where art collides philosoperontap

February 1, 2025

heading to Waitrose

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:51 am

I shall be heading to Waitrose this morning for a few store cupboard essentials: essence of kumquat, organic asparagus, olives picked at dawn from the southern slopes of Mount Etna. Stuff like that. Thence to the caff if anyone fancies a cawfee.

Actually the only item on my list right now is milk and THG reminds me that I’ve not used my new grapefruit spoon in a while so I might as well chuck one of those in. Before I go I will need to check the aforementioned store cupboard to assess stock levels. Although not high on the list of priorities I did notice that we had no granulated sugar. I only found this out during the week when Tom the Tree Man’s sidekick asked for sugar in his coffee and I found that there was only one teaspoon’s worth left in the jar when four were required. It was a double sized insulated mug, in case you consider four to be excessive. In my mind one teaspoon is excessive but hey…

Otherwise, purchasing ideas will jump off the shelves as I wheel the trolley by. Isn’t that how it works. I know that we have no tinned plum tomatoes so they will be on the list. We do have chopped tomatoes but they are not sufficiently versatile. For a full English, whole tomatoes are required. It is easy enough to chop them up if, for other dishes, the wholeness matters not.

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