Excellent bbq last night

Excellent bbq last night fair play. The Kadai fire pit got its only outing of the year so far. We have plenty of wood to feed it. Last night’s list included a bench, toilet seat and a chair as well as the usual bits of old fence that we have been gradually working our way through.

The bench had been in use earlier around the table on the patio. This is when we found out it was rotten and no longer much use for its originally designed purpose. It burned well.

So now I’m sat on the deck in front of the shed surveying a relatively tidy garden scene. Some of the camping chairs around the fire pit need putting away but the pit itself is still far too hot to touch.

Breakfast this morning was two cold sausages.

Dinner this evening was two cold sausages. In a piece of baguette. With the leftover potato salad wot I made yesterday. And the last piece of apple tartine we bought in Carrefour in Ouistreham with some double cream.

Now watching the last evening of the Olympics. Taekwondo. Not very interesting tbh. Soz if you are a fan. THG is washing blackberries in the kitch. We did another hunter gatherer expedition earlier. A goodly haul again this year. Nature’s bounty. 

Salso going to be a good apple crop. There will be apple and blackberry crumbles to keep us going through the long winter months when fruit is scarce. Vitamin C. That is a way away. Don’t really want to think wintery thoughts when we are approaching potentially the hottest day of the year. Must stock up on fluids.

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