where art collides philosoperontap

November 22, 2016

Today I bought

Filed under: poems,poetry — Trefor Davies @ 7:12 pm

some crumpet

Today I bought some crumpet, rhymes with trumpet
I like a bit of crumpet, me
Almost too hot to hold and dripping with butter
To be eaten quickly so you can move on to the next one.

Today I bought two packets of porridge, 39 pence each
I’m not a porridge lover, me
Stifflingly tasteless, whatever you add to give flavour
To be eaten by others whilst you have something else.

Today I bought some bog roll, luxury, pack of nine
Bog roll is something I find essential, me
Unless you have one of those posh Japanese loos
That clean you up afterwards, which we don’t.

Today I bought some smoked salmon, it wasn’t on the list
More than she bargained for, Anne
But that’s what you get when I go to the shops,
Spot a “bargain” and assume that someone will eat it.

We did:)

November 21, 2016

rain dances

Filed under: poems,poetry — Trefor Davies @ 4:22 pm

noise thunders

The rain dances overhead as daylight moves out of sight to the West. Noise thunders. Dead leaves litter the garden. Wind rocks the branches of trees. I am inside, warm and glad.

November 19, 2016

output gastronomic

Filed under: poetry — Trefor Davies @ 10:00 am

Up I am and dressed, two vests for winter,
Heating engaged, the house feels warm.

The gentlest of Saturdays, a visit to Waitrose
Leeks, carrots, lamb, tomorrow a prospect.

Creative juice transformed, output gastronomic,
Post indulgent slumber on sofa.

November 11, 2016

Friday evening

Filed under: poetry — Trefor Davies @ 8:12 pm

after the walk

eleven miles, wild deer, pheasant shoot, muddy verges, White Hart, fish’n chips, Tom Wood, sore feet, sore crotch, approaching dusk, shady hedgerows, drive home, warm bath, beef fajita, full belly, stiff limbs, glowing cheeks, tired tref, early night

July 25, 2016

The captivation of the slow dancing piano and other musical terminologies

Filed under: poetry — Trefor Davies @ 9:02 pm

La Musique

The mellowest of saxophony
The soul of the trumpet
The romance of the plucked guitar
The captivation of the slow dancing piano
The birdsong of twilight
The relaxation of rain
The silence of the lone singer
The hypnosis of the violin
The irritation of leaky headphones
The symbolic crash of drum
The awakening

March 6, 2016

The lighting of the fire

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 2:19 pm

The fire lighting

story of success,

paper scrunching, twig snapping match striking

flames consume

coal engulfed settles into long decline

room warms up and the fire dies

November 15, 2015

the poetry of the hotel room

Filed under: poems,poetry — Trefor Davies @ 1:24 pm

the poetry of the hotel room

wanted. poet to write about hotel rooms. only geniuses need apply. this one is mostly right angled.


the right angled hotel room

square with rectangular bits. bolt ons. that’s the nuts and bolts of it.


the bed is still unmade

I went out leaving what I thought was a “make up my room” sign hanging off the door. Later I realised that it actually said do not disturb. Not sure if that’s it for the day now…

Funny how at home  I’ll happily just chuck the duvet in the general direction of the bed and call it “made” whereas in the hotel I need it to be done properly. What if I have guests?

April 2, 2015

A love poem for Coffee.

Filed under: poems,prose,Uncategorized — Tags: , — tavernau @ 12:27 am

Oh dark mother, once more I suckle at your caffeinated teat.

From the bean, via steam, your emanations are all at once bitter and sweet.

With milk or alone both comforts and uplifts.

Please accept my humble thanks for your abundant gifts.

February 15, 2015

jug filled sits on table

Filed under: chinks,poems — Trefor Davies @ 1:48 pm

soup stirs on stove top
dishwasher whirrs
sounds of tidying up in kitchen
running water
plastic pot moves slightly on drainer
out of window branches blow
hot tea warms hand
jug filled sits on table

February 4, 2015

The next adventure

Filed under: travel,winter series — Trefor Davies @ 9:56 am

So starts the next phase. The next adventure. Southbound through a freezing cold English countryside to catch the Eurostar to Paris. City of romance. Hannah is about to start a 6 month stint working for Air France at Charles De Gaulle Airport and she needs to find accommodation.
Dozens of castles are for sale in Italy, apparently.
Seemingly random words and phrases on a journey
The fields en route to the coast are bereft of animals. There is very little grass for them to eat.
going underground
rresurface into grrey frrench febrruary
it’s a month with not much going for it. batten down those hatches. shove another chair leg on the fire, Doreen.
winter has beauty only when it is at its harshest
winter has beauty only at its harshest
winter, harsh beauty
gap in cloud cover above
blue sky
mistletoe visible through barren branches
passed a war cemetery with perhaps 40 or 50 gravestones

December 1, 2013

silent clock

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 3:17 pm

Low winter sun marks approach to solstice. House is warm. Kitchen radio talks sport, fire crackles. Clock makes its silent way.

July 3, 2013

Beauty on the Tube

Filed under: poetry,travel — Nigel Titley @ 1:42 pm


Filmy ferns at Farringdon
Harts tongue and shuttlecock,
Clinging to the brickwork, nodding in the breeze

Brunette-haired beauty,
Gets on at Barbican
Doing her mascara with a swift, sure hand

Regimented white tiles
March across Moorgate
Unrelieved by posters, or warning signs

Catenaries of cables
Sinuous and serious
Line the walls of Liverpool Street, purple and red

At last arrive at Aldgate
Ancient city gate
Floral tributes, staircases and journey’s end

Electrical illusion

Filed under: poetry — Tags: — Jim @ 10:45 am

Immediacy alludes power,
Glimpsed through slatted bits;
Drawn close we matter,
Yet power rests unmoved;
On the boldest shoulder,
Benumbed by glare;
Guns unaffected,
By people who care.

July 1, 2013


Filed under: poetry,random — Tags: — Jim @ 2:02 pm


Succumb, my loyal populace!
Line up and be defended;
Together I am stronger,
And my enemies extended.

My watchers are amongst you,
But fuss not at their goal;
Enjoy the playground made for you,
The freedom I bestow.

I tell you where all dangers lie,
You need not be afraid;
For every foe you know about,
Are traps already laid.

My strength lies in your weakness,
Your weakness in my power;
Critics flip as fawning patrons,
Come the zero hour.

June 27, 2013

Data, power!

Filed under: poetry — Tags: — Jim @ 1:42 pm

XClung on because I couldn’t let go,
Hung on because I could;
I daren’t delete, and nor dare you!
A disk for me, a hall, or two.

Our future but a hoarders’ folly,
Brought together without remorse;
Fragments here, remnants there,
Archived underneath the stair.

Trawled, collected, trapped and tapped,
Idle hunters gather prey;
Enough to feast for many years,
We are Big Data pioneers!

Made sense to all but everyone,
As truth defied the human state;
The logic held: it told a lie,
Made flawed men rich and rich men die.

Bootless bits can’t walk too far,
Can’t talk without a translator;
Latent bytes a spies best friend,
Revealed what, exactly, in the end?

Absorbing as confusion is,
Drawn together made no sense;
We sought to seek and built to scour,
In vain to harness data power.

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