where art collides philosoperontap

June 16, 2011

Be Bold: [rhetoric, for a friend]

Filed under: poems — Dantiumpro @ 7:36 pm

Be Bold:
the World is hungry for you
and those ideas will
eat you up inside

Take Heart:
you may have planted
a thousand unfruitful seed
yet one will be plenty,
should it grow,
and it will grow, mightily,
lifting you with it.
Keep planting.

Be Brave:
snuff the tiny voice in you
that squeals
“I can’t…”
it is killing you.

Dare and we all win;
it’s not difficult –
you just find it too easy
to think it so.

There’s enough of you to go around,
and so
give it away;
your gift is meant for others –
that which is not consumed
becomes stale,
an unseemly ornament.

Reach out:
many a dream
requires a touch from another’s hand
it can be grasped.

your friend’s victories –
they taste sweeter than your own;
you have your reward already:
you feel alive again.

your passions,
your will,
your friends and well-wishers, all;
you will not fail.

the odds,
the naysayers,
the obstacles and unknowables;
your success will become certain
in time.

And so
Be Bold,
my friend:
it speaks of who you are
and everything you will yet become.

June 3, 2011

Platform 3

Filed under: chinks,poems — Trefor Davies @ 3:35 pm

“Staff Only” ,
Door opens,
Team strides out,
Bag in hand,
Insulated travel mugs
Primed and ready to go,
That look of purpose,
Professionals with a job to do,
A train to drive,
Tickets to check,
The driver guard combo,
Immaculate turnout.

Passengers look on,
Couple with pink expanding suitcase,
Unshaven old man in grey suit,
Black Labrador dog at his side,
Make no comment,
Nothing registers.

I check my phone for messages.

The June sun brightens up the morning and
The train pulls in to platform 3

May 24, 2011

In the debris of tomorrow

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Dantiumpro @ 6:15 pm

In the debris of tomorrow
i will find you
and lift you from the dust

In the debris of tomorrow
i will gather gems you lost
and take them with us

In the debris of tomorrow
we will learn our value
and barter ‘gainst our worthless toys

In the debris of tomorrow
we will taste again
amongst the the dispossessed

In the debris of tomorrow
we will kiss scorched earth
and plant a new life there

In the debris of tomorrow
things that made us cry
will appear small amidst the tumult

In the debris of tomorrow
we will leave fear behind
and press onward through the dark

In the debris of tomorrow
fierce realities
will not part my hand from yours

In the debris of tomorrow
we will take a different path

In the debris of tomorrow
one good shoe
will fetch a thousand shillings

In the debris of tomorrow
iron and sweat
become politic

In the debris of tomorrow
magic and science
will be allies again

In the debris of tomorrow
forgotten tools
will regain their edge

In the debris of tomorrow
i will be your shield
and you will be my heart

In the debris of tomorrow
we will build a home for future kings

In the debris of tomorrow
honest friends
will be all we can afford

In the debris of tomorrow
there will be much to do;
we will have no time for sorrow

In the debris of tomorrow
faint-hearted sun will start;
the faded moon will close

In the debris of tomorrow
will we find god?
will god find us?

In the debris of tomorrow
there will be more questions than answers

In the debris of tomorrow
is kindness and hope
coated in soot and hunted for dinner

In the debris of tomorrow
is our untainted love
and a catch at a fleeting chance

In the debris of tomorrow
we will prevail

In the debris of tomorrow
is another day

May 18, 2011

The Piccadilly Alternative

Filed under: chinks,poems — Trefor Davies @ 8:53 pm

The next station is…
Kings X – 11 stops to go
Russell Square – don’t get off here unless your name is Russell
Holborn – hmm
Covent Garden – party-time ‘n flaars
Leicester Square – nowhere near Leicester guv’nor and not pronounced lie sester
Piccadilly Circus – alright Jim?
Green Park – for a picnic
Hyde Park Corner – watch out for the traffic
Knightsbridge – only if you’re posh
South Kensington – just as posh really
Up and down the – Gloucester Road?
Earls Court – will do fine
…for what it’s worth.

May 15, 2011

Mind and body crumble

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 8:17 pm

old age beckons

Dissipation of the mind
crumbling of the body
simplification of living
shaking of unshaken beliefs
fade to credits…

May 11, 2011

We toil

Filed under: fusion,poems — Trefor Davies @ 9:34 pm

Do not be fooled.
These streets, paved with gold,
glisten with bent back sweat,
dripped and sleeve dried of narrow eyes
that hurt in the salt soaked sunshine
and half moon light.
No riches.
Simple broken ends, hammered by the waves
and buried by the mocking seagull’s cry.

May 10, 2011

Slow train

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 9:29 am

Slow train, taking it’s time to go nowhere
Empty mind, staring at fields
Don’t care, how long it takes to get going
Life will, still wait for me.

May 8, 2011

Four inches wide

Filed under: poems — Jaroslaw @ 6:38 pm

The fear is four inches wide and sits by my heart.

Just down, to the right, it perches with the presence of a clutch of angry vipers tied in a ball.

They sleep; but not for long. They wake

and my life is filled again with writhing hate. As

their bodies wind together they make dark cold liquid run through my insides.

Dripping onto my stomach, provoking eruption.

They stretch down each arm, lifting with a forked lick the hairs they find there.

They turn, and now they have created gravity. A superpresent

force that inverts me, makes the fear my centre, my down, my earth.

All is now in thrall to the fear.

It wins. I orbit it.

A helpless fleshy satellite flung round for an eternity by my own folly.

