Heavy dew on the ground

Heavy dew on the ground this morning. Either that or it must have rained overnight. One of my jobs today whilst THG is out is to water the garden. It’s the church picnic so she will not be back until mid pm. Most people at her church think she is single. Not my thang. I feel uncomfortable going there.

Now drinking a cuppa on the deck. Whilst today is the sabbath I do feel motivated to continue with the garage clearance. In due course. When the time is right.

This is the height of the British summer. Wimbledon is about to start, the first test match is just around the corner and the grass needs cutting. The apple crop looks to be a good one this year and the strawberries have lasted a lot longer than we thought they would. Raspberries starting to come through now. The border looking more colourful than it has ever done.

This afternoon at five pee em we will be watching the footy. THG is both excited and somewhat filled with trepidation about the game. Her team, England hasn’t been playing to its full potential. This is normal for England football. Problem is the English fans always approach each tournament with extremely high levels of expectation and the team never delivers. Their reaction is then a combination of disappointment and anger. Woteva.

Dribble dribble dribble

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