I have a really good bbq marinade recipe

I have a really good bbq marinade recipe. Works very well. Problem is I have to look it up every time and am never sure which variation it is. Involves garlic, worcester sauce, soy sauce, honey, stuff like that. There are so many variations on this main theme I suspect I end up doing my own take on it.

Up early again. The dawn chorus is a little disappointing today being seemingly mainly wood pigeons. Pesky wood pigeons. Clear blue sky up there but some rain is forecast for later, apaz. Rain being “forecast” could well mean we are in for a lovely summer’s day.

The ability to forecast is a relatively modern discipline. A hundred years ago the science would have been an art whereby a farmer would have checked to see whether the cows were standing or sitting. Ok there have been such things as barometers but not in common circulation I suspect. I might be wrong. Anyway there wasn’t a metoffice website to check, or the beeb or similar. We all have our own go to sources.

Maybe I should get a barometer for the shed. Just looked em up online and there are plenty available. I think I’ll wait until I come across one in a junk shop. Not that I go to many junk shops.

I would like to describe to you the very excellente breakfast wot I just had. I mashed up an avocado, added lime juice, half a very finely chopped shallot and a chopped chilli with some seasoning. Then I toasted some white sourdough and griddled some bacon, both from Lidl. Although the Lidl bacon has quite a few “bits” in it it is actually far tastier than the Tesco or Waitrose low cost equivalent with far less white crap. The whole dish was assembled with a little Belazu aged balsamic drizzled over the avocado and I broke out a new bottle of Mr Vikki’s Harry’s brown sauce. Also sliced up a couple of home grown tomatoes.

The evidence has all been eaten so no pics. I am now enjoying an espresso cawfee in the shed afore getting ready for the day.

That is all.

PS I don’t usually buy supermarket bacon but this came with a veg box and I’m not complaining.

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