where art collides philosoperontap

February 28, 2025

Frosty out

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:41 pm

Frosty out, and there’s me talking yesterday about the joys of spring. With caveats obvs. The wind direction most quoted in this morning’s shipping forecast seemed to be our prevailing souwesterly suggesting warmer times ahead. I also heard mention of a high pressure though there were a few gales thrown in for good measure. Always there are gales. Who’d be a fisherman?

The sitting with an elevated leg would appear to he having the desired effect on the swelling. Good to know. I assume I won’t always have to prop the leg up although I’d be quite happy to spend time loafing around on the sofa. The sofa is too low for my current sitch. Another ten sleeps to go before I’m allowed to put weight on the leg. Maybe I should make a counter that decrements daily. Good word, decrement. We have a small blackboard In the kitchen. Be easier to just chalk it on that. It shall be done.

Lambing season is upon us. Article on the wireless about stolen sheep. In my family tree research I came across a newspaper report of a trial that involved one of my relatives as a witness. The father of one of his farm hands had nicked some sheep belonging to a neighbour that had been moved to common land for grazing. The thief was sentenced to ten years transportation. Something tells me I’ve told you this before but it does bear repetition. Who’d be a farmer eh?

Apparently sheep from the same farm used to herd together on the common. Would have made it a lot easier to gather them in. Same when it comes to mountains. They stick to the places they’ve always gone to. Learned that on “the great mountain sheep gather” or simlar. It’s about gathering in a flock of Herdwick sheep on a mountain in the Lake District and driving them down to the farm for shearing. Gripping stuff. Might see if I can find it on iplayer today. A worthwhile use of two hours. It can be on in the background. 

Just took a look. It’s not on iplayer anymore. Why do they bother taking these vids down. All time classics. Timeless. There are a few different vids on YouTube I might check out. Leave it with me.

In the meantime I’ve scoffed a toasted sausage sarnie (on brown) and am now swigging tea as I have a little time before I need to jump in the shower. The absolute stop is nine fifteen at which time THG heads off to the gym for some weight training. She needs to be here to put my surgical stockings on. When I stop typing you will know I’ve finished the tea.

Had a message overnight on Ancestry. Two of my relatives emigrated to the USA in 1857 and following their trail I came across the fact that one of their husbands, a John Jones as I recall, or Davies, would appear to have been involved in the American Civil War. The facts didn’t seem to square up so I messaged the person who had made the links and she has just got back to me, after a month or so. Not everyone is on Ancestry as often as I am. I had decided in the meantime that the said relative was not really linked to me and they had made a mistake. Anyway the person is sending me a photo of his civil war military registration card and we will see what that has to reveal.

Sitting down continues to get easier by the day. My right glute recovering slowly. Day by day. When you think about it the glute will be the muscle that was sliced open. “Shudders”. Comes to something when your sitting down is affected as well as your walking. Even the lying in bed is affected.

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