where art collides philosoperontap

March 31, 2012

The thin veil

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 10:36 am

Petrol runs dry,
Country grinds quickly to a desperate halt,
Troops out.

The thin veil of civilisation,
Grab, rip, tear, anarchy exposed.

The toothache

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 10:15 am

Dull, jaw ache distracts
Tongue probes,a finger picks
Trapped morsels imagined

Petrol panic

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 10:14 am

Petrol panic, gullible queue thirty minutes for a thimbleful

March 23, 2012

Suburban skyline

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 7:14 pm

Backlit grey clouds silhouetted on a charcoal suburban  landscape

March 18, 2012


Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 4:23 pm

Golden nature, lasting beauty,

forget at the peril of your soul.

The flower

Filed under: poems — Tags: , — Trefor Davies @ 10:09 am

Hues of pink on pale green stem,

fleeting beauty, unnatural purpose.

February 25, 2012

the first cup

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 7:31 am

I sip the first cup
carefully until cool,
swill and swallow,

February 22, 2012

waiting for a train in 140 characters or less

Filed under: chinks,poems — Trefor Davies @ 6:38 pm

waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, for a train

February 16, 2012

The mental shoulder shrug

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 2:27 pm

The mental shoulder shrug
Cafe au lait in Cafe Rouge
Time passed, Parisian pavements
Lost thoughts, careless moments.

February 14, 2012

huge kids

Filed under: chinks,poems — Trefor Davies @ 6:27 pm

they used to be small
now they are huge with attitude
i look up
from my lowly position of parent
see the results
of that investment in fruit, vegetables, protein and love
it seems to have worked
why would i ever have thought otherwise
they can be sensible
looking up again
from that feet on the ground perspective
i smile

February 4, 2012

5 boys

Filed under: chinks,poems — Trefor Davies @ 11:50 am

five boys, two phones

three watch, two play

three gifts, for birthdays

six parents, no choice

January 28, 2012

Trip to the dentist

Filed under: chinks,poems — Trefor Davies @ 10:28 am

you can go straight in
no waiting, no time to think
perfunctory chat, the chair back sinks
hand over control
smells, glare, open mouth, noises
occasional aah – not much of a conversation
plastic sucks metal prods
several injections stab pain
numbing silence
whirring drill might be pneumatic
hold on tight
large spectacles see spit fountain
filling, squeak and scrape
clamp those teeth, up and down, a few times
looks good
rinse and spit out the bits
quick clean and quick payment
the trip to the dentist,
never a great experience.

January 22, 2012

The train of infinity

Filed under: chinks,poems — Trefor Davies @ 12:43 pm

endless hypnotic wait for the passing
in cold trance of a train
of infinite length, flatbed truck follows
flatbed truck after flatbed truck
lengthening a crossing queue
of, eventually, growing irritation as
the train never seems to end.

Dark Saturday afternoon on Tritton Road

Filed under: chinks,poems,winter series — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 12:12 pm

It’s January and everywhere is dark and wet and miserable.
The Lincoln slate sky covers a time of drabness day,
Flat blue-red-brick- beige-grey-dark in the paint-damp-run drizzle,
Orange branding tries vainly to B&Q brighten the desperate place,
Over the neon road, lights just make it though the gloom:
SCS, Pets at Home, Starbucks, Staples, Comet, PC World, Currys
Countrywide conformity reflected in dark and miserable grey.

January 16, 2012

The end of a cold winter’s afternoon, take two – Chambers Farm Woods, Sunday 15th January

Filed under: poems,winter series — Trefor Davies @ 8:16 pm

A walk in the woods
Lit by winters candle
Subtle colours
Show the frozen way

A breath of purpose
Clouds the trail before us
Hasten home
As night descends on day

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