where art collides philosoperontap

March 16, 2010

I, guitar

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 9:42 pm

I, guitar, lie prone, in need of gently caress,
vibrations long gone, motionless, silent.
please adjust, tune me strings,

I, guitar, seek attention, lifeblood
of wooden body,
rhythm pulsates, me dance, shout,

I, guitar, burning, oxygen fanned
programmed passionata
laugh, cry, I guitar.

hotel room

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 7:38 pm

a loneliness of worn carpet
home from no home
blanket inadequate
alarm clock neon
by flashing bed
right daily twice
shower adjacent suite
plastic toothmug disposable
towel thin, tablet soap

March 15, 2010

National Heroes

Filed under: poems — Tags: — dave @ 6:15 pm

         “We can’t allow you heroes,” say the Fleet Street men of straw,

         “our duty’s to expose them, their frailties and flaws.

         We cannot sanction heroes, there’s no such thing as heroes,

          we don’t have national heroes any more.


          Okay, we may destroy him, his marriage, his career

          with half-truths, innuendo, with fabricated smears,

          but we don’t yield to sentiment, to candour or finesse,

          Press Freedom can’t be fettered by fairness or largesse.

          The dignity of just one man concerns us even less.

          Reproach and accusations must fall on deafened ears

          when we weigh emancipation against a family’s tears.


March 14, 2010

the line of the hedge

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 3:43 pm

the line of the hedge
so sharp it cuts
your view in two
dirty white above
pale green below
the dark stripe
yellow flags flutter
indicating wind
speed and direction

the line of cars
haphazard, holds back
parents delaying
the inevitable
when duty comes
before comfort for
Sunday soccer
the cold wind,
loyal discomfort

my mam and me

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 6:00 am

my mam and me
down at the Palais
we dance to a timeless refrain,
she grooves,
makes all the moves,
life for her is a wonderful game.
keep movin’ mam
I say to myself,
climb through life’s window wide,
go out and have fun
because I, your son,
am coming along for the ride.

March 13, 2010

crisp white linen

Filed under: poems — Tags: , , — Trefor Davies @ 4:59 pm

crisp white linen,
deadly silence,
occasional chink of careful crockery,
muzak – 1812 overture!
toast comes too early, always,
I try and eat without noise,
the food is good.

The Bird in Hand, Twyford.

The rusting tractor (at Collingham Station)

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 4:36 pm

Past it.
Grey paint, streaked
Massey Fergusson (maybe)
with rust and parked behind,
the station near to the pretty,
irregular rows of black septic tanks.
the loose looming gravel pit
out of nowhere
reaching machinery up towards
the watchtower.

March 7, 2010

The Sunday Morning Relax

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 9:10 am

Classic FM on the radio provides a relaxing background to streaky bacon with one egg, over easy, and steaming black cawfee.

Sunlight streams through the slats in the blind in the kitchen window.

There is no pressure and I sit quietly on the pew, in the corner, uninterrupted. No jobslist, no hassle. I feel my shoulders loosen up and relax.

March 5, 2010

Carol Singing

Filed under: poems — dave @ 6:04 pm

Times were when I loved nothing more

than the ‘1812’.  Its cannons’ roar,

its church-bells’ ringing

used to make my pulse-rate soar.

But now what sets my heart a-winging

is Carol singing.


March 1, 2010

There are trees in Northumberland Avenue

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 8:45 pm

There are trees in Northumberland Avenue
They were not cut down during the war
To provide spars for spitfire wings
To prevent them being a fire hazard during the blitz
Or to stop spies from hiding in their branches
And listening in on conversations

“Being Prepared”

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 8:43 pm

“Being Prepared”
Selfridges Sell Fridges
Hitchin a lift
Fir StClass
NE Wark
Y Ork
E Scalator
Simple harmonic foot
The unfinished roof
Five elephants before the fall
I’ve just checked and the car keys are still in my pocket
I can see clearly now the book is closed
Vince’s flowers

Tsunami warnings over the weekend

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 8:32 pm

New Zealand
Central America
Pacific Islands
Isle of Man

February 28, 2010


Filed under: poems — dave @ 6:30 pm

The sun set

an hour ago,


through the kitchen window

I see clear to the bottom of the garden.

There, in the sumach,

singing still

and undeterred


mind thegap

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 9:23 am

m       indthegap
mi       ndthegap
min       dthegap
mind       thegap
mindt       hegap
mindth       egap
mindthe       gap
mindtheg       ap
mindthega       p

February 24, 2010

Middle England

Filed under: poems — dave @ 6:01 pm

With a million single mothers all sponging off the state
The need for right wing government simply cannot wait.
Our streets are crammed with buggies, it really is a bore
the way it spoils our school-run in our Audi four-by-four.

The little bastards’ parents if daddy can be caught,
Should be forced to marry or encouraged to abort.
If not, then stop their benefits, it simply could not fail.
Well, that’s what Richard Kay said in last week’s Daily Mail.


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