Email arrived from American Airlines

Email arrived from American Airlines this morning. 535 miles (basically all of my miles) are about to disappear from my  account. Oh. Ah well. Had a similar one from BA the other day. I’ve dropped to bronze status. Ah well. I don’t fly that much these days anyway and when I do I go at least business class so that status doesn’t really matter. Unless it’s with Easyjet where we push the boat out and pay for priority boarding anyway (blows on his finger nails and polishes them). I’m in my last year of diamond status with Hilton Honors. Hey. Life is moving on.

Much bigger news is that I read this morning that Sean Connery used to wear a toupee when playing James Bond.  Gosh. Could have been fake news I suppose. I remain open minded about this. There is nothing to say that Bond has to have a full head of hair I guess. 

Milkman came at 05:15 ey em. Presumably waited for the Election Exit Poll numbers before setting off on his round. Not every Tory MP gone and some of those I’d been planning to dance on their political graves remain: Cruella and Priti for example. Ah well.

We will in any case have a celebratory bbq this evening. I made the marinade yesterday afternoon and was going to joint a chicken for overnight marinating but we had a slight hiccup when picking up the curry from the Castle View Indian. 

We arrived at the appointed time of five fifteen but the stove “was broken”. Hannah, who had gone in to pick it up whilst I waited in the car, only discovered this when, after sitting in the reception area for a quarter of an hour,  she overheard a conversation between two members of staff.

At that point we made the strategic decision to wait in the pub and eventually picked up the takeaway at six o’clock. As a result the window of opportunity for chicken chopping went away. I’ll do it this morning after brekkie.

While we waited for the voting to finish we watched the Blues Brothers movie. Never tire of it. Then went to bed and fell asleep listening to the wireless.

This afternoon’s big news is that I don’t seem to be able to start the lawn mower. It is falling apart and I did mull over getting a new one at the beginning of the season but then it started to start again, so to speak. Now it doesn’t. It’s come to the point where I have to have a go at starting it a few times over a half hour period and it eventually fires up.

Been making restaurant reservations in Normandy. Utah Beach to be precise. Now I need to arrange a taxi. Hotel passed on the deets of the local firm. On this occasion I’ve submitted an online request. Last year in Montaigu de Quercy I got into a one way conversation with a cab company in deep gutteral French. The guy at the other end didn’t speak a word of English and kept repeating himself in French. I assumed he didn’t understand my own French. It wasn’t until later that i was told it was an answerphone and that the staff were all on holiday!!!

Figured it would be easier to do it in writing this time.

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