Cooler this morning

Cooler this morning and I happen to be wearing shorts! Ok I could change to jeans but I’m in shorts now and will have to live with it. The clocks haven’t changed yet anyway which is my trigger to move from shorts to longs. Life is shorts, as they say.

I can hear activity in the hallway. THG looking for a particular pair of shoes I daresay. These things are important. Gotta wear the right shoes. I do 🙂

Woke up in the night with stomach cramps. THG thinks it might have been the mushroom curry. Now I’m on fluids to try and flush it out. It’s a bit like the time when I woke up with a very random sore thumb. My sister Ann who is a GP said I have dad to thank for that. Arthritis in the thumb. It disappeared quite quickly but does make you wonder what else you have in the pipeline.

Just opened this doc in the shed. I started it in the house but as is my custom and practise have moved location. The interesting thing is that despite there being less than five minutes between me shutting down the laptop and arriving at the shed this doc is no longer at the top of the list and hence the most recently edited. Tref’s jobslist has taken its place. This means THG added to the doc whilst I was en route to the shed. Eat yer heart out Sherlock Holmes.

I have nothing in the diary today until four thirty when I need to be in Market Rasen. Doesn’t mean I have nothing to do. There’s the jobslist, obvs. There is also finishing off the trefbash eventbrite page in preparation for tonight’s launch. Press conference is at seven. Will be live on all mainstream media channels. Maybs.

Tired tonight. I managed a toasted muffin with cheese. Was getting v hungry but still had the cramps. Hopefully an early night and a good kip will sort it. Am off to da smoke tomorrow.

Tropical trefbash is now live for registration. It sells out every year and will do so again this year though if I get enough sponsorship/ticket sales I might be able to squeeze a few more in.

Not much else to say other than get registering.

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