Eight thirty one and the sun is already quite high over Deauville

Eight thirty one and the sun is already quite high over Deauville. Another hot day in prospect. Noisy seagulls patrol the seafront.

Deauville seems to have two main attractions: horse racing and the beach. In fact there are two race tracks, one of which, La Touques, hosts a very prestigious racing festival each summer. We are going on Thursday.

Deauville is a favoured weekend spot for wealthy Parisians apaz and presumably they like lying on the beach and going to the races. I daresay there are a few bars and restaurants around town for refuelling in between those two very energetic activities 🙂. Olympic beach volleyball has been on the telly.

The main problem with being in France whilst the Olympics are on is that French TV covers mostly those activities where their own team is involved. This doesn’t come as a surprise obvs. Just slightly annoying. We’ve tended to have the telly on mute with BBC coverage on THG’s phone. Being with EE the beeb thinks we are in the UK when roaming on cellular. Switch wifi and it doesn’t work. I did have a VPN but need to get it set up again. Doesn’t really matter.

So this morning we are off to Deauville market. See what choice morsels we can pick up. It’s what they do around here. At least that’s what happens every time I see a TV programme with a chef on his or her travels. Checking out what’s fresh and then buying a bag full and only use a fraction of what they’ve bought.

In the meantime a stablefull of racehorses have just walked by on the path the other side of the marina. They like to run them on the beach. It all appens ere.

Well we did Deauville. Ok we did Deauville market and sat outside the Mairie whilst THG had her lunch. Then we did the prom. Iconic prom I’d say, though I don’t really like using that term as it is very much overplayed. I had an ice cream and we strolled back to the sensible shade of the airbnb in the marina. House, duplex apartment, however they describe these places.

The French summer holidays are very much going on around us. People of all ages on the mahoosive beach. Some of them had sensibly hired an umbrella with deckchairs at thirty bucks a pop. These had the advantage of not being far from the beachfront bars and restaurants but were a long hike from the water.

We are staying in the shade for the afternoon. Living where we live we aren’t used to the heat and sun. It’s around thirty degrees right now.

Some sights around Deauville that illustrate the glitzy nature of the place. High end designer shops such as Luis Vuitton and also a mural describing the location of Coco Chanel’s first boutique. Near the Casino and Hotel Normandie. The latter is supposed to have the best bar in town but were having a quiet few days on that front. Save it for the races on Thursday night.

THG had half a lobster each at Chez Roger. Flambeed. No idea how much it cost but I did clock the price of a lobster at a couple of caffs we passed. The first was 85 Euros. Hmm not too bad I suppose. Then at The Normandie it was up to 125 Euros. You makes yer choice you pays yer money.

Just saw a fish jump up in the marina and swim off tail wagging away. Swaying not wagging, probs. However the movement of a fish should be described.

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