackboard had a different list of guest beers but that was normal. Guest beers come and go.

I looked at the notice board.

I probably stared at it for some time before the realisation hit me. I was only half concentrating, listening to the conversation at the small round table where I was sat. There it was!  A new posting  shouting at me in bold  black lettering on white paper .

“The Function Room Is Back”

The staff carried on as if it had never been away. Nobody mentioned that time in our lives where it had not been a part of our lives. We still carried on talking our undoubtedly witty conversations, the meaningless drivel that should stay inside the pub, where it belongs.

But now there was more.

Christmas Parties @ The Victoria. Bookings now being taken. Speak to the events coordinator at Charlotte House (or Neil).

The function room is back!

September 28, 2009

I saw a leaf fall

Filed under: winter series — Tags: , — Trefor Davies @ 8:37 pm

I saw a leaf fall,
and thought to catch it
though this seemed futile as
I could not stem the flood
of those that would follow.

All I could do was sit there
looking out of the window
at the steady accumulation on the lawn
whilst the tree grew
an air of melancholy.

September 26, 2009

just desserts or poetic puddings

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 8:05 am

chocolate cheesecake (other flavours too)
sherry trifle (ahaa)
apple tart and custard (yep)
jam roly poly (okay)
chocolate mousse (other mousses are available)
bread and butter pudding
rice pudding (not a particular favourite I have to say)
rhubarb crumble (neither is this)
plum pudding (mmm)
steamed sponge pudding
sticky toffee pudding (uhuh)
ice cream (Davison’s Manx Ice Cream)
fruit salad (healthy option)
strawberries and cream (definitely especially with raspberries added in and topped with sugar)
lemon curd (ye-es – not yess)
lemon meringue pie (memories of childhood)
syllabub (in a champagne glass in my experience and never enough of it)
baked apples (bit boring in my book)
tiamisu (mm)
yoghurt (pronounced yo – gurt)
baked alaska (brrr)
barbecued bananas (ideally cooked with sugar and brandy then topped with cream)
flan (of all sorts though not quiche which is unsuitable as a dessert)
gateaux (fluffy ones are best)

and finally

cheese and biscuits (strong and smelly and including TUC and preferably eaten before the sweet and washed down with red wine)

sorry if I have missed anything out – comment if you like

September 22, 2009

For the record the first leaves fell today

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 9:32 pm

For the record the first leaves fell today,
The first act of autumn
As the season holds sway,
The swath of russett, withering wound,
Scars the hedgerow, then lies bloodless on the ground.

The rake renews the grassy sheen
Though thankless is the temporary stay,
For tomorrow battle will renew,
Continued work aplenty
As night descends on day.

September 17, 2009

My squeaky left foot

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 9:03 pm

My shoe my shoe, it’s driving me nuts
Alternate steps squeak, no ifs no buts
I’ve altered my gait, tried to change my tread,
Every other pace taken makes a sound that I dread,
When walking along my damn foot’s too noisy,
And oil is no option because that’s too slippery
It wasn’t like that when I tried on the shoe
It seemed perfectly fine when it was brand new
But now it’s at home and I’ve worn it around
It’s too late to take back to the shop I’ll be bound
I can’t sneak up on friends and surprise from behind
They can tell that I’m coming coz the squeak springs to mind
My shoe my shoe, I’d be ever so glad
If someone could help me, it’s driving me mad

September 16, 2009

All trains delayed

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 5:58 pm

All trains delayed
Overhead line problems
At Peterborough

Huge queues milling
On the platform
At Kings Cross

It isn’t quite the same
As the spirit
At Dunquerque

Adversity has not yet
united us – we are not
At one with each other

The commuters are tired
This is the last thing they need
At going home time.

September 14, 2009

Lilyana – flower of the Wiltshire plains

Filed under: poems for children — Trefor Davies @ 2:03 am

Deep down amongst the grasses green
That grow on the Wiltshire plains
There’s a flower known as Lily
Who blossoms whenever it rains

It’s an odd way around I’m sure you’ll agree
But Lily’s no normal plant
Her golden petals and beautiful scent
Warm the heart of each passing ant

The beetles all love her and bees simply swoon
Each time Lily pops out of the ground
Every year in the spring when the sun comes again
In the meadows is where she’ll be found.

The cows are her friends and they leave her to bloom
Without adding her leaves to their cud
Though they have to take care not to tread on her stalks
When the ground all around churns to mud

Because Lils likes it most when the rains come to soak
– it’s the sky shedding tears of delight
At the thought of young Lily beginning to smile
What a beautiful, beautiful sight.

