where art collides philosoperontap

February 27, 2025

Hywel Harris revisited

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:18 am

Wake up, it is a beautiful morning. Feels spring-like. We aren’t totally clear of the winter doldrums yet, always a mistake to think that, but signs are appearing. Good times lie ahead. Lift your face to the sun and soak up the warmth. Remember that?

I must say I’m looking forward to the forthcoming spring and summer season. For one we aren’t heading off to foreign climes for lengthy holidays. It’s Hannah’s wedding in September so we figured we would go after that. The beneficial side effect is that we will be around to look after the garden for the whole summer. No coming back from holiday to find the tomatoes have gone crazy for example.

A little project is in the offing this year. I’m going to clear some of the border around the barbecue area to make room for bar stools. Makes sense to make things comfortable for your mates when hanging around being supportive when pitmaster Tref is flipping burgers (etc). 

I may even invest in some posh bbq tools though we don’t really need them. Last year when Hannah and I visited the Boschendal Winery in South Africa they had some terrific gear in the shop. V nice bbq tools with a cool canvas holder. Unfortunately they were v heavy and we were already at our weight budget for the flight into the bush. Problem is I have not been able to find another bbq tool set as good as the one I saw in SA. When you google for one it is clear that some vendors have worked hard on their SEO rankings and their stuff is pretty ordinary at best. Snorrabiggie.

Settled into the armchair in the snug, leg up. Tell you what I’m looking forward to the end of this phase of rehab. Having to keep 50% of the weight off my new hip and leg up to help reduce the swelling. I’ve developed a system for sitting. The cushion laden stool is up against the chair and halfway across so that I can choose to have leg or legs up or down and no gap for said cushions to fall through. When I sit down I dump the left crutch on one side of the chair and use the other for support when lowering myself into position. Once seated and settled I prop both crutches up against the window sill to the right. Important that you know these details.

One of my ancestors from Maesnoni farm, the place where early religious dissenters gathered, kept a diary. I found this out from email exchanges with someone I was put in touch with by @alun. If I could get hold of that diary, even just to read through it in the security of a library, I’m sure it would be massively revealing. Religious and farming life in the eighteenth century. He wouldn’t have done any of the physical work but still revealing.

Not sure I mentioned it but Hywel Harris, leader of the welsh Methodist movement and frequent visitor to Griffith Jones Llanddowror and William Williams Pantycelyn stayed at the farm seven times during his evangelical journeys throughout Wales between 1735, the year of his conversion, to when he died in 1773. This makes it really personal – you’ll have to look at this link to understand why but it goes back to my time living at the iconic  Coleg Y Bedyddwyr Bala Bangor. Bala Bang as it was known. Only the chosen few lived in Bala Bang.

Having to put more weight on my left leg is having a bit of a knock on effect on the small of my back which I’m sure will sort itself out once I’m up and running, so to speak. Got to make it through the next couple of weeks or so.

Must dash…

Made it out into the brisk, fresh February sunshine. Quite cold actually but good to be outdoors. We live on a wonderful planet. A combination of the cold and soreness meant I only walked to the pedestrian crossing and back. As I got there the number five bus raced by without stopping at the empty bus stop. Not many want to get off at that stop. They are all off into town.

Turning around to walk back I smiled at a woman jogging the other way. She returned the smile. Not sure I’ll want to go jogging again. Walking certainly. Great outdoors. Then as I approached our drive I could see a yoof walking towards me at a fastish pace, head buried in device. I wasn’t sure whether we were on a collision course or not but continued my slow progress assuming all would be well. It was going to be easier for him to take evasive. With ten metres to go he noticed me and veered to my left. All was well.

Did the rest of my exercises and back now in my chair. I do the exercises pretty much every time I get up. The mantra is more is better.

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