where art collides philosoperontap

May 6, 2010

goodbye, miss dunleavy

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 10:56 pm

goodbye, miss dunleavy, goodbye
miss dunleavy, miss dunleavy
rolls off the tongue, rolls off the tongue

goodbye, miss dunleavy, goodbye
those words bring a tear to my eye
you did your bit, for my boy
goodbye, miss dunleavy, goodbye

farewell, miss dunleavy, farewell
the time you spent with us was swell
I know that for one, what you did for our son
went down well, miss dunleavy, down well

thank you, miss dunleavy, thank you
for all that you did while he grew
another year older, his grades getting better
thank you, miss dunleavy, thank you

so goodbye, miss dunleavy, goodbye
it seems strange that we never said hi,
as we were not to meet, if we passed in the street
I won’t know what you look like, goodbye!

miss dunleavy, miss dunleavy
rolls off the tongue, rolls off the tongue
goodbye, miss dunleavy, goodbye


  1. Sue likes this and thinks Miss Dunleavy would as well.

    Comment by Blues — May 10, 2010 @ 4:10 pm

  2. […] Goodbye Miss Dunleavy, goodbye, and good luck. var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname="Miss Dunleavy is getting married"; a2a_config.linkurl="http://www.philosopherontap.com/2010/06/19/miss-dunleavy-is-getting-married/"; […]

    Pingback by Miss Dunleavy is getting married | Philosopher on Tap — June 19, 2010 @ 5:52 am

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