On your farm today was all about legalized cannabis growing. I dozed off, totally relaxed. Then before I knew it the wireless was spouting war and destruction in the middle east. This woke me up so I switched off the news and will switch on again when the religious programming comes on. This is not a totally reliable stratagem as the religious reporters amongst us like to veer onto political topics that involve people of religion. Religious wars as well.
Strangely enough I’m OK with gory wars such as the crusades where Christian knights and Saracens clashed under the hot desert sun leaving blood and guts everywhere, helmeted heads rolling loose left right and centre. Just not the modern stuff where people clearly haven’t learned from the mistakes of the past.
Switched on again by request. All about the old Pope who is not v well right now. Well he is the current Pope but he is old. Definitely. Everything medical science has to offer is being thrown at him. Metaphorically obvs. Nobody is picking up bits of kit and chucking it. It’s a saying. Obviously things that are not relevant to his ailment are not being used. One would assume.
Movin on. Online worship is now a thing apaz. Since lockdown. Anything to avoid chucking money in the collection plate. Covid has apparently reduced churchgoing in some denominations by up to 25%. Died off probably. It was ever thus. The debate has been raging for hundreds of years. Since Henry VIII upset the equilibrium.
An element of the artistic in today’s Sunday Service. I’m ok with it. Quite relaxing. I left to go downstairs to the strains of “Dear Lord and Father of Mankind”, I am reliably informed by the household hymn expert and of which I approve.
A fine bowl of gran o’la for breakfast with a couple of slices of wholemeal toast, President butter and orange marmalade. I like President butter. Has more flavour to it than most of the stuff you see in the supermarket.
Another big milestone passed. Managed to get my right sock on this morning for the first time in nearly six weeks, ie before the hip hop. I can now officially dress myself. Don’t laugh. It might be you one day 🙂 . Put the left sock on as well obvs, for balance. Would have been odd walking down the road with only one sock on. One foot would have been colder than the other for one thing. Plus the height imbalance might have resulted in me walking in circles ending up in the same spot. Our house.