Off the wall

Filed under: poems — Dantiumpro @ 12:32 pm

Cheesewire cuts the souls beneath my feet.
Frowning down at
Emotional account – is overdrawn.
Planning permission required
From grass-roots up;
The sky’s the limit.
Only 20 pounds and this
Is what I bought.
A drought,
A hunger –
Desperately seeking captivated audience
To catch my drift
Across a landscape,
Painted wordily in ink.

Personal Effects
And yet you still are unaffected?
I spilled not knowing –
Thick and slick –
Too slippery for me.
Humpty Dumpty.
Broken lines and fragments.
Shelling never stops.
Did I mention how high I was?
And now back home on earth,
My heights are but a fighter jet,
A mirage through the clouds.
All my thoughts are pregnant birds
That try to fly betwixt these words –
And though perhaps they’ll go unheard
They yearn to sing aloud.

Holding hands.
A piggy-bank
A childhood could not fill.

Timely intervention
Watching notes rain wet on teenage years
Discordant striking tears for fears –
Pneumonia or chill?
No gangrenous hopes,
Nor organic dreams;
All chrome and armour clad.
Wires corrode
And yet they hold
Ideas aloft, aloof and crazed
Like a preacher dressed in plaid.
To this moment complete,
Nothing may alter
A tattooed sermon never taught.
I’d like to leave this honest yoke,
Be back where I belong.
No bad egg yet the question I beg –
Would He rather a Father distraught?
Back to back
With mother moon,
All things considered
The end comes too soon.
But not yet.

This chicken run
Can’t catch my breath,
However clumsy I feel.
Wings spread to the heavens above –
Almost gracefully sometimes –
I pray but not to God;
To the gentle breeze
That carries my weight,
That I should not fall
‘Ere I reach the stars.
Air miles short,
Curtailing destined rise to fame.
Though in my heart
I feel uplifted,
Off the wall,
I feel no shame.

April 27, 2011

In Wray the pigeon is dead, long live the 30Meg symmetrical connection! #twicket

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 4:19 pm

In Wray the pigeon is dead,
Martyred on a loop of fibre,
His old and inefficient ways,
Killed off by Doyle of cyber.

The ways of farmfolk perceived:
Rustic whirr of disaffection,
Dawned now the age of Internet,
Enlightening connection!

Oh city boys this killer,
Was 30 Meg symmetrical,
An epitaph, in words of rhyme
This last post, poetical.

For @cyberdoyle

April 25, 2011


Filed under: chinks,poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 5:48 pm

Travelling hopefully

I was buried in the music,
old time stuff,
the same songs,
time again,
too loud,
random wanderings

the red sunset
added a touch of magic
to a seaborne pallet
totally calm
the island silhouette
unfamiliar, exotic

Sunday night and wide awake,
clear of mind, imagination fuelled

Arrived – day 1 – rocks at Peel castle

At the edge of the sea I sat, waiting, with expectations of the tide, almost full in. The soak of the bolder wave did not come.

Lands edge was final. There could be nowhere else, no other place, an ending.

I was completely alone though not companionless. My thoughts ran quiet amusements whilst around me the water swirled and pulsated; timeless beats of an incomprehensible song.

I asked no questions. There were no answers.

April 15, 2011

The Joke of the Dead Man Walking

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Dantiumpro @ 10:15 pm

Ridicule is most painful when

The joker and the joke are

One and the same.

Confessing a weakness

In every action:

This terrible self-parody,

An unintended act

By a clown who cannot cry.

Intaken air sometimes brings

The world in with it,

A punchline to the ribs

Released as a foolish whisper.

Death is full of ill-humour and,


Even the jester will not die laughing.

If the gallows man knows this gag

He’s not letting on

As he tightens the tie at his neck.

The crowd knows what follows

And herein lies

The predictability of a limerick life.

Cartoon cats never catch the bird,

While the coyote detonates


Yet again;

Did they write the script?

Self-contained comic stripped

Of dignity by the second page,

Stapled and folded over

Upon itself;

Apparently quite popular

With the condemned.

Tragic comedy

Is the dead man’s gift;

An artistic sacrifice without reward

Except for the comfort

Of soliloquy.

March 30, 2011

Revving it up

Filed under: poems — Paulie @ 2:09 pm

If the road is closed and we get to our destination
Did we need it in the first place?
If we didn’t need it, why was it built?
What came first, the road or the demand for the road?

March 29, 2011

No time – work in progress

Filed under: poems — Trefor Davies @ 9:02 pm

No Time
I saw it, yesterday
a romantic, bloodshot, clearview eyeful
was good, strolling comfortably by,
fat bellies in life absorbing tall grass,
careless, laughter filled country lanes;
four seasons of mud, snow, pollen and dust
of footprints and wet feet,
open fires and steaming socks
open windows and breathless nights,
slow passing cow curious days,
of tireless church bells
and life and inevitably death

elusive, in my grasp, but then gone
A dwindling presence reduced to a dribble,
dried up torrent,

it’s here now
no time show time
stop time go time
live for the finger snapping moment
in a high speed shutter blink life time
no room for musty routine,
cobwebs of convention
blow open windows of change
rattle cupboard doors and
spill empty glasses of conformity

but no, time has gone,
I should have quit while I was ahead.

March 26, 2011


Filed under: chinks,poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 9:26 am

Large decaff skinny latte please
Thank you
2 65 please
Thank you
Sound of till opening and coins jangling
2 35 change
Thank you
There you go (hands over drink)
Spoons just at the end of the counter
Sound of footsteps walking out.

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