where art collides philosoperontap

August 26, 2016

Great GCSE party

Filed under: chinks — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 11:46 am

dancing in the garden

Great end of GCSEs party last night fair play. John’s pals said it was the best house party they had been to. Plenty of dancing. The garden needs a bit of clearing up this morning but John had 4 lads staying over so there is help to hand.

A sluggish start to the day today but I am now more or less packed and just chillin listening to some music on the Sonos. Leaving the house at 11.50. The weather is picking up again after yesterday’s rain.

We were very lucky with the party. The occasional spot apart, the rain kept off for the whole evening and only started to deluge once everyone had gone. Was a good excuse for us to leave the tidying until the morning and go to bed.

Today I’m off to London to stay the night before making a very early start to Frankfurt in the morning – 7.05am flight. Ultimate destination is Shanghai for a Huaweii funded trip to their conference. Quite excited really although it is a long journey. We are going a couple of days early to give the body a chance to get over the jet lag of which I am an extreme sufferer.

The dress code of the actual conference is business suit. I don’t own one so nipped out to buy a couple of pairs of tidyish trousers yesterday. Will have to do:) Also I am taking three long sleeved shirts, two notably flowery and one that could be construed as “business”. Hey…

The issue is what to wear for the flight. Frankfurt is going to be 32 degrees, Shanghai is going be 32 degrees. Shorts weather. However I’m not sure shorts will do it for a 13 hour overnight flight. Will let you know what I decide.

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