September 8, 2009

internet dreams

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 9:16 pm

I dream my internet dreams
asleep surfing the screens
that lay inside my eyelids,
long slammed shut.
my brain clicks,
flits its way webward
visiting the sites that,
wide awake, I meander,
pondering the theft of
my most precious days.
my internet dreams
take an ethereal existence
virtually to new heights
but all too soon I wake,
history wiped clear,
no bookmark beneath my pillow
and my journey starts again.

September 4, 2009

Skegness by the sea

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 5:28 am

sand blows in my face as together on the towel, we huddle,

a solitary woman sits with a bucket and spade whilst her kids play at the edge of the waves

no sharks sneak up and snaffle

a child spouts ad hoc poetry:
armpit hair
people who don’t care
boys who won’t share

4 people sitting in a row on camping chairs facing outwards

a young mother struggles with her pushchair over the sand and shouts “Tylor James wait for me!”

windmills out at sea

windbreaks wrap around their people and red and yellow flags brace themselves in the breeze

a fairground in the background dips large, rolls along the coast, big wheel sliding off the pier


my hat blows off in the wind and I envisage equally windswept coasts opposite in Germany and Holland

plenty of photographic opportunities:

two red and blue kites flying in breeze
donkeys turning
towels flapping

a basketball bounces on the path behind

a man appears out of the water wearing long white swimming shorts and a white old fashioned vest contrasting with his black skin

icecream, lollipops, burgers, whelks, crab sticks, doughnuts, haddock and chips with fluorescent mushy peas, cups of tea

flat stones skimming
seagulls squatting, floating
large clouds hovering, watching
smaller clouds higher up move more quickly

children fleeing chased by brown waves

slot machines, twopenny falls, horseracing
international bowling

out of the bushes comes an explorer
he says”cor blimey mate”
and back to the car we go

September 2, 2009


Filed under: poems — Paulie @ 8:58 pm

20mm tonight they said on the radio.
Doesn’t bother me I said,
Then I went to the grandstand
And saw people mud-wrestling,
Hang on, no, they’re walking to their tents on the old pitch and putt.
A joke in there I thought (dimly).
Can’t imagine doing this any more but
Perhaps in a different country, like Robert Pirsig did.
My second time through the book was finished today.
It’s the later edition with the postscipt.
Memorable. Like the MGP but more upsetting for the majority.

Let us know if you’ve read it as a parent or a son or a daughter.

August 27, 2009

flatpack dreams

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 8:48 pm

here dreams are sold
registered on the system
and brought through
for home assembly
in the comfort
of your living room

chose a colour
pick a pattern
fabric feels good

shut your eyes
sit back and relax

flatpack dreams

self assembly dreams
float on by

discount dreams
50% off
for this weekend only

dream on

August 23, 2009

the sea

Filed under: poems,poems by children — purple @ 10:26 am

sparkling sapphire sea,
full of fish and dolphins,
glittering fins break the suface,

but then,

waves roll,
no longer calm and smooth,
but rough and choppy,
no fins break the surface now,

what was perfect is now ready to kill.

A Few Things You Need To Know About Elephants and Cows

Filed under: poems for children — Trefor Davies @ 2:00 am

Cows have horns in different places to elephants. Both need to be avoided.

Cows don’t have trunks, elephants do which can come in very handy especially for drinking up buckets of beer and then squirting it at whoever is sitting opposite.

Never try and milk an elephant, it could have fatal results and in any case elephant milk doesn’t go well with tea.

Cows are afraid of tigers but I don’t think elephants are, though I’m not 100% sure on this one.

Cow poo is a different shape to elephant poo and you can’t play bowls with it although it is good as a frisbee once it has dried.

Both cows and elephants can be called Nellie. Norman, however, is an unusual name for both species.

Nellie the cow packed her trunk and said goodbye to the circus – yep that works.

You would never get an elephant flying over the moon though, they’re far too big and heavy and would take too much rocket fuel to get them going.

You can get more people on the back of an elephant provided it is a fully grown adult.

Happy birthday Megsy.

August 21, 2009

The Americans

Filed under: poems — Paulie @ 5:59 am

After 25 years you’re back they all said; we’ve been waiting.
I’ve been oh so busy my response – weak perhaps.
I can now see how they won the war, again.
I really enjoy American company and always have. Florida is very cosmopolitan but elsewhere less so.
What a great country, makes us look rather insignificant I feel.

August 19, 2009

They went to their doom

Filed under: chinks,poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 8:53 pm

They went to their doom, unknowing
Victims of the modern world,
A destiny predetermined by chance,
Outside their sphere of influence.
There was nothing I could do
As I watched them go by,
And even if I could have communicated,
They would not have been able to respond.
Helpless and oblivious they went on to their fate.
I never saw them again.

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