Followed a British Pubs group on Facebook this morning. I like British Pubs. This was a mistake though as I was immediately inundated with posts from the group. In fact I scrolled down past fifty posts before I got to one from one of my friends. Hmm.
They weren’t all from the pubs group though a lot were. Some were cartoons that I haven’t specifically followed but not deleted. So I unfollowed the pubs and then spent some time deleting and snoozing posts that Facebook thought I would like. Hopefully it will get the message. Doubt it.
Tis going to be a cold week in the shire. We awoke to frost on the kitchen roof and on all the leaves on the back lawn. Quite pictureskew tbf. Will be sub zero overnight all week. This is as it should be in November. Could be in for some snow. Exciting eh? I may make an executive decis and leave the heating on in the shed. Probs. Praps. Maybs.
Quite a few pals in Budapest today for the Euro-IX conference. I like Budapest. Just for kicks I looked up the weather there. Slightly warmer! Didn’t expect that. Euro-IX is a lovely gig. Lots of nice people there. THG used to come along with me. There would be a cohort of partners around to go on outings. All things come to pass.
Nowt to stop us going to Budapest for a city break next year. Not this year. This year is sorted.
I should be getting a sign this morning.
Quite a few jobs down to do today though it is taking me a bit of time to get going on them. Well it is Monday morning after all, apaz. You should know that the manoeuvrability of my desk chair will not be a productivity hindrance since I replaced the old carpet with a new purpose built plastic desk mat. It’s a lot better.
Only had that carpet since the spring. Bought it from the Dunelm store in the Carlton Centre but it just wasn’t right for the job. Will have to think of what to do with it now. Maybe a weed suppressor. Seems a bit of a shame. THG will think of something. She is good like that.
The Carlton Centre is quite handy for us. There is a coop and a post office and you can park around the back quite close to them. I use it in preference to the Bailgate which is probs marginally closer but a bit more hit and miss when it comes to parking. Both are walkable but not at the mo whilst I wait to get my hip sorted.
There is also a McDonalds there but believe it or not it I rarely frequent the place. I do like a big mac but you always leave feeling dissatisfied. KFC is worse. After a KFC you feel downright greasy and crap. Don’t do it folks.
Not on the jobslist is to brush the leaves off the deck in front of the shed. Noticed it was quite slippery this morning… Just done it. Cleared a bit of a path anyway. No point in overdoing it. On a Monday morning. Only took me twenty seconds, max. Fingers crossed nobody will slip on the deck now.
Why are you telling us all this Tref I hear you say. Boring everyday stuff. Well life isn’t always about staying in posh hotels at exotic locations, sipping cocktails on the rooftop bar. Believe it or not 🙂. The body does need the occasional break yanow.
And everyday stuff is really not boring. We all have to do it. OK some of us will get the butler to do most of it but how would you otherwise fill your time. Certainly not doing jigsaws. That’s where the line gets drawn.
Anyway there is a cocktail tasting session planned for next week at the Phoenix Arts Club in London. You would expect me to unleash untested cocktails on the party revellers at trefbash would you. A specialist team has been assembled. You can’t let just anyone loose on a cocktail tasting session. 24 days and counting.
I am still planning the big trip for 2026. On the shortlist are India and the west coast of Canada taking in the Calgary Stampede. Would be tempted to go to Alaska as I’ve been watching Lawless Island on National Geographic. That’s in the USA though and I am disinclined to go there. The northern bit of the Canadian west coast is probably similar. Not made much progress with any of the planning yet but I guess there is plenty of time.
My main activity this morning is turning out to be waiting for the FedEx van to arrive. I am quite excited about this. Something we have been planning for a few weeks now.
So got most of the jobs down to be done today done. Just some form filling to do and a conf call with the Hilton in Antwerp. I organise an event there every spring. 3rd April in 2025 if ya fancy coming.